@anonamouse89887#16 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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What activities/hobbies give you dopamine? (What hobbies make you go absolutely crazy?)

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I absolutely LOVE hiking, bowling, gaming, hairstyling, doing makeup, cooking, baking, drawing, painting, and writing. I also, love going to amusement parks and festivals, but it’s rare I actually get a chance to go to either one. I was lucky enough though, to experience TWO festivals last year, and it made me so happy! 😁
However, hiking has to be one of the top ones… Especially if it’s a more difficult hike, and you get the payoff of an amazing view at the end, plus being out in nature, it doesn’t get much better than that for me. Like the amount of dopamine is HIGH! 😂☺️
(Took this after completing one of many hikes in Hawaii. This is what I mean when I say payoff.) 😍
What activitieshobbies give you dopamine What hobbies make you go absolutely

Have you ever competed in a sport of any kind? ⚽🏋️🐎

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Only time I’ve ever competed was in volleyball when I was like 11… And I only did it maybe 5 times before I quit the team. 😅😂
Let’s just say, I wasn’t the best at it, and the team/coach weren’t the most supportive/helpful. So, I just felt largely out of place and not very welcome. I also, started getting benched every game cause the coach had obvious favorites. 🥴 I think I would’ve maybe gotten into it more if I had a better team, had more practice, etc, as I genuinely did enjoy the competition aspect of things! 😯
Have you ever competed in a sport of any kind
Liked by: Tobbe

How well do you trust your gut feelings?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Eh, not super well, but more than I used to… As a recovering people pleaser, I can honestly say that I still have a bit of a hard time with this. I also get anxious about if my gut feeling is correct or not, and whether or not following it would be good for me. Even though, the majority of the time, my gut feeling is correct. 😅
But more than that, even if I am trusting of my gut feelings, it’s a matter of following them and acting accordingly that is challenging for me. Again, I think that’s largely down to people pleasing tendencies, and that they can make me a bit avoidant/indecisive, and ultimately make me not follow through with what I want.
I am getting better with it though… Like, there’s been times like within the last year or two where I’ve truly felt proud for sticking to my gut feeling, even when it’s hard on me. It’s just a matter of continually working on it, and also figuring out why I get so nervous, and therefore, can confront those issues and start healing from them. 🤔

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How well do you trust your gut feelings
Liked by: Tobbe

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Do you think you’d go crazy if you were to be on here almost all the time? Why or why not?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I would not be doing well if I still had anonymous questions on, and was on here even the amount I am now. I’ll say that. I actually was close to deleting my account after a brief time of having it on. I truly found it to be quite miserable. Basically blocked and reported people on a near daily basis. 🥴 Only reason I stayed is because I turned off anonymous questions, and found good people to follow.
But now? No I don’t think I’d mind being on here constantly… I mean, I’m on here frequently throughout the day as it is and I actually enjoy it now. It’s fun to ask/answer questions, and interact with people. ☺️
Do you think youd go crazy if you were to be on here almost all the time Why or

You think parents teach the kids about sex the right way or the wrong way?

theartist58910’s Profile Photothe artist
I mean, it absolutely depends on the parents. Some do it right, some don’t, some do the best they can based on the education they got, etc. It’s hard to make a broad conclusion about it, given it’s likely different for everyone. And if you factor in people’s beliefs, ranging from cultural, to religious, etc, there’s gonna be even bigger differences. Since I can only speak about it personally, I will do that.
When it comes to my parents approach, it wasn’t bad by any means, but it surely wasn’t like… an open conversation. My mom used to tell me to ask questions about it if I was curious, and my dad didn’t really talk about it at all. 🤷🏼‍♀️
The younger versions of me, who wasn’t even aware of what asexuality was or that there was a term for it, was curious. But not about s*x itself. I was more curious why I didn’t care about it at all, and why just the mere thought of s*x in regards to myself, made me uncomfortable. 😅 I was told a lot that it’s normal not to feel anything at first, you just have to “meet the right person” or “hit a certain age” and all of a sudden, you’ll feel it. But I didn’t. And that is something I wish I was taught. That not wanting s*x isn’t abnormal, nor does it mean something is fundamentally wrong with me or my body (as asexuality has nothing to do with hormones or your body functioning, it’s attraction based).
I’m not a parent myself, but if I ever were to have kids, I’d want them to have a good s*x education, and know that they not only can ask me questions, but also, that they can have open conversation with me about it. There’s no shame, no guilt, no taboos around it, it’s a totally normal thing to be curious about (or not), talk about, etc. And also, teach them firm boundaries that they are in charge of what they do with their bodies, and not to let anyone guilt, or coerce them into it if it’s not what they want. And that’s what I believe is the right way to teach kids about s*x. ☺️

