Ask @Neo_gs

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What is your attitude towards hunting?

I've done it before. Not currently interested in it. It is fine for those who still want to do it.

If you were self-assessing the eccentricity your sexual preferences on a scale from 1 – 10, what would that number be? Suppose 1 means you do missionary and missionary only. 5 means you occasionally variety, but nothing outrageous. 10 is the stuff of the most bizarre porn and erotica produced.

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
Well, in my mind, I'm probably a 9. In what I really do in sexual situations with women...maybe 5-6. Although, I've never really come across a really kinky woman who wanted to try some freaky things.

HAHA I KNEW IT! I said to myself, "Neo will be the one scared of clowns". hehe

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
Laugh now...but you won't be laughing when the clowns I ordered over the internet knock on your door at midnight for a supposed "party."
Liked by: Suit Perv

Are churches some of the last strongholds of segregation in our society? You work or attend class with people of all different racial backgrounds. You have friends of different races, too. Yet, black churches, white churches, churches centered around an immigrant community are still normative.

JessePinkmanGS’s Profile PhotoGrackles Know Your Real Name
I think racial churches are more common in the south. Is it segregation to have a preference for the commonality of one's own race? When does it go from a preference to segregation/racism? I actually drove through a smaller town a few days ago and saw a Christian church with a big banner in Spanish. I'd guess it was primarily a church for Mexicans. Is that a bad thing? I don't really know.

OK, last 80's question for the day! lol. But does this early 80's video and song "prove" once and for all that all women, no matter how aesthetically pleasing(or non-pleasing) can have coitus whenever they want to?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
This is not anything new. The only reason some women might complain about not getting sex is because their expectations are too high.
Liked by: Thomas

Anyone else have a nerd-gasm upon discovering The Avengers was on Netflix?

Integration20’s Profile PhotoIntegration20
Do you mean the movie? That was pretty awesome.
Don't have Netflix though. My peers say I should get it, but I don't give in to peer pressure!
Liked by: Integration20

Ever read someone's FB status about how happy they are in a relationship and found yourself thinking 'oh shut the fuck up'?

AspiringHousewife’s Profile Photoтeмple
Yeah, most of the time. Actually, one's who have to brag about how happy they are, probably aren't.
Liked by: Thomas тeмple

good morning, how are you doing - I love you ! <3

Good night!
You don't love only think you do. Put your pants back on.

Who was the best boss (manager, supervisor, etc.) that you've ever had? What made them stick out in your mind - what did they do differently, and better, than other bosses you've had?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
It was one for a state gov't job. He was clear in what he expected and led by example. He was able to be firm but fair and I wanted to do well for him so the whole group would look good.
Liked by: CAustin

Why do you think that many people think of this site as a bullying site?

There are a lot of teens on it. Teens bully each other.

On a scale of 1-10, how bad is it to hide from your guests when you are sick of them? *tries to type noiselessly* WHY CAN'T I JUST TOSS THEM THE REMOTE CONTROL AND POINT TO THE FRIDGE?? My mom says it's being antisocial something something blah blah.

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoSuit Perv
I've done it. If you don't want these people at your house for such a long period of time, then why let them stay so long? It is easy to say "You have to be gone by Tuesday because I have some tough work projects to do."
Liked by: Suit Perv

What's the biggest favor you've done for someone? What's the biggest favor someone has done for you?

Ryou1’s Profile PhotoRyou
Cared for a woman's kids who were not mine.
Don't remember the biggest favor done for me. There have been plenty of small to medium ones.
Liked by: Ryou

I can't find any more scenarios that are better than the last one (believe it or not), what do I dooooooooo? And why on earth do I have to type a code sometimes in order to answer or ask questions? Doesn't it really even matter if I'm not human? Really?

Ryou1’s Profile PhotoRyou
The codes come about when one is asking the same Q to many people to prevent bots from spamming everyone. I've seen it before.
Liked by: Ryou

I love reading responses to scenarios, so I'm going to ask you one~~. Nurses going off duty explain their patient.During the shift change briefing, a recently hired nurse doesn't focus.At the end, every nurse but her is able to explain the key points covered. What actions would you, the NM, take?

Ryou1’s Profile PhotoRyou
What is the NM? If she can't explain the key points, then maybe she should be sent home. People's lives depend on them understanding the important points to a person's care.
Liked by: Ryou

For any techy-people: I just cleared a fake spyware thing from my windows xp laptop (I'm not tech savvy at all, I just followed instructions online). This laptop is old (8+ years), IDK what to do with it. In the mean time, can you recommend anti-virus programs so I don't fuck it again? Thanks =)

sandrawhat’s Profile PhotoWhat
Go with Kaspersky. It is one of the best and uses fewer system resources than ones like Norton or McAffee. Plus, the Russians are the best at making viruses so it is reasonable they are the best to fight them.
Liked by: What

Why do I have a love/hate thing for most anti-feminists? Why do I always feel the need to change them? Is this narcissistic behavior?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
I think you get too worked up about them.
Liked by: Thomas

Why did men love this song so much in the early 80's? The song is about "man candy", so I always thought it was odd. So why and what are your thoughts about said song and video? <3

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
It is ok, but I wouldn't say I loved it. Maybe the men who like it would prefer to be her candy? Although, I think she was only 16 when she recorded that...blah.
Liked by: Thomas


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