
10 people

50 posts


Is UK a terrible place to live in? I’d like answers from both born and bred in the UK and those who migrated there please.

It’s like many places; it will largely depend upon your circumstances. Such as your wealth/income, your family circumstances (e.g. are you a carer or single parent) are you renting from a private landlord or do you own your home, are you disabled or need government support/benefits for another reason, and so on. Plus what’s your location/area, what’s it like for facilities both social and practical etc.

Do you have a pet 🐭 ?

Yes I have a hush Bassett. They are bred to be mainly basset hound and they have about 10÷ cocker spaniel. Mines name is Valentino because he was born on Valentine's Day with a heart shaped spot on his back
Do you have a pet
Liked by: xmradios

(pet owners) Do you think your pet has helped keep your mental health in check?

daveb2186’s Profile PhotoDynamarmite
YES . /. . .
But don't forget , 'pets' were not created by GOD , ie , they did not naturally evolve ;
~ they were selectively bred . . . . created by us , Homo Sapiens . . . . we have a divine duty to CARE for them .
They are our people .
A shrink once told me to 'get another dog'
I told her to fukkov , I said , "get ye hence, satan , for thou art not worthy to exist"
*my dog ~ rest as you wish xxxxx*
pet owners Do you think your pet has helped keep your mental health in check

🦆 Do you agree that pigeons are rats with wings or do you think it's more seagals? xD

Presumably you refer 'feral pigeons'.
It is debatable which can be more hazardous to health . . . .
I think inland seagulls who feed on obnoxious carrion , are likely more dangerous to health if they shit on you ~ particularly if you are looking up with your mouth open-wide!
But the 'pigeons' . . . .
These are not really pigeons . They are the superfast breeding offspring from 'lost' homing pigeons ; which were human created, bred (it is thought) by crossing & inbreeding from rock-doves (+) , many centuries ago .
(the only pigeon that is indigenous to UK is the Wood Pigeon , and quite pretty & edible , if one is that way inclined . When I was about 12 y-o , I once shot , cleaned & cooked a Woody for my parents ! - They said it was very tasty!!)
*this is a royal racing pigeon, a homer ~ NEITHER feral , nor a woody*

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Do you agree that pigeons are rats with wings or do you think its more seagals

Do you think humans will survive long enough to evolve into something different or will we make ourselves extinct before we have the chance to?

I always know what he's thinking... I always know where he's drinking and from whom... When he slips into someone's room... I always know who's he after.. I hear his triumphant laugher... In my head... When he finds someone well bred
Trust me I always know what he's thinking. I always know where he's sinking those sharp teeth
I know where to send the wreaths!
Master, they think a locked door prevents you! You're on your way I can sense you
Do you think humans will survive long enough to evolve into something different

•How can we see our own hypocrisy When we are bred by its ideology?• PC

N_Emo’s Profile PhotoCelestial
It is not easy unlock but humans have the ability to see beyond the memories the society has breed into our brains and access to our instinctive reality. I call this state "being awake", the ability to see beyond the "truth" more precisely the ideological truth. Which again is different for different people and societies.

Howdy Nat, how do the ponies like the cold mornings, do you rug them up? 🤗

Bearhead01’s Profile PhotoGilbert Thomas
Hey, I don’t rug them cause they’re bred for cold environments. They grow thick winter coats over their regular coats and that keeps them warm enough at their age. As long as they’re eating they are staying warm as they can regulate their own temps. Ronnie likes scarves tho 😝
Howdy Nat how do the ponies like the cold mornings do you rug them up

Have you ever accidently run over a hedgehog or a wild animal driving on country roads?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I usually have a way above average avoidance skills
We have a pet hare, currently, that we rescued last summer after some dik murdered her sibling , and nearly her .
We used to see the pair of them regularly ~ only one third grown ; with a bit of patience were easy to avoid . . .
We call her 'Goat' ~ she's so stubborn ; she had a dislocated hip & 2 bad lacerations on her back ~ now super-fit !
*below: a rabbit-hare hybrid-mule I bred about 10+ years ago , from another rescue*
Have you ever accidently run over a hedgehog or a wild animal driving on country

I’ve love my pets but does it seem weird to you that you can just buy a living being so easily? I sometimes think no-one should have pets tbh because there is so much abuse of animals and we literally take them from their families etc. I hope I’m making sense & I’d love your thoughts 🙂

