@anonamouse89887#19 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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Is there a river near your town/city/house? I love going down to the river and having a riverside “beach day”! 🏖️ 👙 ☀️ 🐟

nikki_rides’s Profile PhotoNᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴᴀʟ Eᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛʀɪᴀɴ- Nikki
There is, yes!! It’s literally less than 5 minutes from where I live! I often go there with my mom and we can spend hours just walking, chatting, and hanging out watching ducks and listening to the live music that often plays from a nearby restaurant. It’s a lot of fun! 😁
Is there a river near your towncityhouse I love going down to the river and

When was the last time you remember being on the edge of your seat? 😯

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
When I was in New York, going to Niagara Falls! I was SO excited, I couldn’t sit still. Like from the moment I woke up, to going to breakfast, to sitting in the car on the way there, I was just so eager to finally see it! And needless to say… It was certainly worth the wait. I loved every second of it! 😍🤩
When was the last time you remember being on the edge of your seat

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Are you more likely to text your friends first?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I would say it depends on the friend! Like, some of my friends aren’t really the type to text first, so I do a bit more. But then I have other friends who reach out to me just as much, if not more than I reach out to them. So for me, it’s a mixture. 🤔
Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but I don’t mind being the one to text more often. As long as they are receptive and eager to talk to me or make plans when I do ultimately reach out, I’m happy. 🤷🏼‍♀️😁
I think the thing that gets tiring is when you are not only the one texting first, but also having to bring up and make all the plans, and bring everyone together all the time. If I text first more often, but my friend then comes back and wants to spend time with me, and is eager for us to hang out, I don’t mind reaching out. It feels like it balances itself out then… If that makes sense. ☺️

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Are you more likely to text your friends first
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Do you like roller coasters?

I do! I love them, actually. Problem is, I’m quite prone to motion sickness… Like more so now than when I was younger, so I have to be very careful, and take it slow. Like go on a ride or two, take a break, go on another ride, take another break, and so on. Even with anti-sickness meds, I have to be careful. 😅
The last time I was on a ride was probably 2017, and I got so nauseous after going on rides back to back, I literally had to opt out of the rest of the time there. 🥴
Do you like roller coasters

When you know you'll be doing a lot of walking, what do you do to prepare? What's the farthest you've walked in a day? 👟🚶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
When I know I’ll be walking a lot, I usually try to build up my stamina by getting out and walking a bit more each day leading up to it! 😁
Also, I try to stretch and take some extra vitamins like potassium to help my muscles and such not feel so sore. And I make sure I have good, supportive walking shoes with shock absorbency so I don’t get a ton of inflammation in my legs/feet. 🥴
The most I’ve ever walked in a day was probably in Ireland, where I almost hit 30k steps! I would say that I probably did the most steps of any vacation when I went there, as my family really wanted to take advantage of not having to drive everywhere as we Americans are used to… 😅😂
When you know youll be doing a lot of walking what do you do to prepare Whats

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Something about yourself you think I'd be surprised to know?

briceicebaby’s Profile PhotoBrice
I’m asexual. That is usually a shock for most people who find out. I’d say it’s likely because it’s not well understood, and I’m rather affectionate and deeply sentimental, so people tend to just assume I’d be a hopeless romantic at the very least. But… I’m quite the opposite. Basically anything relating to physical intimacy (minus simple hugging, kissing, cuddling) and even most flirting/romantic interaction makes me extremely uncomfortable and I have absolutely no interest in it. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Something about yourself you think Id be surprised to know
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What do you wish you had spent more time doing when you were younger?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I wish I had spent more time embracing being a kid.
I dealt with extremely severe anxiety growing up, and often had so much placed on my shoulders, that I really didn’t have many moments where I could just relax and enjoy the innocent and carefree nature of being a child… If that makes sense. I feel like that part of childhood is something I largely missed out on. 🥺
Now, that’s not to say, I didn’t have a decent upbringing, nor am I saying that I don’t have fond memories, I do, I have many! But I think my excessive nervousness and hyper vigilance prevented me from having many experiences that a lot of kids had. I was also quite sick for most of my youth so that caused me to miss out on many things too.
So yeah, I just wish that I could go back and experience like normal “childhood things”, and not have spent so much of my time wishing that I wasn’t a child anymore. Cause obviously, that’s a time period I’ll never get back. 🥲

