Ask @Neo_gs

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In what ways do you see gynocentric attitudes? Most of the men I know and see only do things out of kindness, usually for older women and men. I think most of them can agree women don't deserve any special attention men wouldn't get; most of them are quick to ditch women who feel they are entitled.

Reproductive rights belong solely with the woman.
In a domestic violence call, the man is arrested by default (Duluth model)
Men still do many things for women just because "she is a woman." That is how life works

What are you tired of and do you wish you had been born green (pigmentally speaking) and hence grown up to be resilient and haughty and wounded and wounded and wounded and wounded?

If I was green like leaves, then I would run on solar and CO2. Pretty cool

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So, what do you think about the New England Patriots unfairly dropping Tim Tebow today?:(

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
They dropped him? Why in the fuck did they want him in the first place? The jets should have given him a real chance to prove himself.
Liked by: Thomas Integration20

If you got paid $15/hour working at Mc Donalds (not management), would you even bother looking for better work? Would your friends/family? This is not a rant against the McDonald's strikes. I have a different angle.

Integration20’s Profile PhotoIntegration20
Considering that is a no skill job and I was a no skill person, I would probably figure I scored the jackpot compared to my "idiot" friends who went to community college and are earning $13/hr
Liked by: Integration20

What do you think of America's statement about Britain? "We now know Brits can't be counted on" over the war in Syria? Are the British traitors or smart?

Hanx93x’s Profile Photo.hannaH
The US should stay away from Syria. The Brits only reinforce my thoughts and are being smart about their stance

>:( Why do some men think it's okay to make their significant other cry and then expect you just to get over it? Why? WHY? >:(

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Well, if he made you cry then ignore him. I saw your posts about your bf issues. I would suggest if he won't make time for you, make time for yourself. Find a festival to attend. Take a short trip out of town. Go visit family or a friend. Plan something without him.
Liked by: Thomas

>:( Why do some men play mind games and then expect you just to tolerate it and be all happy and loving? >:(

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
When a man does something like that, he is not placing much value on the relationship at that time. He could also be doing it in retaliation to games his partner might be doing
Liked by: Thomas

>:( Why do men have to use logic so much? Why can't they just use their emotions sometimes? >:(

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Emotion does not compute
Emotion does not compute
Emotion does not compute
Emotion does not compute
Liked by: Thomas

Do you think we should stop bullying Woody and give the guy a break, since he is clearly just misunderstood and essentially a good person deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down?

One needs to have very thick skin to be a regular contributor to GS or here. Maybe he needs to drink more beer.

What is it about the allegations of chemical weapons in particular that outrages people about the Syrian crisis? If the Syrian government turns out not to have used chemical weapons, is the situation less outrageous?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
I don't understand the difference between the Syrian gov't killing people with guns/tanks or chemical weapons. It is still killing. Maybe there are some old UN policies somehow stating how agrevious a chemical attack would be and it requires immediate action.
I'd like to point out something Joe Biden said. In 2007, he boldly stated the President (Bush) had no authority to take military action against a country which did not attack us. He even called for an impeachment. So, is he going to call for impeachment against Obama if he authorizes a military strike?

do you apply feng shui to your home? i have noticed many people do so without realizing it.

sscabss’s Profile Photoscabs
I don't think I do such a thing. I organize it for what I find to be the best use of space.
Liked by: scabs

Suppose a study was conducted to show that a minority group was less attractive...? (See link for full question... character limit =/);_ylt=AnfhFDFNUb3lOeTzDT_UaDbSDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20130828235922AAMYX4t

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
Any "good science" is worthy of publishing. What ends up happening is the media twists it. For instance, I've seen articles title something like "Teen suspended from school for helping old lady cross a street." Buried in the article it states the teen left school without permission to smoke a cigarette down the street. He happened to see an elderly woman cross the street and helps her.
Liked by: What

I mean, that air freshener obviously came from a non-native English speaker who didn't understand the double entendre, but it's still weird. What exactly does a cat air freshener smell like?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
If it is an air freshner for a cat, I would imagine it might smell like a can of tuna.
Liked by: CAustin

Why did you first join Y!A? What keeps you going back to Y!A? Have you ever felt like you should just call quits and spend time on things you find more worthwhile?

My first Neo account might have been late 2010. Don't remember exactly as it was suspended.

Have you blocked me yet?

When I get to a desktop/laptop, I will delete your other ones. You missed my master pervy Q. Check with Glinda


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