I don’t disagree with you at all! I love animals and that’s why it’s so saddening going to a zoo or something; it’s lovely to see the animals but they should really be free and not in captivity (I guess it’s a fraction better when it’s a conservation and the animals actually *need* help as they wouldn’t survive in the wild on their own due to injuries, etc).
I think the main issue I have are those who breed animals purely for the money repeatedly; the stress it must put on the mother of constantly having her babies taken away is unimaginable, as well as the physical toll it must take on her body. I remember when we got Teddy, the woman who gave him to us was so distraught, and I don’t think she’s ever bred with her dogs since. I know the owner still takes her dogs to visit her puppies that live locally to her, so that to me doesn’t sound as bad? It shows that there’s a genuine affection and care there for her dogs well-being. But yeah, I’m the same as you really, it’s hard not to feel conflicted.
For all of the horror that does happen, there are a lot of loving families out there and pets who have wonderful lives in a good home, such as with yourself! I guess with anything, there’s positives and negatives to it :)

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For Wolf:i think your a Pure Supernatural Bred of Wolf maybe i'm not so sure,your wolf form is kinda like in the Wolf Blood tv series but the different is that your colored black and more unique and complex than those wolves in those series?

Not quite
But I am

Reading your answer has bred more empathy in me. Thank you for sharing. Have you dealt with things like this?

I know I and many other women I know have spent there whole life dealing with things that we rarely bring up to the men in my life because they’re so everyday. That the banality of it..that’s the crazy part, is the banality. The women who speak to me have is a tone in talking about being followed, having people shout things across the street, or being groped on a crowded train or having their drink spiked or being spoken to aggressively, being yelled at by men. And when they stand up for themselves only finding that it fuels the flames of this, and now all of a sudden they’ve got someone who is not just shouting at them but making genuine threats.
You hear all of these problems and they will readily admit there’s all these problems. But I don’t have any idea of how to solve it because how do you solve it? How do you solve that feeling of walking past a guy and he gives you a look or he does something or he says something and you’re on hyper alert and you tense up and your adrenaline spikes because you have no idea which way this could go. And is it someone with good intentions or is it someone with the worst intentions? And if it is someone with the worst intentions, what’s my escape plan, how do I get out of this? Just having to think that way and knowing that if you stand up for yourself it could only make the situation worse and may even be likely to make the situation worse. That leaves women in the most extraordinary bind.
It’s not just walking home at 2am “oh you shouldn’t walk home at 2am” No, it’s walking home at any time of day, and finding yourself on a street with the wrong person, with no one around or everybody around and no one doing anything. “You should get a car home from work.” Well, maybe I don’t have the money. And if I do have the money, what service do I use? Where I’m likely to be getting in a car with a man I don’t know, hoping he has good intentions.

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Liked by: Shannon DovahMonah
+3 answers in: “What are your thoughts on the murder of Sarah Everard?”

Tita I stood up against a guy na who disrespected my time & pinaikot ako. I'm proud of myself because of that pero there's this part of me na sad kasi ano bang mali sa akin para di ako I-respeto. Rejection is OK pero being respected sa simpleng says a lot na ang baba ng tingin sayo :( ang lungkot.

You need to have more experience with guys to see that 99% of them are disrespectful. Then you'll realize it's nothing that you or any woman does to be disrespected. I'm proud of you that you stood up for yourself and you know the proper way you should be treated. That should protect you from investing any more of yourself in anyone who doesn't meet your standards. Of course it's disappointing to learn that men are mostly not good. Society has bred them this way. It's your job to help correct this and when you have a son one day, to make sure he doesn't end up like the 99%.

