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Naturyzm - co uważasz, praktykujesz, myślisz o tym czy raczej pozostaje w sferze teoretycznej?

RudaRozpruwaczka’s Profile PhotoKarina
Naturism - what do you think about it, practice it, or does it rather remain in the theoretical sphere?
Naturism reminds me of naturist beaches by the sea in Poland, and perhaps of the lifestyle of people who consider themselves naturists. Naturists sunbathe naked on beaches – that's their business. I'm not interested in that kind of lifestyle.
Naturyzm kojarzy mi się z plażami naturystów nad morzem w Polsce, być może jeszcze ze stylem życia ludzi uważających się za naturystów. Mnie nie interesuje taki sposób bycia

Czy zarabiasz więcej niż nauczyciel? 😉 ♀️❤️

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
Do you earn more than a teacher?
It depends on what kind of teacher, whether school or academic, and in what country the teacher is? Generally, teachers do not earn much, so I think I earn more than the average teacher in Poland
Zarabiam więcej niż przeciętny nauczyciel w Polsce

Jaka według Ciebie jest różnica między robotą a pracą?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
What do you think is the difference between a job and a job?
There is no difference in English. In Polish it is the same, but written differently. It is generally accepted in Poland that hard work is paid less and more money is paid for the work
W języku angielskim różnicy nie ma. W języku polskim to jest to samo, tylko inaczej się pisze. Przyjęło się w Polsce, że ciężka robota jest mniej opłacana, a za pracę otrzymuje się więcej pieniędzy

Are you this much romantic, my friend? 🐼😁 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C78Y0MVvaEZ/?igsh=MXI5bTRuMGlxamExZw==

MadPanda91’s Profile PhotoM.F. ♂️
In my case, some people confuse romanticism with rheumatism - but this is just a manifestation of dark humor that I celebrate every day. Regarding the behavior in the film, it even exceeded my black humor. This is not funny, this is the rude behavior of an insolent man. Since we live in Poland, not everyone, especially the younger ones, can understand the answer in English, so I will write the same in Polish. I hope it doesn't bother you?
I am in the process of arranging the installation of a computer network in my private IT room. Before painting, I need to build a computer network. More of my answers will be available later this evening
Best regards and have a nice day
Macie to samo w języku polskim
W moim wypadku niektóry mylą romantyzm z reumatyzmem – ale to tylko przejaw czarnego humoru, który celebruję codziennie. Odnośnie zachowania na filmie to nawet przerosło mój czarny humor. To nie jest śmieszne, to jest chamskie zachowanie bezczelnego człowieka. Ponieważ mieszkamy w Polsce nie wszyscy szczególnie młodsi mogą zrozumieć odpowiedź w języku angielskim, dlatego napiszę to samo po polsku. Mam nadzieję, że Tobie to nie przeszkadza?
Ja się biorę za układanie instalacji sieci komputerowej w moim prywatnym pokoju informatycznym. Przed malowaniem muszę zbudować sieć komputerową.
Więcej moich odpowiedzi będzie późnym wieczorem
Pozdrawiam serdecznie i życzę miłego dnia

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Are you this much romantic my friend

Name the countries you have visited. If you been to America what states

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbazk
I've been to France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Italy, The Netherlands, The Bahamas, Egypt, Japan, Scotland, The Republic of Ireland, and The United States of America.
The specific states I've visited are Florida, New York, Nevada, and California.

Name the countries you have visited. If you been to America what states

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbazk
England, Wales, Scotland, Jersey, Guernsey, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia, South Africa, Madeira, Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Greece (Corfu), Italy, Turkey, India, Japan, Australia (twice, West and East), Canada and America.
US States: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, New York, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona.

I jak ci się żyje w tej Turcji?