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You think parents teach the kids about sex the right way or the wrong way
Liked by: Tobbe

Is spring kicking into high gear where you live? How's that making you feel? 🌻🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It’s definitely getting to that point around here! It’s been pretty rainy, but the temperatures have honestly been fairly consistent! Like within a 10 degree margin usually. The trees have begun blooming, and there’s a lot of really beautiful flowers out and about. I’ve even seen bumblebees flying around in my backyard. 😁
I absolutely love the fact that it’s changing, and when it’s not raining, it’s sunny and blue skies. Makes me feel so motivated and just happy in general! I’m very much looking forward to getting outside more often, and hopefully having more energy to do things! ☺️
Is spring kicking into high gear where you live Hows that making you feel
Liked by: Tobbe

How is your day going? 💖

princessxbunnii_’s Profile PhotoBb Bunni
Today hasn’t been too interesting so far. Only thing that was a minor inconvenience is there was a power outage in my area for almost 2 hours this morning.
I am looking forward to tonight though, as I’m gonna go spend time with my grandma, probably get some food as well. Also, it’s a really pretty day outside, so that makes me happy. ☺️
How is your day going
Liked by: Tobbe

Are you more of a saver or a spender? 💰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ イ乇刀ムᄃノのひ丂 イのᄊᄊムリ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I’m more of a saver… But I really like spending money though. I have to control myself and rationally think about things I’m buying, cause I’d likely just impulse buy things and not even blink if I didn’t stop myself and go “But, do you NEED this right now?” 🙈😬
Are you more of a saver or a spender

If you were thrown into a professional kitchen and were expected to cook, do you think you'd be able to keep up? 🔪🔥(Inspired by this year's student musical I was part of)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Absolutely not! 😂 I’d be so overwhelmed and stressed out trying to keep up, and I think I’d have A LOT of angry people that are waiting for way too long.
Also, I’m not a good enough cook to make consistent, good quality food, especially on a time limit and when that’s not my sole focus. 😅 I sometimes struggle with multitasking and staying on track anyways, my brain just doesn’t process things that fast. I’d honestly be worried I’d undercook foods and make people sick or something. 😳
If you were thrown into a professional kitchen and were expected to cook do you
Liked by: Tobbe

How well do you think you understand yourself?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I feel like I understand myself fairly well in certain ways, but there’s a good amount I’m still unsure of… I spent a lot of my time growing up, suppressing aspects of myself or my personality, and/or erasing them all together cause I didn’t think people liked it (I was a big time people pleaser), thought I was weird, embarrassing, annoying, etc. 🥴
So, while I’m not a blank slate anymore, and definitely know a more of who I am now than I ever did, I think I still have a long way to go. And I don’t particularly think that’s bad. We’re always learning new things, or realizing other aspects of ourselves that we may not have known were there.
Now, I think it’s fun to grow into myself more and more. I’ve gained confidence that way, and I’m getting more comfortable being myself in various situations I may not have been, even a few years ago. It’s been a very healthy change for me to allow myself to just be vulnerable sometimes, and let people see the so called “half-baked” parts of me that I’m still learning about. ☺️

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How well do you think you understand yourself
Liked by: Tobbe

How good would you say you are at singing? 🤔😁

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m bad at singing. 😂 Like I’ve had my moments where I think I sound decent but when I’ve been recorded singing and such, I get my reality check… I have videos of me singing along to songs and… well let’s just say, it’s rather hard to listen to. I don’t sound anywhere near decent. 🙉😂
How good would you say you are at singing
Liked by: Tobbe

Mm, let's say you've met an alien, how would your beliefs change? What would you choose to believe from the information given by the media? 🤯🌌