I was asked the following question and didn’t know how to answer. Perhaps you can give it a go. If Love were to be described as Chaos, Order, or both... which would it be and Why? Thanks 🙂

I think it can be both, or one of them.
I'll use it in the scenario of relationships: It depends on the nature/stability of the relationship. For instance, a relationship that is full of control, gaslighting, jealousy, manipulation, etc., is one of chaos, because it destabilizes both parties and is ultimately fragile and damaging. A relationship that is full of encouragement, reassurance, independence, acceptance, trust, etc., is one of order, because it provides growth and stability. Having order in life means feeling you are in control, and being disorganized means feeling out of control. A relationship in which both people (or all, if it's a polygamous relationship, I guess) support each other and are on the same page brings a sense of order, but if there is no support and the people in the relationship have different motives, it's disorganized.
Now, love is a culmination of various feelings, rather than an individual feeling. Love can make people become jealous and controlling (scenario of chaos relationship), or it can make people become nurturing and stable (scenario of order relationship). Thus it depends on the accompanying emotions. But I believe relationships can be bred from chaos and become healthy, or they can be bred from order but become chaotic. I believe that people are quick to leave a relationship if they consider it toxic, but not all toxic relationships stay toxic forever. Because a toxic relationship means that someone, or both people, or all people, in that relationship is/are unhealthy. They have the capacity to become healthy, if they so choose. But if they never do, the relationship stays toxic, or chaotic.
Love can drive some people mad and unstable. They want to know what their partner is doing at all times, they want to protect their partner from the perils of the world, and so on. But love can also make people happy, and provide a support system. Love can make you gain confidence in yourself and learn to thrive. Love can deplete all life, or it can bring life. This is because love has a dual nature. It is both birthing and murderous.
An unhealthy person's love can be ruinous, while a healthy person's love can inspire improvement and maturation. But things are not always so rigid: people are not always healthy or always unhealthy. This is how love can be ruinous at one point and inspire improvement/maturation at another.

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Liked by: Aidil_FZ ♦️
+1 answer Read more

Вика,вы решили стать узнаваемой благодаря слухам об Эмине?Вы ведь ничем не были известны,кроме фамилии отчима((

Vam zanyat'sya bol'she nechem, krome togo, chtoby pisat' takoy bred? Yа rada, chto sostoyalas' v zhizni, kak khoroshaya doch', mama, pevitsa i biznesmen. 😎 A to, chego dobilas' ty, vyzyvayet gorazdo bol'she voprosov.... 👇👇👇 special for you)) #summertime ☀️🍒
Викавы решили стать узнаваемой благодаря слухам об ЭминеВы ведь ничем не были

Ja bi volio s tobom uspostavit neki kontakt jer si mi zanimljiva al uporno me ignoriras..😤 mislim ako gledas izgled ono kog ti trazis Bred pitta jbt? Ne pricam o vezi pricam o odnosu prijateljstvo druzebnje..

Ne uspostavljam dugotrajni odnos sa anonimnim osobama, ne znam šta očekuješ
+4 answers Read more

Have you heard of dogs smiling at humans? Do you think it could be common? ( Safe link) https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/03/adorable-black-labrador-tries-get-adopted-smiling-visitors-animal-shelter-12341977/

lizzypickles’s Profile PhotoLizzy Pickles
All dogs of true intellect do . . . . all the time ; it's well known . . . .
Moronic dogs , like pits & staffies seem incapable of facial expression .
Remember , Canis Domesticus (Canis lupus familiaris, in americanese) did not evolve by natural selection from the Timber Wolf ; rather it was selectively bred by Homo Sapiens , absorbing their personality & traits
Some dogs were bred by morons
My 2 Late . . . happy & 'Meggit'
Have you heard of dogs smiling at humans  Do you think it could be common   Safe

I sad me svi zovi pod tim i imaju jedan slogan hocemo melota labirint da nam rodi sina ljepog ko bred pitt ? mene to vrjeda kj bi vi uradili na mom mjeatu

lik? još uvijek te zajebavaju jer se nerviraš? to je doslovno osnovna škola logic?
da se ne nerviraš, nebi im bilo zabavno zajebavat te i našli bi si nekog drugog
also ti ljudi su glupi, i to žešće. koji kurac, kaj ste 5. razred osnovne? jer fore su im na tom nivou.
al da, ja bih im na tvojem mjestu dala do znanja da mi idu na kurac i da bi dobili either šakom u nos ili šamar ako će me nastavit dalje tak zvat. al jebiga ja lowkey izgledam ko skinhead tak da su ljudi usually scared tak da ne znam dal će to funkcionirat na tebe
also umjesto da ispituješ random ljude na asku za savjet pametnije bi ti se bilo požaliti frendu ili roditelju. cheers x
Liked by: Ivan :Dina♡ Milica :)

Idk why I am int this but I want to have a large dog bred me, something I always wanted to do since I can remember, like is so conflicting idk is it normal?