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What do you wish you had spent more time doing when you were younger
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Have you ever had a place which felt like a second home to you? Tell a little bit about it 🏡✌️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yes!!! My grandparents home on my dad’s side.
They lived right near my school for many years, and my grandpa specifically would pick me up after school on Fridays, bring me back to their house, make me dinner (which was usually fish and chips 😋), and we’d watch Ghost Whisperer together on the couch, while eating pretzels… or cookies. For a variety of reasons, namely work, my dad wasn’t around a whole lot when I was a kid, so I spent a lot of time and weekends at their house. It was my safe place, and I absolutely loved my time there.
They almost always had music playing on their old jukebox, and it was always 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s classics! And then around Christmas time, those traditional Christmas songs just filled the whole house. We used to dance around the living room and my grandma used to belt out songs at the top of her lungs. There was also this ancient TV in that room where me and my grandpa would be Super Mario Bro’s for HOURS until we got headaches. 😂 We’d also go outside, and they’d show me how to play catch, throw a frisbee, etc.
They also had this day bed with about a million stuffed animals on it, and it was my favorite thing on Earth. At night, before they would put me to bed, my grandpa used to sit in his rocking chair, and I’d be on his lap, and he’d very gently rock me to sleep cause he knew I had horrible anxiety at night. 🥺 Then the both of them would tuck me in, and completely surround me in stuffed animals to “protect” me… I just have endless, fun, nostalgic memories from being in that house. I miss it so much. 🥹

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Have you ever had a place which felt like a second home to you Tell a little bit

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If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, what colour would you wear? And you're not allowed to pick white or black.

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
Ooo, probably green! But like, a darker, maybe more olive green. I love wearing green, especially because I can play around with different makeup looks and lipstick colors, and I feel like it still looks good, versus wearing a color like red (my favorite color) which is pretty limiting…
Also, I just feel like it goes nicely with my skin tone. ☺️
If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life what colour would
Liked by: Tobbe Star. i

What was the last trip you planned? (Speaking about travelling) 😄 🏝 Where did you go, what did you see? Perhaps post a photo you've taken. 🌍

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
The last trip I went on was to New York! It was an absolute blast! I was there for 6 days with family, and went many places including:
-Lake Ontario (the water was SO warm, and lovely) 😌
-Bird Island Pier (the bridge is essentially the border between the US and Canada)
-Botanical Gardens (which was enormous, and had several indoor and outdoor sections)
-Niagara Falls… (aka the highlight of the trip) 🤩
Since I don’t wanna write you a novel, I’ll tell you about Niagara Falls. We went all over the park, saw the falls from several different lookout points. We got to see and hear the rapids, which was incredible! Also saw separate sections of the falls, including ‘Horseshoe Falls’ (which is literally shaped like a horseshoe), and ‘Three Sisters’ which is 3 smaller waterfalls connected by a series of bridges. And also went on the “Maid of the Mist” which is a boat ride where you literally get to be right up close to the falls and get absolutely soaked. It was just a stunning and unforgettable experience! 😁
And since I can literally never choose just one photo, here’s a collage of some of the sights!

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What was the last trip you planned Speaking about travelling  
Where did you go

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What was the last thing that made you feel happy or excited? Inspired by the fact I got admitted to the master's programme I wanted to go to at uni 🥳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I know I said it a couple times already, but massive congratulations on getting into the masters program!!! I’m seriously so happy for you! 🥳😄
The last thing that made me really happy was my grandmas reaction to receiving her birthday gift. I had sent her a framed picture of the two of us from the last time we saw each other, about 2 years ago now. She lives pretty far away, and we don’t see each other often, so that visit was really special. 🥺
She had told me, prior to her receiving said gift, that I don’t need to buy her stuff. But when she actually opened it, she said she “couldn’t have asked for anything better” and thanked me about 10 times for thinking of her. It truly was just so pure and sweet.🥹🥰
What was the last thing that made you feel happy or excited Inspired by the fact
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what kind of relationship do you have with the city(s) you grew up in? do you love it, hate it, is it your favorite city?

javacow’s Profile PhotoJavacow
Some places I feel more connected to than others… Some I barely remember living in, some I hated, and some I just feel neutral about. Like, I’ve lived in so many places at this point, that a great majority of them never felt like home to me. They just felt like little blips in time where I lived somewhere, but like, it wasn’t anything to rave about. If that makes sense!
But the very small handful of places that have felt like home to me, are very special, and I remember so much about them.
I wouldn’t say I have a favorite out of these, though. They are all special for a different reason, and represent a specific chapter in my life. 😁
what kind of relationship do you have with the citys you grew up in do you love
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Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what colour/s? 🤔 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ tēຖค¢i໐นŞ t໐๓๓คฯ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Well… I have dyed my hair, yes. But not all of it at once. I’ve done a peekaboo a couple times, where the bottom layers of hair are colored, but the top is natural, so the color literally peeks out. For those, I had reddish pink, hot pink, and then purple.
Then a couple years ago, I did a pink “color melt,” which basically meant putting light pink on the tips of my hair and blending it upwards, so it just was like a gradient from blonde to pink, if that makes sense! 😄
Here’s a few pictures to give you an idea.
Have you ever dyed your hair If so what colours

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How would you describe your overall philosophy around food? Like, when do you choose to treat yourself etc.? 🍕🍦