Pomijając fakt, że Turcy zaczepiają mnie co chwilę albo że już 3 razy uznali mnie za Rosjankę (tak, znowu, wtf), to dobrze XDDD I bynajmniej nie chodzi o język ani o to, że oni nie odróżniają kraju, bo mają turystów z różnych państw Europy, tylko no nie wiem o co im chodzi XD Jak powiedziałam, że jestem z Polski, to było takie zdziwienie z ich strony i: "Poland? Really? Dzień dobry" XD No really, really. Coś tam po polsku znają niektóre zwroty, a wczoraj łażąc po sklepach poznałam Turka, który ma dziewczynę z Katowic i szwagierkę z Polski, dobrze mu szło mówienie po polsku.
Oprócz tego co napisałam ostatnio, to jest gorąco, wczoraj temperatura sięgała tutaj 40°C, dziś o 2 stopnie mniej (łaska), ale jakoś tutaj tego tak nie czuję i mi to nie przeszkadza. Ceny według mnie przystępne, ładnie, czysto, super jedzenie i pyszne lody. Przynajmniej mówię o miejscowości, w której jestem - Marmaris.

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laski co sądzicie o katastrofie demograficznej czy można to uratować??

PL: Nie mam pojęcia, pewnie tak. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Może gdyby kilka kwestii się zmieniło, to kobiety w Polsce chciałyby zachodzić w ciąże i rodzić dzieci, ale it is what it is. 🤷🏼‍♀️
ENG: I have no idea, probably yes. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Maybe if a few things changed, women in Poland would want to get pregnant and give birth to children, but it is what it is. 🤷🏼‍♀️

c l a n c y / / part 4.

yulia_pizza’s Profile Photomøn amí
наконец-то закончился четвёртый тур!
1 : 09.11.2019
The Bandito Tour / Tulsa, Oklahoma, US / BOK Center
2 : 15.08.2024
The Clancy World Tour / Denver, Colorado, US / Ball Arena
3 : 07.04.2025
The Clancy World Tour / Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany / Barclays Arena
4 : 06.04.2013
Trip for Concerts / Pontiac, Michigan, US / The Crofoot Ballroom
5 : 21.05.2021
Livestream Experience / Columbus, Ohio, US / Value City Arena, Schottenstein Center, Ohio State University
6 : 18.10.2021
The Takeover Tour / Boston, Massachusetts, US / Paradise Rock Club
7 : 25.10.2019
The Bandito Tour / Des Moines, Iowa, US / Wells Fargo Arena
8 : 29.06.2017
Tour de Columbus / Columbus, Ohio, US / EXPRESS LIVE!
9 : 13.09.2015
Blurryface Tour / Toronto, Ontario, Canada / REBEL
10 : 02.11.2021
The Takeover Tour / Atlanta, Georgia, US / Center Stage Theater
11 : 17.09.2022
The Icy Tour / Anaheim, California, US / Honda Center
12 : 22.10.2016
Emotional Roadshow World Tour / Moscow, Russia / Stadium Live
13 : 09.04.2025
The Clancy World Tour / Lodz, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland / Atlas Arena
14 : 17.09.2021
Twenty One Pilots Concert Experience / Roblox / Online
15 : 24.10.2019
The Bandito Tour / Minneapolis, Minnesota, US / Target Center
16 : 27.04.2025
The Clancy World Tour / Munich, Bavaria, Germany / Olympiahalle
17 : 24.06.2017
Tour de Columbus / Columbus, Ohio, US / Nationwide Arena
18 : 04.09.2022
The Icy Tour / Charlotte, North Carolina, US / Spectrum Center
19 : 11.05.2025
The Clancy World Tour / Manchester, England, UK / AO Arena
20 : 11.11.2016
Emotional Roadshow World Tour / London, England, UK / Alexandra Palace
21 : 21.06.2017
Tour de Columbus / Columbus, Ohio, US / Newport Music Hall
22 : 11.09.2024
The Clancy World Tour / Orlando, Florida, US / Kia Center
23 : 24.10.2013
Trip for Concerts / Grand Rapids, Michigan, US / The Intersection
24 : 15.10.2015
Blurryface Tour / Los Angeles, California, US / Greek Theatre
25 : 02.05.2025
The Clancy World Tour / Paris, Île-de-France, France / Accor Arena
1 правильный ответ = 4%
24 / 25 - 92%
Greenville, South Carolina, US / Bon Secours Wellness Arena
№ 24 - не найдено - 4%
21 / 25 - 68% - будет поделено пополам (каждому по 34%)
06.04.2013 - площадка
The Crofoot Pontiac Concert
The Crofoot Ballroom
24.10.2013 - площадка
133 Grandville Avenue Southwest Grand Rapids, MI 49503
27.04.2025 - площадка
Spiridon Louis Ring 21
Takeover Tour / Columbus, OH, US / Columbus Concert
№ 18, 20, 21, 22 - не найдено - 16%
18 / 25 - 64%
13.09.2015 - площадка
Leader Bank Pavilion
Hofstra Musicfest / Hempstead, New York, US
№ 3, 7, 11, 13, 14, 20, 25 - не найдено - 28%
14 / 25 - 56%
№ 6, 8, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 - не найдено - 44%
а вы готовы к финалу Clancy?
|-/ i ponder of something great.
[ no problem ]