Well, I don't think you're making a good decision here, but regardless it's your decision, and I won't force something on to you

Вы читали что Елена Миро написала?у меня слов нету как такое можно вообще писать если ты ничего не знаешь!По себе судит одно могу сказать! Я думаю Саша знает что вы выставили фотки на пляжи и он не против этого! Потому что знает что вы только его навсегда❤️

Kristina96_97’s Profile PhotoKristina
Ya ne chitau vsyakiy bred otstalih ludey, kak eta dama.Ya govorila emu, chto edu s podrujkoy otdihat' i on ne protiv etogo.

If you could have any pet animal, that's either still living today, extinct, or even fictional, what would it be and what would you name it?

JoeeeMason’s Profile PhotoJoe Edward Mason
Knowing that society we live in is speciesist af, I wouldn't choose a species that's extinct or fictional as they'd be the only one of their kind on the planet and that would mean they have a target on them for fecked up people. So they'd end up being tested on and caged like most other non-humans.
I'd choose to adopt a pair of bunnies who are vivisection survivors and I'd give them an incredible life. They're herd animals so I'd need to adopt two at least but if that's not an option, I'd adopt a greyhound who used to be in the racing industry regardless of them being a racer, someone who was bred for puppies or a blood giving greyhound for other greyhounds who do race.

Recently I asked you all about artificial intelligence getting rights in 20-30yrs. Sp following that, what's your opinion on animals other than humans, cats and dogs getting rights? Do you think it'll happen before A.I's get rights? Do you think it'll be a good or bad idea and why?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
historically we have never taken the rights of animals very seriously. there’s a handful of cultures who emphasized sensitivity towards animals.
since the dawn of time we have been killing and skinning and eating animals, and we’ve farmed and bred and rid and domesticated animals for such a long time without taking their “rights” very seriously
honestly we haven’t really given animals “rights” until pretty recently, and it’s largely bc we project humanity on to some domesticated animals and pets like dogs
i can’t imagine humans ever really changing their minds on this... like at all... animals are almost DEFINITELY never going to “get rights.”
(if u ask me at least! maybe i’ll be wrong idk)

Ah , you're not English! ~ a 'post-fix , is like a 'prefix' , only it comes after the word . . . . like pretty . . . . lucky ; pretty . . . . pleased ; pretty . . . . vacant .

“you’re not english” considering i’m born & bred in england i think i am mate. just what you said doesn’t make sense at all.
+2 answers in: “If you are 'pretty' , what post-fix would follow?”

When was the last time good news wasn't good news for you? For example, today I found out Coca-Cola stopped sponsoring Iditarod, which I didn't know they sponsored in the first place! It's a sled race that makes dogs run a very far distance at very low temperatures in the snow which I don't support.

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
Sled dogs have been used since the early centuries by the Eskimo's. They are born and bred for it. They love it. They live for it. And all of them, make it though the race, from start to finish. So it is not as bad as it seems.

Yeah that does not sound good at all. I’ve been chased by 2 dogs and bitten by one I mean sometimes I’m still a little unsure around them depending on temperament and usually they don’t initially like me lol ? but I have to say pitbulls no joke have been the friendliest dogs I have ever been around

FeelFreeToAsk2017’s Profile Photo1+1 = Window True Story
I don't think he's a full bred pit bull I think he's mixed. It was my sisters husbands friend that she adopted him from and I haven't met him. But I'm unsure about how to interact with them
+7 answers in: “You went play game”

So by that logic, you'd be fine with eating the mentally retarded who can't perceive or predict the future, right? They have the same trait that you named in animals. What do you think?

In the extreme distress, where an act of cannibalism is inevitable for survival, yes the first choice would be the mentally retarded.
But in our conditions, why the fvck would anybody think of eating mentally retarded people when we have animals bred especially to be eaten?!
Plus, the mentally retarded still bear a human figure, their being unable to perceive and predict the future is the abnormal state of affairs. Cases of mental retardation should be studied in order to figure out some ways to reduce the likelihood of producing more of them in future generations.
Liked by: ari
+15 answers in: “What type of meat do you like?”

