

Ask @bebejeremy

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Haha different girl, but yeah you're right. guess Im just overthinking lol thanks for your help :) x

You're not over thinking
If he doesn't even choose you and putting any effort when you guys are seeing each other (seeing each other is considered still new and has a lot of things to find out about about one another, meant to be really exciting and cute) then idk how it would be any different if you're going to be his gf some day (already used to each other and too comfortable)

I'm seeing this guy but he's always choosing his friends over me and it annoys the fk outta me. It shouldn't even get to me since were not official or anything, but how do you think I should deal with it Bebe??

Are you the girl below? Cause the anon below said bf, anyway you guys are just seeing each other in my opinion most guys aren't even serious when they first get a gf let alone it's not even official. Choosing his friends over you is completely normal tbh my bf used to do that for a long time after we started going out I know how you feel lol

So basically I had asked my bf to do something on Thursday night but he said he had an assignment and could do Friday night. I didn't bother to follow it up on Friday to see if he actually cared about our plans. He messages me 8pm Friday night to tell me he's going clubbing with his mates. Wtfffff

Go to the club and ask him the fuck is his problem
Liked by: Trang Phung

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where do you get your hair done? I love your hair colour

Which hair colour are you talking about haha

Hey bebe does your shop do skin bleaching? Im really tanned and i wanna bleach my skin a couple of shades lighter

No we don't bleach your skin unless your skin is VERY dark then there's another step, I'll sum up the steps that we do at our spa: Removing dead skin: we massage your whole body with sand (from deep under the sea that has something in it Idk what, but it helps clearing out dead skin when being rub against) + honey + milk and other natural ingredients. Just this step has already help your skin to feel about 3 times smoother than normal. Applying herbal lightening cream: apply all over your body and then you stay in the capsule spa for 45 minutes Bath with coconut milk + roses for 20 min Apply another moisturiser that has skin lightening ingredients all over body again Each session is $185, and guaranteed your skin will be a few shades lighter and amazingly soft and just preeeetty after 6 sessions. How dark are you? LOL

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how do you draw your brows so evenly? mine are so bad

How bad is bad!!! Haha if you seriously can't get it right use a ruler to see where the starting point of your eyebrows and draw from there and just compare as you go, or draw one how you like it and try to do the same to the other brow. I have like an ocd for eyebrows they must be perfect every little bit otherwise I get annoyed 😂

Hi Bebe! Did you experience any growth in your breasts whilst taking contraceptive pills?

Yeah definitely! My boobs are smaller when they're not on the pills 😂

just wondering, how do you keep your hair looking so healthy?

My hair is very dry and dead, it only looks decent on the first day after I wash it. I hate having my hair down its just in the way so I tie it up 24/7 unless I'm going out. I don't brush my hair so they form knots easily since they're dry lol my hair is the last thing I worry about when I'm out, I even had it half wet and went clubbing (it dried by the time I got there of course haha)

I've got blonde ombré hair so asian dark brown hair that fades into blonde. I thought soft brown would be too light for ur hair colour.

This is my brows without any product, I need to draw the end of my brows so that's why I need a darker colour than soft brown at the end, like a dark brown brow pencil
Ive got blonde ombré hair so asian dark brown hair that fades into blonde I

Do u find dark brown a good colour? Not too dark?

Lol idk why the photo turned out so dark after I uploaded it but if you have a lot of brow hair, buy a lighter colour, if you have little brow hair buy a darker colour. I sometimes use dark brown too, but too dark for blonde ombré to brown

What eyeliner do u use? Is it smudgeproof, budge proof and waterproof?

I really like the benefit gel liner because of how black it is and so smooth and easy to apply, doesn't transfer and doesn't come off unless using oil make up remover

Do u use anastasia products on ur brows now and what colour? I'm asian and I really wanna buy the dipbrow/powder but don't know what colour would suit me. We don't have anywhere that sells abh products so I'd have to buy online. Scared of choosing the wrong colour being too light/dark.

What's your current hair colour? I'm using soft brown but I have to add a bit of dark brown powder from the arch to the end of my brows because my brow hair is like jet black and it can look patchy

How does it feel to receive so many 'likes' on ig photos, does it give a nice ego boost everytime u get notified lol.

How many likes is so many? 200?300? Maybe that's a lot to you and no it doesn't mean shit to me what a loser lol.

Wtf is wrong with those low life madafakas on your ask.fm?? Stay beautiful babe xo

Lol it can be entertaining though! Thanks love xx

so you're saying 'basic looking girls' don't deserve to get spoilt as much as prettier ones? lol your comment was stupid and ignorant. (This is to that anon)


To that anon below. Looks aint everything babe. just coz someones hot doesnt mean their a nice gf worth spoiling tbh.. no racism just stating the truth.


Who is one of the hottest Asians? I fucking love your honesty, so straight up and hardcore bitchy

In Melbourne? I can't think of one tbh After looking at every pretty girl for while they become average LOL 😂

I see the most basic ass looking Asians and the get spoilt rotten by there boyfriends, and the hottest white girls who can barely get a text back.

Asians and white people aren't the same when it comes to relationship tbh haha

but u have a kookai bralette with straps haha? i have had good experiences too, ive experienced more bitchy workers at bardot

That's not mine 😂😂 and yeah everytime I see a bitchy worker I wonder how fake they were at the interviews


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