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c l a n c y   part 4

Chciałabym wygląd z Arianą, zdjęcia wybierz sama, napis główny: #agup Ariana Grande Poland, mniejszy: Twoje jedyne najlepsze konto o znanej aktorce oraz piosenkarce którą jest Ariana Grande" i "Prowadzi Wiktoria", ikonka z napisem, dziękuje Busiaaa!!!

grandeupdatesplnews’s Profile Photo#agup Ariana Grande Poland ♡
Chciałabym wygląd z Arianą zdjęcia wybierz sama napis główny agup Ariana Grande

Hej super że wróciłaś, poproszę o wygląd z Ky. Zdjęcia wybierz sama jakieś sefie mogą być, napis główny: "Kylie Jenner Poland", mniejszy: Twoje jedyne aktywne konto o znanej na całym świecie celebrytki którą jest Kylie Jenner" i "Prowadzi Wiktoria", ikonka z napisem, dziękuje!!

kyliekristenjennerfactspl’s Profile Photokylie jenner poland news
Hej super że wróciłaś poproszę o wygląd z Ky Zdjęcia wybierz sama jakieś sefie

Поделитесь настроением? Подойдет что угодно: песня, картинка, мем, текст...

The Dutch government announced the creation of a special tribunal for Ukraine.
Political Declaration of the Ministerial Conference on Restoring Justice for Ukraine
Political Declaration of the Ministerial Conference on Restoring Justice for Ukraine, by representatives of the Governments of Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, the Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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Поделитесь настроением Подойдет что угодно песня картинка мем текст

How was your holiday to Poland?

It was great, thank you so much for asking! Poland is beautiful, and there's so much to see, learn and do. We went to the salt mines and Auschwitz which were long days but worth it. Very interesting, and Auschwitz was humbling and so sad. We did a bit of exploring and visited the botanical gardens, house of attractions, pinball museum, illusion museum, bunny cafe, a wizard themed cafe, Wawel castle etc. We also went on the Ferris wheel and had a tour to Zakopane, where we also had cheese and vodka tasting. I honestly had such a good time. There were moments that weren't so good, but I think it's pointless going into because overall the experience was amazing! 🇵🇱
Liked by: C ❀ DovahMonah Doug

Byłeś/aś na plaży nudystów? 🍀

You were at a nudist beach?
I was a few meters from a nudist beach in Poland in the town of Rowy. I saw people sunbathing there, but I wasn't on the nudist beach itself and I didn't take part in naked sunbathing.
Na samej plaży nudystów nie byłam, byłam w pobliżu takiej plaży w Polsce w miejscowości Rowy

Do you have days when you don't feel like socializing with people?

I have many of those days. 😂
I don't mind socialising in short bursts, but I get tired quickly. This is why I'm so nervous about my trip to Poland. We've booked with friends in an apartment and when my social battery runs out, there'll be nowhere to escape to!

Hello, have you ever been in other countries?😆

marijapast’s Profile PhotoAgnitiger
Hi, thanks for the question! I have indeed. I've been to France, Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. I'm also going to Poland next month. I've never been outside of Europe but my boyfriend and I are saving up for a trip to Vegas.