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I mean, I’ve basically always been of the belief that there is some other life form out there anyways, whether it’s aliens or something else. So my beliefs wouldn’t be changing all that much, I guess it would just be like “ah so I guess it was aliens after all.” 👽
And it would maybe make me a little less skeptical of some of the “ufo sightings” and such that’s on the news/people’s claims… Cause like, I’m well aware people can and do stage convincing looking videos and photoshop stuff, but some of the stories that have never been “debunked” could definitely seem more legitimate in my mind. And meeting an alien might make me stop and go “huh, well that makes sense now.” 🤔
But… I don’t know. There’s always gonna be skepticism on people’s claims no matter what. Like, even if you say you have proof, people at large, are still not gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you really met an alien. So while it’d allow me to believe a little more, I’d probably not press the issue with it, nor would I want the attention of saying I met one. When it comes to that topic, I’m not at all interested in trying to prove myself or my beliefs to anyone. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Mm lets say youve met an alien how would your beliefs change What would you
Liked by: Tobbe Star. i

Would you rather call yourself a landlubber 🦀 or a fish in the water? 🐟 How do you feel about being near / in the water? What about being underwater? 😶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Can I say I’m a bit of both?
Like, here’s the thing… I’ll call myself a landlubber in the sense that I spend much of my time on land, and don’t tend to have many opportunities to be in water. BUT… on the other hand, any chance I do get to be in/around water, etc, I run to that. So, maybe I could say I’m a landlubber with fish in the water tendencies? Does that work? 😜😂
I love being in water, I love looking at it, taking pictures of it, you name it. I’m not the best at swimming/going under anymore as it’s been a long time since I’ve done it, but I think that would go away if I got back into it, and with some practice. But I can say that as a child, going underwater was my favorite thing to do. I loved to do flips. 😁
Would you rather call yourself a landlubber  or a fish in the water  How do you

You looking forward to summer? You have any plans? ☀️⛱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I would say, largely, yes I’m looking forward to it! My biggest plans are really in May, honestly.
First, I’m going to both of my cousins college graduations in May, which will take up 2 weeks of the month, as each are separate trips to different states! Alongside that, as a Mother’s day gift, my mom and grandma and I are planning a day trip to see a broadway show. And I also may be seeing my dad/going on a day trip with him, as I haven’t gotten to see him in person for almost a year. So yeah, busy month. 😂
And then for the rest of summer, I need to start looking into some medical things and being proactive on that. I’m very much NOT looking forward to it, but that’s pretty much the only thing I’m dreading. Other than that, I mostly have things I am aspiring to do/hope to do. Here’s a few of them!
-Catching up with high school/college friends I haven’t hung out with in a while.
-Getting outside way more often, trying to be more active/keeping my mental health in check.
-Continuing to work on Cosmetology skills I’ve not kept up with/am rusty on.
-Looking back into Barbering school (hopefully).
-Working on creative projects I’ve been neglecting.

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You looking forward to summer You have any plans
Liked by: Me - Larry Tobbe Azmath

When people ask about your age, how does it make you feel in general?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
For the most part, I don’t feel any type of way about my age, or people asking about it honestly! Only thing I get a bit insecure about, regarding my age, is my job experience… Due to illness reasons, I don’t have nearly as much as I’d like. I know it’s not a bad thing necessarily, as I can’t exactly control that, but it still makes me uncomfortable. 😅
One thing I think is interesting though, is to see people’s reactions when I tell them how old I am. Which, the reaction is typically shocked. 😂
People always think I’m a few years older or younger than I am, and from my observation, it usually has to do with how I put myself together. Like, when I get dressed up and put on makeup, people think I’m older, and then when I just wear comfy clothes, no makeup, etc, people usually think I’m considerably younger. 🤔

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When people ask about your age how does it make you feel in general

+ 2 💬 messages

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Do you do anything to manage your inbox on here? Like, what do you usually do with the questions you choose to not answer? Does it depend on the kind of question? 📨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not too much, to be fair. My only “management” consists of deleting the majority of the shoutouts I receive, minus the odd one here and there that I think is interesting. 🤔
I don’t really delete personal questions all that often though, unless they are rude, inappropriate, s*xual, etc. and then those get blocked as well. But in general, the personal questions stack up. However, I actually like it that way. It’s fun to have a variety of questions I know I can answer when I do ultimately get the inspiration for them. ☺️
I only get rid of the typical personal questions I get if I know I don’t relate to them, or if I can’t come up with a fun answer. Usually, I’ll leave them in my inbox for a very long time though, before I ultimately make that decision… To give you an idea, I still have questions I received over a year ago. 😂

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Do you do anything to manage your inbox on here Like what do you usually do with

