

Ask @bebejeremy

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besides insta and fb, what other social networking sites do you use?

Tumblr and twitter, bebejeremy.tumblr.com and @bebejeremyx for twitter, it's on private tho. I talk too much shit don't want everyone to read it hahahah

yeeahh, năm sau e cũng sang úc học r <3 e cảm ơn chị ^^ mong sang í sẽ dc gặp chị :p

Qua đi e có gì nói c hihi

Chị ơi cho em hỏi muốn gap year thì lên kế hoạch các bước chi tiết như thế nào ạ?

C k take gap year nên k biết chỉ e ntn. Nhưng thường thì e cứ đợi tới năm mà e bắt đau học r apply thoi. Len website uni xem requirements cho ngành đó là gì. E tốt nhất nên hỏi mấy bà cô giáo, career counsellor or tới uni của e để hỏi thêm cho chắc thoi

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During your spare time, would you recommend any nice places to go out/eat/hang out?

I always stay home cause I'm anti social so I wouldn't know hahahaha

Would you consider making a vlog/blog? I just love your style. :)

Omg that's such a compliment! Haha and thank you but I wouldn't make one because it's kinda embarrassing plus I need new clothes first. Haven't bought anything for months :(

chị ơi chị cho e hỏi 1 chút ạ ^^ chị đi du học ở úc hả chị? chị học ngành nào thế ạ? chị thấy học ở úc c tốt k và chị có hối hận khi đi k ạ? e cả ơn nh ạ <3

C sang đây định cư vừa dc 8 năm rồi e, c thấy học ở úc cũng ok nhưng c chưa học ở nc nào khác nên k so sánh đc. Nhưng c thấy hình như ở đây dễ kết bạn hơn là mấy nc khác đó. 2 năm đầu mới sang thì c ghét ở đây lắm k chịu học ta luôn mà ở riết quen bh kêu c đi c cũng k đi nữa là =)) e cứ sang đây đi. Ở đâu có bạn là ở đó vui, k phải lo

What's your height/weight? I want my body portions to be like yours!

162cm and right now I'm 46kg. Which is pretty bad I used to be around 52-53. If you're about the same height as me maybe try to be like 49-50. It's better you'll look more healthy and stuff
Liked by: Aurelia Carmen Joe

Your boyfriend better treat you better than great cause his one lucky guy to have such a lovely girl I will find out if he mistreats you.


Haha at least I had good chat that's great you two are back together I wish you both goodluck stay strong just remember there's always up and down, give in to one another you survive this relationship

Thank you, hope you're feeling better about yours too :)

Even if your back with your boyfriend, can't we just become friends?

lol no my bf is annoyed cause you keep sending my asks
I won't reply to anymore ask ok, sorry

Even tho I don't show my self you can say I'm a secret admire XD

Go admire someone else please I'm back with my bf lol

Don't worry I'm not jugging it's okay I understand your pain a lot feels like you wanna die and end life. This girl your not mental who cares if you talking to yourself YOUR EXPRESSING YOUR FEELINGS TRUE? even tho we don't know each other it feels like I know you yeah it's weird sorry!

You're so weird. You sent like 11 asks in a few hours.... Stop

bye, i just want to say you like beautiful without make up! your natural self.

Lol like you've seen me without make up or anything ...

Have fun at bamboo wish I could go but tooo wreak raving and dancing to much last night! Went to hard don't go energy for bamboo

If you actually made an account just to talk to me, that's really nice but weird, but thanks anyway, have a good rest lol

Lol your nicer in person? Haha guess I'm starting to get to know more bout you thanks! Lol of luck is the way to go I would have your email. I just made a fb account just for you haha it's thanh btw

Not adding that

Let me know next time you go hopefully then I'll go see you lol thanks!

Lol who I'm gonna tell? Let's see how lucky you are next time ahha

Lol your going bamboo tonight? Farr I went wow yesterday you should come to wow next week

Na not going clubbing next week

Hey I'm Asian and proud of a viet I love viet songs alright! Lol

Oh LOOOL if you're not gonna show yourself I'm not gonna reply anymore cause that's weird. However I'm gonna be at bamboo, come up to me instead bahahaha


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