Do you have any local holidays or minor days of note? Yesterday was "fettisdagen" in Sweden, when it's tradition to eat a semla, a certain kind of pastry 🥐🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
In Poland we celebrate "Tłusty Czwartek" (Fat Thursday (it is the last Thursday before Lent. This year it falls on February 8)). Fat Thursday also begins the last week of Carnival.
We then eat pączki, dobuts and faworki 😁

Wishing you a very Happy New Year! 🥳✨I hope it’ll be your most fulfilling year yet. Is there anything you would like to accomplish/are looking forward to this year? ✨

asgardarts’s Profile PhotoLivi;
Happy new year lovely, and sorry for the late response to this. I have eight gigs planned (so far) and I'm so excited for those as I love live music. I'm also going to Krakow, Poland in March with my boyfriend and two friends so that should be lots of fun. It's my 30th this year, so I'll have to do something while it's a special birthday. I was thinking of maybe having a party or going away somewhere for a few days. As for what I hope to accomplish... I just want to carry on beating my anxiety. I've come a long way in the last year, so I want to make even more progress. I can easily get the bus by myself now which was impossible just a few months ago. I'd also like to start volunteering again, as it didn't really work out last time. I don't want to give up. I just want to continue doing what I'm doing, pushing myself and hoping for the best. I hope your 2024 is amazing! You deserve the best year. 🥰

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what mentality have poladn?

PL: Wystarczy spojrzeć na profil @ppatiii53725 , dziewczyna ma odmienne zdanie na temat rządu w Polsce niż anon i od razu została zwyzywana. 🥹
Bo przecież nikt nie ma prawa powiedzieć, że coś mi się nie podoba. 🤡
Pozdrawiam serdecznie. 😌💕
ENG: Just look at the profile of @ppatiii53725, the girl has a different opinion about the government in Poland than anon and she was immediately insulted. 🥹
Because no one has the right to say that they don't like something. 🤡
Greetings. 😌💕

Sylwestra spędzasz u siebie w domu czy gdzieś indziej ?

martapiotrowska12’s Profile PhotoMarta
Are you spending New Year's Eve at home or somewhere else?
I'm spending New Year's Eve in Poland with my family, it looks like we'll go dancing somewhere
Sylwestra spędzam u rodziny w Polsce, wygląda na to, że pójdziemy gdzieś potańczyć

ཾ༵ * .⠀ ݁ christmas time one-shot—

We've already celebrated Christmas in Poland. The day of Christmas Eve was terrible to me, I don't even want to remember that day, I was so emotional at that day because of thinking about everyone is with their families and I am alone here, and then near to end of the day I saw a picture, which fucked all of my mental, I decided to drink one or two-shot but I've finished all of the vodka bottle alone. I was drunk, and I hate myself when I am drunk. 🤢 Because of this I am always paying attention to not get drunk while drinking alcohol. 🙂 First day of the Christmas was quite good, I've slept almost whole day, I've watched some TV series, and at night I went to the night club.🕺I saw there one of my Polish friend. He is one of the sincere and honest Polish person, I've ever seen. 🍀 Second day of the Christmas holiday was also good for me, I've slept almost whole day again, I've watched some TV series, and at night I went to the cinema, I love watching horror movies at cinema, especially when the movie theater is quite empty. 😁
I started working again today, I'll work until Friday. After Friday, I will wait for the celebrate new year like all people in Poland. 🎉

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christmas time oneshot

If there is a position of rotating marshal in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (Hołownia), could it be applied in everyday life, and then a woman could have a rotating fiancé, or a rotating husband with a term of office of two years, and the husband could have a rotating wife?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
i mean, everyone does what they want with their own lives. if they want to do that i don’t see why not

I po świętach jutro do pracy 😭

MalyLegionista’s Profile Photo....O.....
And after the holidays I go to work tomorrow?
I live in the Netherlands, currently I came to Poland to visit my family for Christmas and New Year. I return to the Netherlands on January 2, 2024. I go to work on January 4
Mieszkam w Holandii, obecnie na Święta Bożego Narodzenia i na Nowy Rok przyjechałam do Polski do rodziny. Do Holandii wracam 2 stycznia 2024. Do pracy idę 4 stycznia
I po świętach jutro do pracy

