Ask @Neo_gs

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Jupiter's moon Titan, with a size comparable to the Earth's (about half the radius), is likely literally made of fossil fuels (something similar to natural gas). If we had the technology to mine it for fuel, should we?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
Assuming the energy required to mine it wasn't more than the energy of the mined fuels, then yes. Considering OPEC has no space program, the U.S. could leverage this to limit their ability to screw with our (and the global) economy by price fixing. They are nothing but a cartel.
Liked by: CAustin

Someone recently asked if any of you were bullied in school, so I thought I would ask if any of you were a bully in school? Well, were you? *no judgment from me* <3

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I was not a bully.
Liked by: Thomas

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Are you more afraid of change, or lack of change?

I'm deathly afraid of change...especially loose pocket change under $1.98. Why not just convert those to dollar bills?

What is your favorite book of all time?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
Not quite sure of the name. It was about a lower class guy who was suffering through adversity. Even when the turned to the ruling class, none of them were unable or unwilling to help him. In the end, he was unable to resolve his own issues and had to live in anguish.
One of the names in the title of the book might have been Dumpty but I'm not sure.
Liked by: Suit Perv

Have you ever met a real life libertarian? If so, what were they like?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Well, most Libertarians stay "in the closet." Most libs and cons think libertarians are some whacko extremists. I have come across maybe a couple whose beliefs were along the lines of libertarians though they didn't claim it.
Liked by: Thomas

Do you think everyone deserves a happily ever after? Do you think you deserve a happily ever after?

People have to make their own happiness. Only the the lazy and losers think they "deserve" something that others have to work for.

Would you find it weird dating someone with the same name as your mother/father/sibling/close relative, and calling out that name during sex? Is it a big enough issue to be a dealbreaker?

It would be a bit weird. Fortunately, it is rather unlikely since both parent's names are quite specific to the period where they were born. I don't think I've even come across a woman in my age range with the same name as my mom

Would you be happy to donate a little bit of your own happiness to those in the world who are less happy than you, in order to make things more equal. Why/why not?

I'm quite selfish with my happiness. It is MINE and I'm not sharing...hmmmppph!

Can I please borrow some Hello Kitty pjs? Mine are in the washer and I have no other pair and I can't sleep naked because I'm on my period and sometimes it leaks through onto my pjs and I don't want to have to change my sheets and I'll give you them back tomorrow unwashed?

The only hello kitty pj's I know of belong to a female friend. I don't think she will give them up.
Liked by: Integration20

Have you ever answered a question on Y!A that say "rate me" and link a picture of themselves? Who are these people that ask that and why do you think they ask strangers to rate them?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
These people are either insecure or attention seekers. If I think it is an attention seeker, I'll let them know. Usually, the stupid pics are some grainy self photo in a mirror.
Liked by: Integration20

Do you like to read novels? If so, what are you currently reading and would you recommend it?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I've checked out Vagina: A New Biography by the feminist Naomi Wolf. Haven't actually started reading it though.
Liked by: Thomas

Do you believe someone can "friendzone" another person? Or, do people do it to themselves by continuing to hang around someone who's not romantically interested in them? What is your feeling on the whole friendzone issue? Is it a real thing or just bitterness?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
The disinterested person will try to friendzone the interested one. It is up to the one in the friendzone to decide if he/she will remain there. I choose to immediately evacuate the friendzone
Liked by: Integration20


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