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50 posts


If you need to go out of the house but it's raining do you wait for the rain to stop?

Well you can’t basically do that in The Netherlands since it can rain the entire day, even days to weeks on end. I still got to work, run my errands, etc. 😂
From October till May I almost always take my umbrella or raincoat with me. It often rains here even without being able to foresee it on a weather forecast. 😅
LunarHuntress’s Video 173370242268

If you've been to a convention of any kind, what did you think of it? 📚🎮🦸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My favourite band has a 4 night convention at Centre Parcs in the Netherlands every two years (extended to 5 nights next year). They completely take it over and every house/apartment is filled with fans, with the band's music playing in the bars and on the TVs, three full gigs with a different setlist each night, loads of support acts in the evenings and afternoons, quizzes, Q&As, autograph sessions etc. The band and their families stay on site too, so you meet them in the bars, in the shops, in the pool, in the restaurants etc. About 3500 people go, and if you're on your own or can't fill an apartment yourself (and want to avoid a single occupancy supplement) then they will match you up with similar people to share (nationality, gender, age, non-smokers etc). I always used to go on my own and made loads of new friends that way, but now I book a large house with a group of friends who I met previously. Everyone is very friendly and excited and approachable and there's a real buzz about the place, but you can still escape to the beach or the pool or the next-door nature reserve (on the free hire bikes) if you need some space. The normal age demographic of the fans is fairly old (50+, it's an 80's prog rock band), but a lot of people take their whole families, so in practice there's actually quite a good age range there and it's a family friendly event.

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Name the countries you have visited. If you been to America what states

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbazk
I've been to France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Italy, The Netherlands, The Bahamas, Egypt, Japan, Scotland, The Republic of Ireland, and The United States of America.
The specific states I've visited are Florida, New York, Nevada, and California.

Name the countries you have visited. If you been to America what states

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbazk
England, Wales, Scotland, Jersey, Guernsey, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia, South Africa, Madeira, Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Greece (Corfu), Italy, Turkey, India, Japan, Australia (twice, West and East), Canada and America.
US States: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, New York, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona.

What's your relationship with unknown phone calls? Do you answer them or ignore them? 🔌☎️ If you don't pick up when unknown numbers call, what would it take for you to answer those calls?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I always check the landcode. If it’s any other than from The Netherlands, it’s an instant decline and block since all of the foreign calls are scams.
I ignore anonymous calls, unless they call twice. Any other number I usually ignore, then search up the number online. If I find out they’re okay, I either call them back or wait till they call me again.
I’ve noticed that if people really need to contact you, they will try again. Any other phone call can be seen as unnecessary in my opinion.

What's some kind of "math" you encounter in your life? In Sweden, for example, our math looks like: If only seats next to someone on the bus or train are left, then it's full ➗🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
In The Netherlands if somebody compliments your outfit, you tell them where you got it from. Bonus points if you tell them you got them in a bargain and how much money you saved. 😂
Whats some kind of math you encounter in your life In Sweden for example our

When you go to see your dentist, do you pay for your teeth cleanings each and every time? As a family, we didn’t have to pay at our old dentist place but where we currently go to for dental checkups every 6 months, we sometimes pay around $80 after one teeth cleaning session only.

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Here in The Netherlands it isn’t covered in the basic insurance anymore. I have an extra insurance which covers about 75% of the costs.
It covers 100% of the checkups! I only have to pay for the ‘mouth hygienist’.
I had to pay around 11 euros.

What do you think about electricity generated from the sun by photovoltaic panels? After all, it only works on a sunny day. On a cloudy day, the efficiency drops to 30%, while at night the solar panels do not work at all?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
I can say that I think those are great. Even in a cloudy and rainy country like The Netherlands it still provides a lot of electricity! You can also store the electricity to use it in the less sunny months.
I see solar panels als an extra way to obtain electricity, but for now, not as the only way.

Do you consider the jewelry in Netherlands to be a little different than the jewelry in the US in terms of price, looks or designs? I’m from Turkey so I find myself being fascinated by the jewelry every time I visit my grandparents there!!

I’ve never been to the U.S. so I cannot tell. 😅
Here in The Netherlands older women usually wear more colourful and bold jewelry (depending on their personality of course!)
Younger women also wear colourful jewelry sometimes, but mostly just silver, gold or rose gold.
Men sometimes wear bracelets or necklaces, but are mostly into watches.

