

Ask @bebejeremy

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okaay i see what u did there, fcking snaaake lol hahahah why don't u delete all your other responses as well cause lets admit it aren't they're all as embarrassing for u as that one :')

Wtf are you on about I replied to every single one of your hate ask lol plsssss
Liked by: Marianne Le

And that anons not similar to your pathetic low life being lol she drew the comparison between your perceptions of other people and hers of you so as to help you grasp the concept. and it doesn't make u a better person by claming tht she made the same judgmental error as u LOOL fck man grow up alrea

When did I say it'll make me a better person? Lol we are all the fucking same, you come here and tell me that I'm wrong and I shouldn't be like this say this think this, insult me because I think differently?
I'm not a nice person and I don't need to be. I don't live to fucking please anyone. Go judge me all you want if that makes you feel better lol. If you live your whole life listening and caring about what others have to say about you when they have nothing to do with you, fucking kill yourself already.
Liked by: Marianne Le

hmm i wonder if ur ass have better things to do in life than judging the way that other pple dress.. probs not lol. and no don't even use the phrase ooh but its my opinion i can say whateeva i want. You are not entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to what you can argue for.

Rofl is this bitch fucking serious right now
Liked by: Marianne Le

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are you fucking stupid? you said you don't think they can when that person mentioned if people can move around and dance in whatever they wear. you wear shorts and shit to a rave yet you can't dance so why does it matter what clothes people wear

Are you fucking fucked in the head? Think again
That anon said they can dance and move in what they wear yet I still think they can't is the same as you saying I wear shorts to rave but can't dance either. You're just the same as me so shut the fuck up cunt

LOL and yet you can't even dance at a rave yet you judge people based on their clothes....... k

So what? what does my dancing gotta do with how I think

why does it even bother you so much?? they're the ones wearing the clothes not you, everyone has their own preference lol quit acting like you think you're better than everyone, cos that personality just makes you shit mate.

lol here we go
Go live your life and do what you want
It's my life I do what I want alrightttt

LOL well apparently u havent done a very good job of keeping shit to urself... if only u do haha boothang u just shared that w the whole damn world

Rofl forgot to add that if anyone asks I'll tell it as it is, not gonna lie

Well thats cuz you still see things from your own perspective. It's a reminder that we can NEVER know what it's like to be that person

Yeah I'm judging but keep that only to myself and maybe my friends. Don't think that will hurt anyone lol

Beauty is the eye of the beholder. They don't look ugly af. That is just your shallow judgement cause obv U WOuLd base s1s looks merely off of clothings

Not gonna lie looks is not as important as how they dress to me
Liked by: Marianne Le

If they can fucking move around and dance still then why would it matter to u that much of whether or not they wear heels or kicks, tight dresses or loose lol

Yeah the thing is I don't think they can and its annoying to see
Liked by: Marianne Le

Oh. So you jugde people by what they wear? If they wear simple clothes, they are "quê mùa"??? Lol

Like I said I'm very judgemental, I'm not talking about girls that dress in simple clothing. It's the ones that go clubbing and wear flashy ugly colourful shit or when they wear branded clothes from head to toe but still look ugly as fuck or when girls fucking wear heals and tight dresses to rave? LOOOL
Liked by: Marianne Le

What your everyday make up ? And what the name of the pink lipstick you alway wear in your Instagram picture

I don't have an everyday look, I either don't wear anything at all (which is most of the time even when I'm out shopping or eating haha)
But when I do, I take quite a while, foundation, and like 15 min to get my brows how I want, use concealer to make them brows more neat, natural brown shades for eyes, eyeliner, blush, some light contouring especially under eye and forehead.
And the lippy is from YSL :)
Liked by: Marianne Le

I love how ur hair is flipped to the side. Do u put any product in it?

Thank you! No I've never used any products on my hair. You just need to blow dry your fringe after shower until it falls back naturally haha

you dance like those viet girls in karaoke videos lmao so stiff!

You people talk so much but I've been to every club and events in Melbourne and hardly see any girls that can dance either, why don't you show me how you dance haha

Where do ya get those gorgeous contact lenses? I really love them

From pinkyparadise! The one I wore in my recent photo is called G&G Shiny 3 tone (Puffy 3 tone) grey! I love them too hehe

Do u know what u want to do inthe future career wise?

Not really, but I'm doing a diploma for make up now so hopefully will find a job related to beauty therapy or something like that
Liked by: Marianne Le

Do u do any type of exercise at all to stay thin? Or ur naturally thin?

Naturally thin haha I never exercise, I'm actually really unhealthy :(


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