

Ask @bebejeremy

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ur opinion on the gucci soho disco?

Na don’t get that
That’s like the most basic of basic bags you can get, like every white girls would carry one of those at hp and think they’re the shit 🤣

hey Bebe, just wondering how you're going with learning to drive. Would love to hear your experience as I'm a learner too and I'm terrified of the test :(

Heyyyy I’m going on my 9th lesson today and it feels like the 3rd one tbh
You just need to keep practicing with one of your family member once you’re confident
You can be nervous on the day but just stay calm, know the rules and believe in yourself 😀

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Is jenny pregnant already! Wow congrats to her.

Yas, likely that the baby was made in Melbourne too where Jenny and her husband met
(she visited melb at the start of the year)

ok your fashion is legit usually always on point. but wtf are those in your recent post, theyre so big and bulky they make your legs look huge LMAO but do you boo

Rofl thank you you sound like someone I know 🤣
I know it’s da kinda shoes that suits taller girls with skinny legs but I like them so I’ll wear it
I gained a few kgs anyway so it’s normal that my legs look bigger since all the fat go there

What is a skill you'd like to learn and why?

I was thinking eyebrow tattooing cause good money, plus I’m quite confident with my eyebrow shaping skills
I’ve always wanted to go VN to do a basic course and learn off this popular lady in Sydney but again
Never really got myself into doing it lol

Have you just got your lips fixed ? How much she charges for 0,5 ml.. thank youu 😊😊

Na like over 2 months now
$450 for half

Bebe how do you travel with your desginer bags? how many do you bring?

Probs 3
One bigger one for stuff, moving between hotels/airports
One for errday (casual), one for night time going out kinda thing

I think u are awkward should be the reason why you can be more comfortable in front of cameras. You can practice what to say n then edit the videos as u want. Nothing is easy but I think doing YouTube is one of the easiest yet complicated job. Hope you can find motivation to start making videos lol

Lol i don’t wanna let you guys down by saying I’ll do it (I get dm’s on ig telling me I should too)
I always say I will try but never even get to it, I’ll spend some time watching YouTube videos on how to make a video tonight
Let’s hope for the best 🤣🤣🤣

Doesn't ur mom worry/nag about your future? I mean no parent wants to see their daughter without financial security right? And I'm guessing your bf covers alot for you plus buy you new things? Makes sense since ure not working n can afford expensive things?

She does but I’ve never depended on her financially anyway (except for living at home lol) so yeah, she wants me to do something that I enjoy doing and start a career out of that. She’s not the typical Asian Mum
And before my bf I was all good on my own, buying my own shit taking care of myself well and never asked anyone for anything. Idk why everyone bothers with the fact if I’m working or not, I can lie to you about anything and you’ll probably (have to) believe me lol
I am working, just prefer not to tell the whole world 🤷‍♀️

Hey beautiful. I want to have nose job for so long but I’m so scared what if not good on me so i want to do filler first before i get it done. Do you where is Mel do it tho? I can’t go to Vn atm. Thank you so much

Fillers on nose in risky you could go blind from it
And 80-90% of the time it’ll be slightly crooked because it’s hard for fillers to stay in the exact spot even when you shape them
The lady I go to only does lips, however there’s one place does nose fillers in Glenroy, maybe so some research it shouldn’t be too hard to find

I think everyone who's asking about your future and shit.. is trying to dig your brain, in a good way. Not many 24 year olds can say fuck everything I just wanna be happy 🤷‍♀️ yolo

Lol what for tho
They don’t even know me, don’t think they should care enough to 🤣

How is the Jeffrey Star pallete you just got???? (Answer once you've tried it!) Thank youuuu

Omg it’s sooooooo good
I am in love
get it !!!! Even tho I only tried more neutral colours they’re serious amaaaaazing
Blendable, super creamy, opaque af

Why did you leave your previous job in an office? You seemed to like it and you said you loved your coworkers. Don't have to answer if it's personal

I didn’t really like like my job but I got along well with people they all chill as fuck
It was a balanced made/female environment because where I worked previously was like retail and all girls, especially management, and I kinda realised they all didnt like me lol fake as bitches
I’ve answered just a few post below that I realized I cannot work for someone else. I’m just way too chill, too real and I don’t try so yeah
No need to waste time doing things you don’t like, life’s short 👍
Liked by: Vi Tran

Do u prefer asian guys over white /non asian guys? What do your parents think about this? My mom keeps saying she’d prefer a Viet guy better and not very open to my bf even tho she said she “really likes him, it’d be even better if he’s Viet” (he’s Hispanic)

Yes I prefer viet guys over all other nationalities, maybe cause you’re not fob or hang around fobs or don’t go Vietnam much so you might not get it
But the culture/language bond takes the relationship to a different level. You can understand each other more and appropriate more. I know where your Mum is coming from because she’s like the first generation here, she wants to be close to you and your future husband, able to communicate a lot easier/family time. And then your children in the future would likely to be able to speak a little viet so she can talk to them bla bla.
She likes your bf, but it’s hard to connect because of the age gap and cultural tingz.
Personally I would never be able to marry a non viet guy. They wouldn’t be able to understand me, bond with me and do things I usually do (some thing you just can’t explain). And because my English isn’t that great I get tired of speaking English too so I’ll start talking in viet automatically how tf they gonna understand HAHAHAHAHHAHA

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Have you tried out the JS blood sugar palette yet? I'm excited to see what you come up with:D

I was gonna wear it tomorrow but it doesn’t go with what I’m planning to wear so maybe some time next week :D

There's no way you are 25!!!!! I thought you were 23?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Or turning 23 heh

I’ll be 24 this year so 25 in Chinese year 😆

Aren't you worried for your future? Like when you're 30 and your friends have all settled down with proper jobs and families? I mean u can't count on a man for anything these days

You can count on some, you just gotta find the right one tho (which is almost impossible unless you’re that lucky HAHHAAHHA)
I worry, then I realise I won’t do shit about it anyway so, no point
I spend more time stressing out about how I’m not stressed at all LOL! I’ve always had a feeling I’m gonna dye young, so I’m just gonna live by the day and enjoy it while I can, like tomorrow is the last day literally (yep I’m one of those weird fks ahahahh)
With my personality I cant work for/under someone else. I can only work for myself so yeah I better get some motivation and start doing things with my life before I regret it 🤣

Wow why are people so angry? The person below needs to calm the fuck down seriously. Go look after your own life.

dasssss it like I thought I was the most rảnh person and I don’t even have time to worry about what other people’s doing with their lives haha


Language: English