otche nash, izhe esi na nebeseh, da svyatitsa name your, da priidet zarstvie your, da to be volya your, yako na nebesi and na zemli. Bred nash nasushniu dash nam dnes' and ostavi nam dolgi nasha, yako ze and mi ostavlyaem dolznikov nashih. And don't vvedi nas vo iscuhenie, but izbavi nas ot lukavogo

dolcevita6’s Profile Photo`actress of her own theater
if you dumaesh', chto this will help you, to ti oshibaeshsya.
come suda, bitch. >:с
+9 answers in: “Го скрин последнего диалога)”

On a bit of a Jurassic Park/World craze at the moment so I have a question for youse: if it were possible and doable, should we build a park full of dinosaurs, yes or no? Why do you think so or not? Would you visit a park full of dinosaurs and which Dino is your favourite? Ok ... go ?

We are currently in the midst of a mass extinction event, the sixth of its kind in the history of the planet, where something like 5000 species are estimated to be going extinct per year, which is x1000 the (again, estimated) rate we would normally expect. There's nothing we can do to save most of them, because we have defiled the ecologies they depend on. Trillions of individual lifeforms will wither and die directly from our industrialised way of life in our lifetimes, until eventually, we'll starve, poison and maybe even sterilise ourselves with pollutants, and die out. No creature we engineered or bred to feed us or entertain us or keep us company will last more than a generation without us.
Anyway, to answer the question: sure, why not? I'd go. My favourite dinosaur is the Parasaurolophus.

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Bred pit olsam burda işim ne be knk Angelina jolieyle akşam yemeği yerdim ahaha :D sen kendien bak leonardo caprio gibisin :D

emrahb07’s Profile PhotoEmrah
Leonardo caprio olsam burda ne isim var 😂😂hahah ölesin knka şey yapma 😂😂🌸😊
Liked by: Ahmet Tatar Emrah

Şimdi biz ayaktayız uykumuzu gelmiyor ya ÇÜNKÜ BİRİLERİ BİRİ RÜYASINDA GÖRÜYOR inşallah beni David Beckham görüyordur

Güzel bir inanış hahaha, inşallah inşallah görüyordur o olmasa bile bred görüyordur bence:(:)
Liked by: random Hazar Ecba Buse.

A crow was heard speaking to visitors to a tourist attraction with a thick Yorkshire accent. https://metro.co.uk/2018/07/04/crow-with-yorkshire-accent-asks-woman-yalright-love-7682979/ What kind of speech might a similar bird pick up from you? Would it pick up a regional accent?

lizzypickles’s Profile PhotoLizzy Pickles
But , 'CROW' , is such a loose term ; 'Corbies' , any member of the Corvidae Family . . . . .
~ and how do we know this , erm, 'crow' was even telling the truth?
~ they are great jokers, the crows . . . . always one jump ahead !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKBWxvN0VMcigotamatch’s Video 149998853754 uKBWxvN0VMcigotamatch’s Video 149998853754 uKBWxvN0VMc
~ as for accents . . . when I left home ; I gave my maw a gift of one of my bred budgies; a late fledger ~ it spoke with an Armagh accent ~
* * * *
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNacLOIaVwigotamatch’s Video 149998853754 BLNacLOIaVwigotamatch’s Video 149998853754 BLNacLOIaVw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daosigi7U0Migotamatch’s Video 149998853754 daosigi7U0Migotamatch’s Video 149998853754 daosigi7U0M
A crow was heard speaking to visitors to a tourist attraction with a thick

Why is it so hard for people to change when they know that's all it takes to be happy and make others around as well?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
"What is bred in the bone cannot come out of the flesh"
Changing is easier said than done. Without determination and strong will it would be impossible to change and break the hapit since most people tend to remain in their comfort zone rather than put some effort in changing themselves even if it's the only way for happiness.
Why is it so hard for people to change when they know thats all it takes to be

Kakav savjet dati drugarici koja ZNA da je decko pravi budalom i igra se s njom, a opet mi na kraju kaze'ali ja ga volim'? Ja kao prava i iskrena drugarica joj kazem da raskine, jer i sama vidi da je iskoriscava. Ali ona jedan dan hoce, drugi dan 'ali ja ga volim'.Prosto ne znam kako da se postavim