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Here’s the tricky thing… I don’t really have balance in my diet. With my illness, a lot of foods are off limits, namely healthy foods, and therefore, what I eat daily is what many consider to be a “cheat meal” or a treat in general. Like, for me, it’s not as simple as I eat good and then I treat myself here and there to balance it out. 😅
I also have struggled mightily with impulsive/restrictive eating habits in the past so my philosophy used to be waxing and waning between using food as punishment, or as comfort. It wasn’t ever to eat for the sake of it, there was some impulse, emotion, etc behind it. And that combined with my illness and the affects my meds had on me, led to some extremely unhealthy eating habits that took a long time to overcome and heal from.
My general philosophy now is: “Eat to nourish your body, not your feelings.” Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s changed my relationship with food a lot. I don’t see food as punishment or comfort anymore. I see it as nutrients, as brain fuel, as good energy, and maybe most importantly, as simply delicious. I’ve turned into a foodie, in a good way. 😆😋 And if I want to treat myself, which usually looks like eating something outside of what I normally eat, I feel I can do that in moderation, maybe once a week depending on what it is. I’m just careful that, again, I’m not doing so for an impulsive reason, but because I genuinely feel like treating myself. If that makes any sense?
Here’s a recent example of what I’d consider a “treat” to myself, when I got Mexican food! 😁

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How would you describe your overall philosophy around food Like when do you

Name one favorite scent you have from all 4 seasons... GO!! 👃✨😛 (⛱️Summer ☀️, 🍂Autumn 🍁, ❄️Winter☃️, 🌷Spring🐝)

🌸 Spring: Petrichor (aka the earthy, kinda sweet, soil smell that comes after spring rain). It’s a very calming smell to me.
🌻 Summer: Lilac flowers, like the purple ones that are the most pungent. I love it so much!
🍁 Fall: When the leaves all fall off the trees and get to be crunchy under your feet, that smell… Like when they begin decaying? I don’t know how else to describe it really. But the mixture of that with the crisp fall air is just one of the best smells in my opinion.
❄️ Winter: Pine trees and pine cones. When I was a kid, my grandparents lived in an area full of them, and I just love that smell! And it’s especially prominent that time of year.
If you haven’t noticed, I really love earthy smells. 😂
Name one favorite scent you have from all 4 seasons GO  Summer  Autumn  Winter

Make up or no makeup? How often ?

Recently, I’d say no makeup. I only wear makeup about one day a week! I just have enjoyed letting my skin breathe, and also, being comfortable enough to go out and not wear makeup is important to me. So in recent years, I’ve cut way back on how often I wear makeup and how much. ☺️
Typically, I like to do a full face of makeup when I do wear it though. And sometimes, even if I’m not doing anything or going anywhere, it’s fun to hang out, listen to music, and do a full face of makeup, try a new look or something! I go through phases where I practice new makeup looks constantly, and then stop for several months. Needless to say, I’m not in a phase right now. 😂
Make up or no makeup How often

If you make burgers at home, what do you usually like to have on yours? Regardless if you do or not, what's your favorite one to order? 🍔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Okay, so I’ll start with burgers I make at home. I love a sesame seed bun, and I tend to go all out with toppings! I love bacon, white onion, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, Dijon mustard, and some mashed avocado. Aka, a MASSIVE burger! 😋😁
As for burgers I get when I go out, it really varies. Typically, my go to, is a double bacon cheeseburger, with either diced onion, or fried onions, and some kind of burger sauce. But, other times, if I’m feeling like spicing things up, I love bacon cheeseburgers with an over easy egg on top, lettuce, and tomato. 🤤
anonamouse89887’s Video 173522710164

What's the one thing that you seem to constantly lose?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
My glasses… 🙈 I really need to wear them more often, but I don’t. And a lot of times I’ll just leave them somewhere, and then spend an embarrassingly long time looking for them. Would also probably help me to put them in the same spot every time I use them. But that almost never happens. And sometimes… they are just on my head the whole time. 😂
Whats the one thing that you seem to constantly lose

Would you rather have a cute boyfriend with a bad personality? Or a good personality guy with not that many good looks?

