

Ask @bebejeremy

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I feel ugly. What would you recommend me to do to make myself feel better? Like try new hair, makeup or clothes for example. Where to start to feel better?

Lol I feel like a bitch but idk what you look like to tell you which part is wrong (from my pov of course)
To feel better I usually say from within but sometimes it could be you’re just bored with how you look nothin wrong with your life 😂🤣
Id say start with makeup
I always see faults in girls makeup when I look on ig (not that mine is perfect but it just doesn’t suit them is waaaa I’m sayinnnn)
If you’re doing too much maybe try less? If you’re not doing enough maybe try to perfect your makeup a little more
Start with eyebrows I see so many bad brows they’re not shaped right and ruins the whole face (too short or low, too arched etc)
Eyebrows are so important it shapes your eye and make them more open and lifted when done right
Also your surrounding environment may make you feel more shit than you can imagine
Clean up the room and wardrobe, clothes in colour coordination
Don’t be too basic but at the same time don’t try something you don’t feel comfortable wearing lol
It’s complicated 😩

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I go to uni but do not really have friends and dont really go out. Im always at home on the weekends. What would you recommend me to do to meet new people? Im 22 and dont really know what to do in life

Tinder ? Maybe look for friends instead of anything else
If you have no one to go out with there really isn’t much you can do but meeting people online first
New experiences will help you a lot with knowing what you wanna do in the future
Even just talking to different people about their experiences

If you had the chance to meet any person in this world for 10 minutes,whom would it be?

Without a doubt

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Where did you get your iPhone case from? Its so pretty!

Yeah the aurora?
What a rip off tho it got sent from china lmao

Chi oi where’s ur black dress on ur newest photo from? Ur style is always on point!

Brand: Prem
From runaway the label!

Where did u get the black dress you just posted on ig?

Brand: Prem
From runaway the label!
It’s a playsuit btw

Where did you get the black dress from? The one you just posted on ig! Always looking good 😍

Brand: Prem
From runaway the label!
Thank uuuu

Are you happy about yourself?Why?🙂

Idk which aspect you’re talking about but over all i am happy with myself
I’ve always been pretty vain lol so I just love being me tbh I think I’m so funny lol 😂🤣 things that I can’t change I’ll embrace
People loves me for who I am and if they don’t they’ll naturally distance themselves
Good thing for both haha

What is your opinion of Pinterest? 😊 Do you like it or not like it?

Helps with business ideas
Very useful !

Hi. Just wondering what technique did she do for your eyebrows? Ombre or combination And what colour did you get done? Does it take only 1,5-2 hours ? Thanks xx

Combination of feathering and full shading for the tails
And I think it’s like a dark brown
Around 1-1.5 hr!

Do your friends or family get at you for not going to school or having a job? I have friends who sometimes get at me about not having a job & I feel like it’s my life I should do whatever I wanna do. I distance myself from those “friends” who seem to talk shit because I don’t work.

I mean if you can afford to not work what’s the problem lol
You’re right to distance yourself from such negativity, they don’t know your life like you do
You don’t have to work but you gotta have plans for your future career!
That’s good enough

How to get a tan like yours? Any tips? How long have u been under the sun to achieve a nice tan like that? In loveeee

I think being in the sun constantly last year really helped
Or maybe the tanning products? I use carroten tanning oil
Usually my tan fades after 1-2 week in the sun but even in winter now the colour has gone more permanently dark I’m happy hahaha

Can u name some Vietnamese variety shows ur watching please

I only watch người ấy là ai & chạy đi chờ chi (running man vn version)

What's the best lessons you have learn in your life ?

That everything happens for a reason. Everything that has happened shaped you into who you are today
And everything shall pass
And that dying isn’t a solution
Life is precious, you should hold on until the end to see what it brings since you’re already here
If you’re already at rock bottom
Liked by: Nabeel Malik ♠

I consider myself as a nice person like I go all out for my friends and I think helping people as u can is a thing u should do. Like I don’t expect people to pay me back or anything or at least u can ignore me but sometime they see it as an obv things but they won’t do that for anyone. Am i weird

I don’t really get the second half of the paragraph
But no you’re not weird
You’re nice and you don’t need people to give back
However being too nice won’t get you anywhere, it’s called stupid lol
Being too nice to the point people thinks it’s ok to use you and shit
Is definitely a fkn no no
You should only be nice and go all out for those who you think is worth it. Aka family or real close friends
Liked by: Nabeel Malik ♠

Hello Jeremy, just discovered your ig recently and you’re literally goals! :)

Hello stranger
Thank uuuu that’s so sweet of you 😙😗

Chi oi I loveee ur figure so much like ur thic but not too much but you look so tone also. Do you eat whatever u want or u still somewhat considerate type of food u eat? Do u workout?

Yes I eat what I want most of the time
I just try to cut out the carbs as much as possible. Because you’re Viet it’s actually easier
You can substitute most of the dishes with lettuce and herbs, you’ll get used to it
I’m not toned it’s more because I’m tan it looks like it 😂😂
I don’t work out, just have natural big hips so yeah quite lucky lol
And I don’t snack too it’s just not something I do, I like having big big meals. I find that if I eat something small it’ll ruin my appetite for my main meal later on which is annoying. I wanna eat to the fullest hahahahaha

Omg where did you get that white jumpsuit from in your Nobu snap?

I got the top from sir the label
Which is my absolute new fav brand
They’re so aesthetic I wish I could afford more ahhahaha 😩
And just white pants

If you would now get a surgical procedure/fillers/other non-surgical thing done on yourself, what would it be?

Probably get my boobs done
I’m over getting shit done on my face
Not that I have had much tbh
Only my eyelids pressed, nose fillers probably almost gone from 2 years ago and occasionally getting my lips done 😂
I’m not too insecure about anything anymore like the older you get the more accepting you are with yourself

What’s your motivation?🔥💪🏽

I think that is to do things when I can so when I’m old I won’t regret
I don’t wanna regret anything haha

Hey babe ! How’s your brows going? Do you recommend going to the place you went to ? Which technique did you choose ?

I do recommend them, I did combo because I have no tails lol
I recommend them because from what I have seen on others I still like mine the most 😂😂😂
You can’t match your brows to 100% but she did a 9/10 I’m happy
But gotta say I’m an easy customer too


Language: English