

Ask @bebejeremy

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do you have any tips for turning down guys who try to hit on girls at the club

Lol omg I’m not sure if you’re asking the right person
Before I just tell them to fuck off
Which I don’t do anymore
Now when I see someone making eye contact with me I will slowly walk away and gtfo before it gets to that point
And when they talk I just smile and nod and say ‘can’t hear you’ 😂😂😂 IF THEY ARE STILL TRYING, legit just say fuck off that’s the quickiest and easiest way

hey Bebe! Soooo I really like your eyebrows (like the shape). Idk why but I'm obsessed with the straighter look now lol Anyways I just wanted to ask you what you think of a more arched look? Have you ever tried that and do you think it looks good? Cause my brows are quite arched and I wanna change!!

Omg my eyebrows were so straight the past couple of months (my natural brows grow downwards so I have to literally shave off my tails to draw an arch and I got lazy at one point)
Anyway Idk if you can notice but I the latest pics I try to arch it more and this is the most I can do with my face shape lol
Really depends on your face shape I think, it has a lot to do with your forehead and the space between your eyes and your eyebrows
I think that girls with bigger forehead should have higher arched brows and girls with small forehead should have straighter/slightly arched brows

Any good viet songs lately?

Not really, I updated to iOS fkn 11 and my Viet music app doesn’t load anymore
I just listen to what I’ve been listening to and really old songs
I like Ngay mai em di by touliver and vai Lan don dua if you even heard already

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Chị ơi chị thích món ăn Việt Nam nào nhiều nhất?

Đồ ăn VN món nào cũng thích mà em đã hỏi kể luôn đang đói nữa 😂😂😂
Nếu ăn cơm thì cơm tấm gà kho thịt kho cá kho gà luộc, sườn các kiểu bla bla
Bánh cuốn, bhh, phở, bánh canh, hủ tiếu, mì, miến, bún măng bún ốc, nói chung bún gì cũng thích hahhaha
Ốc các loại, bánh giò, gỏi cuốn, bánh mì, xôi, cháo các loại, lẩu cũng thích , nem cuốn, phở cuốn, nem chua, bánh bao, hột vịt lộn, bánh tráng trộn, đồ ăn vặt
Mà em hỏi làm gì có định nấu chị ăn hay sao 😭😂
Liked by: Apple Pies

Would you ever go blonde??

But all of my friends are like no no no 😭😭😭😭😭
If you scroll down my ig I was blonde for 2 months bahaha

Hey Bebe so I recently got a new job, and it's soooo shit like I hate I never wanna come back lol, was there ever a time when you just called and said hate this place never coming back? I wanna do that before my next shift coz thinking about coming back there seriously makes me so depressed.

Omg lol I know exactly how you feel
But then again imma say if you can afford to go without a job until you find the next
Fucking do it! But if you can’t then be realistic and just apply for jobs now and leave once you find another one
You don’t have to love your job, I mean it is work after all and no one likes working too much so
The only thing that’ll make work easier to bear with is the people, hopefully you’ve got fun work mates at least

My parents are from Vietnam and I was born here but I can't speak Viet. Am I a failure??

Bro not sure if serious
What kind of questions that
You are not a failure it’s mainly your parents fault for not being strict about it when you were younger. Once you get older it becomes harder to learn so yeah

have you ever had a facial done by Marianne at her work? I'm just asking bc your skin looks amazing. What skincare do you use? :)

Na man her work charges hella expensive LOL
I been try to wear a mask at least 5-7 nights a week (I have very very dry and dehydrated skin)
I use innisfree mask sheets, it makes a big difference to my skin ever since I started like 3 weeks ago
I use serum, night cream, eye cream at night
And oil and moisturizer in the day, I should get a new sunscreen product cause it’s summer now haha
I also use 3 different primers before my makeup, setting sprays after and oil based makeup remover

What's that show on your instagram story? The British accent one 😅

Omg I’ve had at least 5 people asking me on ig haha it’s the best tv show out there it’s called peaky blinders !!!