How traditional would you say you are?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Hmm it’s hard to tell because the original Dutch traditions and culture haven’t really been around since about 1900.
I hold on to the traditions we sort of have though:
celebrating Kings Day: the birthday of the king. On this day everybody can set up a spot and sell some of their junk. It’s like a huge flee market all over the country. There are also festivals and it’s normal to dress in orange. 🧡
Kids do ‘Kings Play’ which is basically a sports day at school. Where they do an estafette with different activities.
Memorial day: 2 minutes of silence on the 4th of May, to remember those who died in the second world war.
Day of Freedom: 5th of May: celebrating that The Netherlands wasn’t occupied by the Germans anymore.
Then we have a bunch of Christian celebrations as traditional, like Easter and Christmas. I do not really celebrate it since I’m not a Christian, but we sort of have our own twist.

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How traditional would you say you are

for dutch bros coffee, do dutch people just call it bros up there?

I had to look it up, since I still had no idea what that meant.
Dutch Bros Coffee isn’t Dutch, but an American brand. This brand isn’t anywhere in The Netherlands. It is founded by two men that are born in America (so they are American) with Dutch descent. 😊

Поделитесь настроением? Подойдет что угодно: песня, картинка, мем, текст...

The Dutch government announced the creation of a special tribunal for Ukraine.
Political Declaration of the Ministerial Conference on Restoring Justice for Ukraine
Political Declaration of the Ministerial Conference on Restoring Justice for Ukraine, by representatives of the Governments of Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, the Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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Поделитесь настроением Подойдет что угодно песня картинка мем текст

Do you think a therapist would be honest enough to end the therapy sessions if the client didn't need it?

Idk, I mean just because they perceive the sessions as unnecessary or done, doesn’t mean the client perceives it the same way and might still need professional help.
I also think it kind of depends on where you live. Here in The Netherlands there is a shortage of professionals and very long waiting lists. To prevent the list from getting longer, professionals might end therapy sessions earlier than in a country like America, where these practices are corporal. It’s also payed by health care insurances here and they have rules.

Are there places like McDonalds and/or other fast food places in the Netherlands? If so, which one(s) do you prefer going to the most? 😊

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Yes, of course haha.
We have McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Five Guys, Febo, Domino’s, Subway, New York Pizza, Kwalitaria, La Place, Starbucks, Bagels & Beans, Sparerib Express, Taco Mundo, Eazie, Taco Bell, Smullers and way more

Hello, have you ever been in other countries?😆

marijapast’s Profile PhotoAgnitiger
Hi, thanks for the question! I have indeed. I've been to France, Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. I'm also going to Poland next month. I've never been outside of Europe but my boyfriend and I are saving up for a trip to Vegas.

Why do you like spring? Do you have any special reason to like this time of year?

magdamagdalena90’s Profile PhotoMagdalena ¥ =)=
Oooo I loveeeeee spring!
I love snow, but winter is just so hard in the northern parts of the world. The darkness really takes away my mood and energy.
I’m soo happy to feel the warmer breezes again, but mostly to see more sunlight again!
Besides that, the weather is best in spring here in The Netherlands. It’s a bit less humid than in summer and less hot, but still quite warm. 😊

Name: age: from: hobbie: sexuality: pet: height: birth month: pet peeve: fave color: tattoo: piercing: intro/extro: occupation: top 3 values:

Why does this feel like a survey lol.
Name: Yentl. Age: 26. From: The Netherlands. Hobby: gaming. Sexuality: straight. Pet: none at the moment… Height: 166cm. Birth month: July. Pet Peeve: People that aren’t aware of their surroundings. Fave colour: yellow 💛. Tattoo: I have three. Piercing: None, unless you count simple earrings as piercings. Introverted/extroverted: both, I’m ambivert. Occupation: Speech language pathologist. Top 3 values:
1: Love.
2. Respect.
3. Loyalty.

What is the ideal holiday destination for you? 🏖️ 🌴 🍹 🏄 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I love exploring a country and I love to be active. What my boyfriend and I did last summer was perfect: we went to different theme parks in The Netherlands and Germany whilst also exploring the country between days. 😊
What is the ideal holiday destination for you

How's your summer been? If you have any pictures you want to share, feel free to do so ⛱️📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m so so late for this, but I had a great summer so I still want to share! Lol.
I spend a part of my summer working at a restaurant in a resort. It was so much fun!
I spend another part of my vacation traveling to various theme parks in both The Netherlands and Germany! It was such an amazing holiday. 🥹
Hows your summer been If you have any pictures you want to share feel free to do

Who was your favorite classmate? Or best friend in school or university or work mate?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I didn't have favorite classmates in school. Either I don't remember anymore or I don't want to remember. Past is past. I don't think about it because I closed the door to my past. 💚 But I have to say that I had a few best friends in those years.
My best friend in my first univeristy was Paweł (Paul) but our friendship ended for many private and also unknown reasons for me so I don't want to talk about it. He had a lot of advantages because he was good, polite, kind, protective and person who you can trust thanks to I wish him all the best in his life. 💚
My favorite workmates were Marek (Mark), Dominika (Dominica), Eliza (Elisa) and Sarah.
Sarah was teenage Dutch girl. I worked abroad e.g.in the Netherlands and in Germany in the years from 2019 to June 2022. In the Netherlands teenagers go to work and this is le*gal and common behave.

