

Ask @bebejeremy

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when you and your bf fight do you ever say something to him (while your angry) that you regret afterwards?

Not really I'm such a straight forward person I don't think I'll ever regret anything I say lol

Hey how do you get your eyebrows so even. When i draw mine, omg ones always higher than the other or some crap :(

OMG mine are so uneven but I just spend hours to draw them lol!!! I'm gonna get them threaded thinner so they can be more even :( you should try too

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It's normal for girls to have ass hair, armpit hair and basically anywhere on their body. I hope this fact doesn't come as gross to guys out there haha, it's biological

Yeah I know lol I never actually thought about the ass hair thing until Marianne told me HAHAHH

sometimes i think you send yourself most of these questions because who is really gonna be this rude to you??

Lol you should see how many questions I haven't posted and delete. This world is full of shitty people
Liked by: Trang Phung

I doubt it.. I have hormonal acne that is sometimes cystic, so I always have it. It's hard not feeling insecure though because it feels like everyone just stares at my acne and scars :(

Na maybe they're just looking, I don't think there are that many people out there that would be mean to judge your skin and shit
It's not like you want it or anything
Don't be so negative :3

Haha I bury myself into a pillow and cry sometimes, having acne is the worst :( You're so beautiful and I love how you don't care what people think x

Is it gonna go away tho? Haha I don't know anything about skin and all that
And you should be like me then ;) most important thing is to do whatever makes you happy !!

Whoever takes their time to get on your, or anyone elses page just to type shit like that, you know who are and you're not anonymous. Imagine if suddenly everyones names get shown on this? Really shows a persons true colours aye? keep on keeping on girl. P.s (not related to rant) you are fiine btw.

Lol I kept thinking if all the people that asked me questions on here suddenly got their names shown it would be so hilarious
How embarrassing for them!!
And thank you :)

man reading some of your questons, i really dont know how some ppl could say such pointless hurtful shit about anyone behind the name 'anonymous'. I dont know anyone in real life who would say the shit i see on here to anyone face to face.

Yeah they think I'm such a shit human being but they should also take a good look at themselves see if they're any better lol

I wish I had beautiful skin like yours :( so lucky you don't get pimples !

I am pretty lucky actually
Idk what I would do if I had bad skin because I'm so lazy
Probably bury myself LOL

why do people give a fuck what other people think seriously lmao losers

Lol some people are like that
Not everyone can be carefree and not giving a single fuck about the world like you, and me HAHHAHAHAH just different personalities

what do you think of girls who wear bras/corsets to raves. yay or no

Lol if you think it looks good on you then wear it. I might or might not think it's nice depends on what they're wearing

Hi :) where did you get ur black bodycon midi skirt ? The one you wore to wedding? you look stunning :)

It was on sale in an Asian clothing shop at high point about a year ago :( don't think you'll be able to find it

What eyeliner do you use tho

Inglot pencil liner, some random liquid ones from Priceline which is shit cause I don't like the shininess after its dried
deadset recommendation tho: get the push-up gel liner pen! So nice and pigmented and doesn't come off unless using some sorta oil make up remover

What are you fav makeup products?

Definitely the too faced natural eyes palette
It's just so useful (because I use the darkest shade for my brows) and all the colours are so good together. There are like 3 shades of non shimmery brown so you can build up which I really like, I always use it on my everyday look
Then the Mac Springsheen blush, the colour is so on point especially after you contoured your face, also looks good with bronzer! and Mac lip liners are amazeeeeee
Liked by: Trang Phung

Did being in a relationship make you feel depressed :(

Yeah, I don't think I've ever felt like that in my entire life
Looking back of what I've been through gives me goosebumps
Liked by: Trang Phung

Any advice on how to fight less with the bf? xx

You're asking the worst person haha! When I have a problem with my bf I will always tell him, whatever I have on my mind, literally everything. When I think he's lying, this and that. If I have any doubts I won't let it go without asking him about it and hearing some kinda explanation, that's why we always always fight. Couples always fight tho. Just depends on how bad and what it's about. Sometimes you can't help it :'(


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