What bottoms/shoes would you wear with a lace bodysuit? :)

Depends where To
You can wear with anything, a mini skirt or pants
And shoes, really depends where you going, what colour it is
Just stick to basic and simple you can never go wrong legit

(2) the job itself is pretty easy i enjoy it but it seems so pressure everytime i work with my boss. I constantly feel like being judged and watched by her. And they pay me so little as well $13/hour :( i was so excited about this job but now not anymore

And again of course when your boss is around you gotta be extra careful. They’re there to watch you and make sure you’re doing the right thing so obviously they’re watching you
Idk how old you are but if you can’t find anything better just stay there for experience and it’ll look good on your resume too

#koreanstore hey not sure if you rmb me but i asked you about the job at korean store im having rn. Sigh everyone full tryna suck up the boss's ass and i cant seem to get along,the boss doenst like the way i put makeup on. She expects me to have straight brows and pink lipstick which im fken sick of

Hahah that’s retail for you
Fake it till you make it, of course everyone’s gonna suck up to the boss it’s actually the most annoying thing
If it’s required to have straight brows and pink lips then just suck it up and do it
It’s like when I don’t even like putting on makeup but I worked at Mac so I gotta wake up an hour earlier to do a full face
If you can’t change it get used to it or quit

Do you reckon Vietnamese kids born in Australia should speak Viet? Do you like expect them to?

Of course they fucking should u srs
I’m so sick and tired of speaking English that I just start talking in viet these days and expect them to understand lol. I always try and get my friends to speak viet instead but they refuse and say ‘not used to it’ idk why what’s so embarrassing or weird
Fkn if you can talk to your mum you can talk to me too bitch it’s actually annoying and frustrating LOL
If I have kids I would fkn backhand them if they talk to me in English srs

What do you usually eat for bfast, lunch and dinner?

I really wonder sometimes who would be curious about this kinda stuff LOL
For breakfast on week days -Vietnamese coffee omg or like iced coffee, or Dutch dark chocolate so good
Ham cheese tomato sandwich, yogurt, 2 min noodles, cheese and crackers, bacon egg sausage muffin or even roasted chicken lol I know I never Used to be able to eat this stuff in the morning but now my body doesn’t give a fuck I eat whatever whenever the list can go on
For lunch these days I eat salad and tuna ROFL sometimes whatever my mum makes
Dinner whatever my mum makes as well unless I decide to eat out after work
On the weekends always different so yeah

Do you mind sharing what workouts Rachel does? Her body is amazing omg

Bro like can you just msg her she’ll help you out
She’s nice dw

Are you as straightforward in person? Because I’m and I somehow always get thrown aside by my “girl friends” because they don’t like how straightforward I get when I disagree with them. Kinda sad really.. lost so many girl friends because they think I’m bitchy for saying it straight to their face

Yeah I am, straight up blunt and honest
I love how you put the “girl friends” cause you low key question if they are really your friends rofl
Fuck you need new friends man bitches that can’t take an opinion needa grow up. I mean maybe it’s the way you say it too but it shouldn’t matter too much. They need to understand everyone’s different. I hate people that are offended by the smallest things ughhhhh
My friends all know me too well and appreciate me the way I am (at least I’d like to think so 😂😂😂)

Reading your answers, if you were to move somewhere for a year or so where would you want to move to?

Haha I’m still thinking but it has to be where I can communicate with others obviously 😂
That kind narrowed it down to fewer options

What did she do back in melb? How do u know she got all HD? Haha.. she’s not bragging it rite? God she look so diff thou.. like from no nose to a nose. 😱👌🏻

We met at DJs we worked together lol and na I was in her room and saw lol
Girls can only get prettier these days no surprise haha

what is Rachel doing these days?

Bruh she’s hustling hard man
Probably swimming in money rn
Such a hard working girl love her

what do you think about MAC prep+prime moisture infusion? i just bought one last week and i'm not sure if it's used as a moisturizer or a primer? which stage of my makeup do i put it on? thanks in advanced!

Hey it’s more like a serum primer than a moisturizer
I actually love it, I stopped using it for a few weeks and noticed that my skin/makeup looked drier without it
So I put this on after my moisturizer but before my other primers (you know how you probs apply you moisturizer in the morning not right before makeup anyway)
Put this on first when you start doing you makeup and before everything else! I feel like it makes your skin more hydrated and add elasticity to the skin

Haha.. Sorry for the question balls, i just glance through jenny doeve ig, seems like she’s quite rich and lavish. What does she do? Her face is so diff from her older pic though! she has a higher nose bridge and smaller face 🤔

Not sure what she does now but she studied in here
A very smart girl, she doesn’t look it (to me 😂😂😂) but she was actually really good at uni she had HD for almost every subject this bitch LOL and she does, not sure maybe makeup? She lost weight too poor girl stressing out cause of her wedding

Tell us about your worst job ever hahaha

Fuck do I really have to pick one
I hated them all, in all seriousness LOOL
I can never get along with the managers and shit
My personality is too chill 🙄

Your friend Jenny must be rich to have a destination wedding? She pay for ur ticket and acco? Are u her bridesmaid?

Bruh you needa relax yeah she lives in Indonesia of course her weddings gonna be there
And na I paid for my own shit lol yes I’ll be her bridesmaid


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