Sa zaljubljenim ljudima nije lako, znam to. Kada volimo nekoga spremni smo da zazmurimo na sve njegove mane, da mu oprostimo ono sto mozda sebi i drugima ne bi nikad, da prelazimo preko mnogo toga jer smo sebi stvorili jednu iluziju u koju zelimo da verujemo. Kada se za nekoga jako vezes ne mozes ni da zamislis da ostanes bez njega pa cak iako mislis da bi to bilo najbolje resenje tako da moras i nju da shvatis. Ona je trenutno u nekom svom svetu, na ringispilu srece i tuge i ne registruje svet ni osobe oko sebe. Ti si zaista divna drugarica i drago mi je da ima osobu i prijatelja poput tebe pored sebe. Nije mnogo toga na tebi ovde, ne mozes ljude da nateras da urade stvari koje im kazes, posebno ne kad se oni vode osecanjima. Povedi jedan razgovor sa njom koji ce biti iskren do bola i pomozi joj da uvidi cinjenice. Tvoje je da joj izneses istinu, da joj pokazes da ti je stalo do nje a njeno je da donese konacnu odluku. Nemoj stalno da ponavljas isto, pomislice da si ljubomorna pa mozda dodje do rascepa vaseg prijateljstva. Ovako je jos jednom upozori, budi detaljnija nego inace i tako ces uraditi pravu stvar. Sta god da bude posle ti neces biti ni za sta kriva jer si dala sve od sebe. Nekad ne mozemo da kontrolisemo svoje ponasanje pa dodje do kobnih posledica ali u tome nas prosto niko ne moze spreciti, moramo da osetimo na svojoj kozi sve sto smo prouzrokovali da bi na taj nacin odrasli i naucili nesto novo, stekli drugacije iskustvo. Ako nista drugo, nakon raskida ce imati najjacu podrsku - tebe i koliko - toliko ce lakse proci kroz isti. Nadajmo se da ce na vreme shvatiti sta se desava i sama presuditi, da nece dati njemu to zadovoljstvo da je ostavi. Koliko mi mozemo da budemo glupe, ali stvarno glupe kad zavolimo nekoga ja ne verujem. Nema tu granica ali zato kad nas spici realnost precrtacemo te pa da si Bred Pit. Valjda ce se to kod nje desiti sto pre!

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speaking of how men speak to us, bf and i are 2 diff backgrounds. i'm black and southern, he's black and brooklyn. he's a REALLY nice guy, but it's nothing for him to say "what's your fucking problem, man??" to me and not think the tone is brash. how to find middle ground b/w our ways of speaking?

That’s not a background/ Brooklyn issue, that’s a lack of couth and maybe home training. The gulliest of born and bred BK men know to clean it up and will around a woman when they GAF.
BK men aren’t animals. Don’t blame his wild talking on the borough. He knows better. He’s choosing not to speak better.
Ain’t no middle ground. Tell him not to curse at you.

I feel so sorry for Bubo he or she does not get to interact with others of the same species. Its really sad that humans feel they can just take animals and make them live deformed lives just to benefit them

First of all: Bubo is happy and healthy and lives a good life with lots of attention and everything she needs
Secondly: she was born and bred specifically to be a companion bird. If it wasn't me, she'd be with someone else as a companion bird.
Finally: I guess you hate service dogs too? Or just support animals? People like you who go around harassing disabled folks for depending on their ESAs are the height of patheticness.
You're a terrible and annoying person and I hope you fuck off forever

Riccardo è un bel ragazzo non capisco davvero perché è passato da una come te figa e tutto a quella bitch

anche secondo me bred è un bel ragazzo e sinceramente non lo capisco nemmeno io, cioè poteva avere il mare tra le mani ma ha preferito nuotare nelle pozzanghere, sono scelte, a mio parere sbagliate. ma gli auguro il meglio comunque

Planiram otvoriti još 2 aska. Zanima me, da li biste vi želeli jedan ask o Leonardu Dikapriju i Bred Pitu a drugi o filmu 3 metra iznad neba? Molim vasss zanimaju me vaša misljenjam. HITNOOOOO

Više bih volela da vidim ask o Bred Pitu, jer do sada čini mi se da nikada nisam videla ask sa tom temom, ali možeš napraviti ask o oba glumca, ako već znaš dosta o njima. A što se tiče filma... možeš i njemu da otvoriš... blagovremeno sam obožavala taj film. :)
Planiram otvoriti još 2 aska Zanima me da li biste vi želeli jedan ask o

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