What are some local Christmas foods where you live? 🍪🎅

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
1. Barszcz czerwony
2. Uszka z grzybami
3. Chleb
4. Pierogi z białą kapustą - We have a tradition in my family and we put 'grosze' (Polish money in the form of coins) inside this dish. This person, who finds the coin on Christmas Eve, will have financial success throughout next year.
5. Smażona ryba
6. Żurek z suszonymi grzybami i tłuczonymi ziemniakami
7. Sałatka jarzynowa
8. Kiszona gotowana kapusta z suszonymi grzybami
9. Zupa fasolowa
10. Kompot z suszonych owoców
11. Piernik
12. Makowiec - But I don't eat it because I don't like this cake.
P.S. In Poland we have much more Christmas Eve foods but we have tradition that we have to have 12 dishes on the table.
P.S.2. Other Christmas foods in Poland e.g. kutia, paszteciki z kapustą i grzybami, ryba po grecku, śledzie w occie.
P.S.3. I'm Catholic so for Christmas Eve dinner I only eat fish, if we're talking about meat. We can't eat other types of meat on days like this. Of course, next day after Christmas Eve we have other dishes e.g. with chicken meat or with ham. 💚

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What are some local Christmas foods where you live

Gdzie spedzasz sylwestra?

Where are you spending New Year's Eve?
I hope in Poland. I'm coming to Poland on Thursday, December 21, 2024 and I'm staying until January 3, 2024. I'm supposed to report to work on January 6 for my January shift
Mam nadzieję, że w Polsce. Do Polski przyjeżdżam w czwartek 21 grudnia 2024 i zostaję do 3 stycznia 2024

What are some unique Christmas traditions from around the world that you find fascinating? 🎄 🎅 🎁 🌰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I have always loved leaving stocking gifts hanging on the mantle.
On Christmas Eve in Poland, we share "opłatek" (an unleavened religious wafer), each person breaking off a piece as they wish each other Merry Christmas. Dinner may not begin until the first star appears in the night sky and, traditionally, an extra setting is left at the table should someone show up uninvited. I really like this too 🤗

Hejcia! Chciałabym wygląd z Arianą, zdjęcia wybierz sama, napis główny: #agup Ariana Grande Poland, mniejszy: Twoje jedyne najlepsze konto o znanej aktorce oraz piosenkarce którą jest Ariana Grande" i "Prowadzi Wiktoria", ikonka z napisem, dziękuje!!

grandeupdatesplnews’s Profile Photo#agup Ariana Grande Poland ♡
Tło: https://zapodaj.net/plik-17ZsPw3wkV
Ikonka: https://zapodaj.net/plik-MA8vCUrq90
Mam nadzieję, że się spodoba! Oczywiście gdybyś miała jakieś uwagi/chciałabyś coś zmienić w tym wyglądzie to napisz, a poprawimy!
Hejcia Chciałabym wygląd z Arianą zdjęcia wybierz sama napis główny agup Ariana

How is it in Ukraine? Are you safe? Would you like to come to Poland? We have welcomed many Ukrainians.

Ningen69’s Profile Photo#N Ningen
Good afternoon. Thank you for your experiences. How do we live? We live, we breathe, we build, we work) .I was with you, I really liked it, but I have my own. We can still go as a tourist.
Liked by: Arxangel92

Do you have any unique or bizarre Halloween traditions? 🎃 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
PL: W Polsce raczej nie obchodzi się Halloween, także ja po prostu kupuję coś słodkiego, jakieś chrupki i oglądam horrory tego dnia. XD
ENG: In Poland, we don't really celebrate Halloween, so I just buy something sweet, some crisps and watch horror movies on that day. 🤣

Have you ever given out expired Halloween candy from the previous year? 🎃 🍭 🍫 🍬 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
PL: W Polsce mało kto obchodzi Halloween. 😶
Chociaż chyba w ostatnich latach zaczęło się to zmieniać. 🤔
W każdym razie osobiście przeważnie nie otwieram drzwi. XD
ENG: In Poland, hardly anyone celebrates Halloween. 😶
Although this has probably started to change in recent years. 🤔
Anyway, personally, I usually don't open the door. 🤣

Czy Polska potrzebuje silnej armii? Opozycja zaprzecza i zapowiada zmiany , tutaj widać ze Panstwowa komisja wyborca to zdrajcy Polski,mimo ze Tusk przegrał to na siłe go pchali do Parlamentu.