I truly don’t care about looks that much, in general. Like if I’m attracted to someone, it’s because of their personality… And by default, if I like who they are, I tend to find them way more attractive. Looks are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, in my opinion. Does it help if they’re cute/good looking? Sure! But if they’re a terrible person… It’s not at all worth it. 😅
Also, I’m someone who is attracted to a wide variety of people, so… I’m not picky when it comes to what someone looks like. What I want is to be with a genuinely good person, who I feel a connection to, and who shares similar values and interests. The rest, I’m really not that worried about. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Would you rather have a cute boyfriend with a bad personality Or a good

Have you ever worn a flower wreath? What about flowers in your hair generally speaking? From your resident ask Swede, Happy Midsummer! 💐🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I… haven’t worn a flower wreath, but I did have a couple flower headbands I really enjoyed wearing when I was younger. If that counts? 😂 I’d love to try a wreath though, they look so pretty!
See, the problem with putting flowers in my hair, is that my hair is just way too fine and thin and most flowers just fall out immediately. I also, don’t go out of my way to pick them either. 😅 I do love the look of flowers in people’s hair, I just can’t really do it myself!
Happy Midsummer! Here’s some OLD photos of me with those headbands. 💐☺️
Have you ever worn a flower wreath What about flowers in your hair generally

How did you first discover Ask.fm? And if you're a longtime user, what made you stay? 📱❔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m probably one of the only people who didn’t know Ask.fm existed until I discovered it a little over a year ago… I heard a streamer I watch on Twitch mention they used this site briefly like 6 years ago, and I was curious! I literally only planned on staying for a couple days, maybe a week tops, hence the absolutely uninspiring, unoriginal username. I so wish I could change it now. 😂
I definitely ran into a lot of bad apples on here in the beginning (and honestly until I turned off anon questions) and after a short time, I was ready to just delete it and forget about ask. But what ultimately made me stay was finding some truly wonderful people to follow and interact with, and made it all worth it for me. Cause trust me, I’d be long gone if it wasn’t for people like yourself who make it fun. 🤗

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How did you first discover Askfm And if youre a longtime user what made you stay

Growing up, were you attached to your home and family members or were you more disconnected from them and were ok with being away from home?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
When I was really young, I was very much attached to my mom, and her house specifically. I had severe seperation anxiety for many years so anytime I was away from home, and especially when I was away from her, I was terrified and would have panic attacks. Even if I was at school, or with other family members. 😅
When I got to be in my early teens, I kind of began to enjoy my time away from my mom and such, however, I still got anxious being away from home for too long. My room has always been kind of my safe place, per say, and so I always had trouble sleeping if I was anywhere else but in my bed.
Now, I’m probably the best I’ve ever been in that regard. I’ve learned to love being away from home, and have no problem sleeping elsewhere. It’s honestly something I’m proud of myself for, as it wasn’t an easy thing to learn, and took years and years before I felt safe and could manage my anxiety the way I do now. ☺️

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Growing up were you attached to your home and family members or were you more
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What kind of work schedule do you prefer the most? Why? 💼🗓️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’ve had a lot of success doing traditional 9-5 jobs in the past. They tend to work well for me, and I get adjusted to them fairly easily. When I was working in a salon environment, for example, I was doing a 9-5 technically, and that was great. Downfall was, most days I was there waaay later, sometimes even going from 9am-9pm just to get everything done that I needed to. Not the most sustainable doing 12 hour days constantly, but of course, I can’t just stop in the middle of a makeover or something. 😅
My body, and even my mental health does really well with structure like that. One where I know what to expect, in some capacity, each day. And starting work a little later in the morning is quite beneficial for me personally, as I really struggle with super early mornings and focusing or doing much of anything, honestly. So 9-10am start time is great, and I feel like I can actually be alert and work efficiently. And also, if I needed to work late into the evening, I can more easily do that, and not get as fatigued. 😁
As for what days I work, I mean… In salons? You wanna work Saturdays, cause it’s almost always gonna be mobbed, with a lot of people off work and school and such… Other than that though, I don’t really have a preference of what days, I do enjoy working 4-5 days a week though! And ideally, it’s nice to be done earlier in the day so you can do other stuff and relax afterwards. 😄

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What kind of work schedule do you prefer the most Why

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If you write, or used to, how did you deal with writer's block?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
So… This is gonna sound contradictory but trust me it can actually do the trick. One of my teachers in school taught me how to do timed free-writing, where you spend 5-10 minutes writing either about a specific topic/prompt, or about anything you want (which is a lot harder when you’re blocked lol).
The catch is that you’re not allowed to put your pen down, and you’re not allowed to stop writing. So if you can’t think of what you write next, you literally just rewrite the last word you have written until you think of something. I’ve done this a lot, and while it’s challenging, it really can spark your inspiration again, cause you have to think on your feet.
I hope that helps! Writers block is so frustrating. I’m curious what you’d think, so feel free to let me know if you try it! 😁
If you write or used to how did you deal with writers block

What is your favourite way to relax and chill out? 😌 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ tēຖค¢i໐นŞ t໐๓๓คฯ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
My go-to way is to write. I can spend hours writing, especially on day/nights when I’m just having an overflow of emotion, thoughts, etc. It is so calming for me to just let everything out that I need to, and actually, if I write at night, it helps me sleep better. This way, I’m not going to bed with my mind racing. And honestly? It can help me after I wake up too, if I wake up anxious. It frees me of that weight I’d otherwise be carrying with me all day. 😄
What is your favourite way to relax and chill out


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