How fast can you type? ⌨️ 📱 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ イ乇刀ムᄃノのひ丂 イのᄊᄊムリ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Eh, fast-ish. It really depends on how I feel. I deal with joint pain, and meds that can cause me to have issues with cognitive function. But on a good day, I can type about 44 words per minute. 😄
How fast can you type

Do you easily find yourself in a bad mood when people don’t treat you fairly and/or when they make up rumors about you and if not, how did you get to a point where the rumors about you didn’t get to you anymore?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Being treated unfairly always hurts, and can put you in a bad mood, regardless of who it’s by. Obviously, it’s gonna hurt way more if it’s someone you love treating you that way, but even from a stranger, that stuff can really stick with you. 🥺
I don’t really like the idea that you’re supposed to get to a point where it “doesn’t affect you.” It’s human to care, and to be affected by hurtful things. I don’t think the answer is to harden yourself. I know it affects me. If I’m treated unfairly, having rumors spread about me (even if they are untrue), etc, I’m gonna be hurt… And people can say “get over it” all they want, but it doesn’t change anything. If it hurts you, they don’t get to tell you it shouldn’t.
Now, with that said, I think what you can do is take people’s hurtful words with a grain of salt, especially if they don’t know you. That’s what I often do. Strangers and even acquaintances opinions of you aren’t facts… They aren’t based in any sort of truth. So I think that is an important thing to take into consideration. Prioritize the opinions of those who truly love you and know you, and beyond that, what YOU know to be true about yourself. And while that isn’t the cure for being hurt by things people say, it can at least take the edge off.
I hope that helps a little! If you’re going through something like this, I’m sorry. ☹️ You don’t deserve that.

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Do you easily find yourself in a bad mood when people dont treat you fairly

In what way are you a survivor? 💪 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ イ乇刀ムᄃノのひ丂 イのᄊᄊムリ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I’m a survivor of a lot of medical issues/trauma. Much of it, I’m still either trying to heal from, or I’m actively dealing with. Medical trauma has truly been bizarre to work through as you have most random triggers.
For example, I’m instantly nauseated, scared, anxious, feeling extreme dread, etc by certain sounds, smells, and so on. Like, I despise the smell of rubbing alcohol, alcohol wipes, etc. It brings back way too many memories, and makes me feel sick. But, it’s not exactly a trigger to “heal” from cause one, I don’t really know how to, and two, it’s not like you can really avoid it either. 🥴
I also get very scared when I have flare ups, thinking I’ll never get past it (even though logically, I know it’s irrational because my flares never stay constant). Or, more often, I’m scared I’ll wind up in situations I was in as a young teen that truly scarred me.

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In what way are you a survivor

How much do you use your pockets, if at all? 🤔 What do you usually have in them in your everyday life?

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I use my pockets daily. I pretty much exclusively use them for my phone/wallet. I just combine the two, since I have a wallet case. It’s honestly super handy if I don’t feel like bringing a purse with me to the grocery store or something, cause I just grab my phone, and I’m good to go.
The only other thing I use them for occasionally is putting my phone charger in there, if I need to charge it while out and about. But that’s about it! 😁
How much do you use your pockets if at all  What do you usually have in them in

How important is it to you to have friends? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ イ乇刀ムᄃノのひ丂 イのᄊᄊムリ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Pretty important, honestly. I’ve unfortunately had moments in life where I’ve not had any, or I’ve had toxic friends… and it really just made me sad and very lonely. It also made me cling to people who didn’t actually want to be friends with me. 😅
I’d be a total wreck without my friends, especially the ones I have now. They make me feel so safe. And especially since, I’m not close with a lot of my family, it feels like I have people who genuinely support and care about me, and who I can talk freely to. ☺️🥰
How important is it to you to have friends

Is there anything that most people find cute that creeps you out?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Most pet names (when referring to me) creep me out. 😶 Even if it’s meant to be endearing, I hate being called “baby” or “sugar” or “dear” or anything like that. 🥴 And maybe that’s my asexuality talking, but… eh, I just do not find it cute.
I’d much rather a partner either call me by my name or a certain variation I use sometimes. And maybe there’s a small handful of pet names that wouldn’t be too bad… Or if they were to give me a unique name that came from being together.🤔 But yeah, I think I’m generally just not the person who is swooned by that, never have been.
Is there anything that most people find cute that creeps you out


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