Does Poland need a strong army? The opposition denies and announces changes, here you can see that the National Electoral Commission are traitors to Poland, even though Tusk lost, they forced him into Parliament.
Poland needs its own strong and very well-armed army so that no one will think of attacking Poland
Polska powinna mieć własne, niezależne od zagranicy wojsko

Are you saving up money for something? What is it that you want to get? 🏖🎮

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I'm currently saving up for spending money on my trip to Krakow, Poland early next year. The flights and accommodation have been paid off, I just need money for spending while I'm there. I'm going with my boyfriend and two friends; it's so exciting! I'd also love a new phone and a gaming laptop, but I'll have to wait a long while before I start thinking properly about that. I prefer experiences and holidays over possessions, anyway. ✈️

I heard vodka was invented in Poland, Rachel. Probably by the same people who bottle Poland Spring water. It looks exactly the same. Isn't Poland the capital of Russia? Batushka is from Poland too. That's close to Tennessee where they make Charlie Daniels whiskey. Synchronicity! -Sage

I heard Poland AND Russia invented vodka. But what do I know? I wasn’t there. I’m not a wise person. My name is not Sage. 😭🤣
Liked by: Juliy

In your opinion, do people have the right to be happy or should they earn it?🦋

vane0432’s Profile PhotoᏉ.
All human have to right to be happy. Because we didn't choose this life our parents decided it for us. But they are not responsible for our happiness, it depends on us. At the same time the world, which we are living in is the piece of the hell. Because of this we should earn our happiness by ourselves. But how? Nothing is easy. First, I have to find what is happiness for me. Because I am absolutely sure that I still don't know it. I only know that I am not happy, I am feeling like I lived my whole life with suffering. I lost lots of things eg. my parents, my friends, my relatives... I don't know where I am finding power of survive, with those loses. After 31 years of my life I made a radical decision and I moved from Turkey to Poland to start new life with my all depression. After 10 months in Poland still nothing is OK for me. I haven't succeed anything. To be honest I unemployed now. 2 days ago, my best friend's uncle told me that "I know you are a well educated person, but if you want I can find you a Kebab job in Warsaw." I said it's OK for me, because I have to, I have to survive. But, when I was saying yes to his offer, I felt myself I am betraying my personality, my background, but still I know that I have to. Still I have power to survive, despite to all negativity.
At sum, I should earn my happiness with success about being person, who I want to be. Of course in every perspective live, laugh, love...

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In your opinion do people have the right to be happy or should they earn it

Jak myślisz, ktoś kto jeździ do pracy za granicę nie powinien nazywać się patriotą?

You think someone who goes to work abroad shouldn't be called a patriot?
Working abroad currently has nothing to do with patriotism but with intelligence and the ability to cope with difficult situations. Sitting in Poland and living on benefits, because the lack of work is not patriotism, but the lack of ability to cope with life
Patriotyzm nie ma obecnie nic wspólnego z mieszkaniem i pracą za granicą. Można mieszkać i pracować za granicą i być polskim patriotą

▪️Napis główny: Shin Ryujin | ITZY Poland ▪️Napisy dodatkowe: - Konto informacyjne poświęcone południowokoreańskiej artystce Shin Ryujin oraz reszcie członkiń zespołu ITZY - Hwang Yeji, Choi Jisu, Lee Chaeryeong oraz Shin Yunie. - Odpowiada Yuqi ▪️Ikonka z napisem: ITZY Poland

ryujinpl1’s Profile Photo류진 | ITZY Poland
Napis główny Shin Ryujin  ITZY Poland
Napisy dodatkowe
 Konto informacyjne

Do you buy easter egg for yourself what would be the most amazing thing to find in an Easter egg ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Actually I've never bought easter egg and never looked for one at home or in the garden 😁 there's no tradition like that in Poland and that's why I don't even think about it.

Language: English