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Who was your favorite classmate Or best friend in school or university or work

What is your traditional Christmas food? 🍗 🥩 🎄 🎅 🎁 🌰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
With gourmet you grill small pieces of meat and vegetables on a grill that’s in the middle of the table. It’s been a very long tradition in The Netherlands! 🇳🇱

What was the best (or just a good) purchase you made this year? 💵

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
This isn't the best purchase I made this year because I'm most satisfied with the JBL in-ear headphones that I received in February as a birthday gift. It was exactly what I needed and it's pink.
P.S. Pink is one of my favorite colors! 💚
P.S.2. I went abroad for work for the first time in 2019. I traveled to the Netherlands until July 2022. I really have a lot of things, clothes, shoes so I try not to overdo shopping for some time because my wardrobes are bursting at the seams. 😂
P.S.3. I no longer want to lead an overmuch consumerist lifestyle. Although from time to time I enjoy shopping. It's true but now I have other priorities e.g. to buy a flat.
I have half of the necessary amount of money for this purpose. I will take out a loan in a year or two years (In my view a loan is a better option than living with your parents a long time or forever).
I want to have my own place, not with another person. Is it selfish? In my opinion it isn't selfish. In my view it's practical and reasonable. I don't want to have lawsuit in future. 💁🏻‍♀️
It's my final decision. 😊
P.S.4. I'm sorry for mistakes in my answer. 🤭 English isn't my native language and I won't be perfect in this language. 😊

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What was the best or just a good purchase you made this year

I po świętach jutro do pracy 😭

MalyLegionista’s Profile Photo....O.....
And after the holidays I go to work tomorrow?
I live in the Netherlands, currently I came to Poland to visit my family for Christmas and New Year. I return to the Netherlands on January 2, 2024. I go to work on January 4
Mieszkam w Holandii, obecnie na Święta Bożego Narodzenia i na Nowy Rok przyjechałam do Polski do rodziny. Do Holandii wracam 2 stycznia 2024. Do pracy idę 4 stycznia
I po świętach jutro do pracy

Is it appropriate to put a mistletoe at a holiday office party?

It kind of depends on the team whether or not it’s appropriate. A kiss doesn’t have to be a kiss on the lips, a kiss on the cheeks can do too.
Here in The Netherlands people that know each other well (family, friends, but also close colleagues) kiss each other on the cheeks three times by greeting and farewell. In some companies a mistletoe would not be seen as inappropriate because of that.
It’s also very important to respect boundaries.
Is it appropriate to put a mistletoe at a holiday office party

How is patriarchy fought in your country? Are there any particular teachings in your schools or do they fight patriarchy only with the repression of the law and prison?

The Netherlands is a very diverse country with schools of all different kinds of religions and views. Some schools are very openminded about these views and try to exclude gender roles, which helps preventing these kind of views.
In The Netherlands children can also take on the mother’s last name since a while. This is also a small step towards equality.

What did you buy on Black Friday?

I didn’t buy anything on Black Friday. I’m not into consumerism and there is nothing new I need at the moment.
Besides that, most Black Friday deals, at least here in The Netherlands, are fake. They usually uplift or pretend the price was higher beforehand and you end up paying the same or even more even though they make you think that you scored a big discount.
What did you buy on Black Friday

I see that you would like to live in The Netherlands for your whole life. 😊😊😊 What are some of the things that you love about the Netherlands?

StephenInd’s Profile PhotoStephen Ind
I love how we’re a small country on map size, but big in economics.
The Netherlands has basically everything close by and they are advanced in infrastructure.
I love the weather here: we have four seasons which are very noticeable. The weather can be a bit extreme sometimes, but not too much. It mostly just rains and storms haha.
The healthcare is good, it could be a bit better, but it’s good and it isn’t very expensive.
I would mostly stay because I have a job that requires me to know a lot about the language. I think I would not be able to do my job somewhere else.

Do you have to wear makeup for your work?

No, here in The Netherlands asking such a thing is a form of discrimination, since it’s only asked of women.
The only places where make up is required for work, is when it’s functional. For example: when you’re in a costume for a party you were hired for, when you work in a circus, a parade, etc. Everywhere else it’s illegal for an employer to require their employees to wear make up.

Language: English