

Ask @bebejeremy

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do you prefer lash extensions or wearing false eyelashes?

False lashes all the way is that even a question
Extensions are more for girls that work in the office or too busy to wear much makeup or just don’t wear much in general haha

Can you snap a close up pic you wearing fake lashes please?

Just lashes and eyeshadow
My go-to going out look every Friday LOL
Can you snap a close up pic you wearing fake lashes please

Help!! Hi Bebe i got some small scars on my cheeks which i got after my high pigmentation laser (worst decision ever T.T) now the scar is like a brown small hole how can i cover them? Thank u

I can sorta imagine what you’re talking about
If you’re talking about just covering the brown part/pigmentation
You should try wearing a colour correcting product and then concealer on top and set with a powder
If you’re talking about how to make the surface look more smooth and less bumpy (the hole? Lol). It’s almost impossible haha you can cover blemishes/discolorations but can never change the surface of the skin

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Hey bebe, do you know of any good cosmetic surgery places in vietnam?

Hey I’ve recently answered a question in regards to the plastic surgery groups in Vietnam
If you join it and have a look for yourself I’m sure you’ll find something ! The places are good for different things

Hey lovely, I was wondering if you know where Marianne did her breast augmentation in VN? I really want to get them done there just personally think they do it more natural on petite body shapes but have no idea where to go. Do you also know how much it cost. Thank you appreciate it

Hey this is the place
Marianne and I have done quite a fair bit of research, this surgeon here is by far the most popular and experienced in Vietnam at the moment
And I agree with you, the boob jobs here look so fake and hard lol don’t suit Asians at all
Pricing depends on the ones you’re getting, varies from like 3.4-4.5k I reckon
Hey lovely
I was wondering if you know where Marianne did her breast
Liked by: Marianne Le

I’ve just noticed you hardly like Marianne’s posts ://

Are you fkn kidding me rn
Who the fuck are you why do you have so much time on your hands to fkn go through every single pic to check if I’ve liked it or something?
Honestly do you have a life fkkkk I wanna fkn chill but people like u makes me flip the shit

Why didn’t u and Marianne hang out or talk when she was preggos??

I answer a lot of my questions in details don’t mean I gotta fkn tell you guys everything stop being so nosy
Non of your business
Liked by: Marianne Le

Do you do makeup for people with exisiting lash extensions? Will it be harder?

Yeah I do all the time haha and not really
It’s a lot harder when you do it on yourself cause it gets in the way but when someone else does it it’s ok

Hey Bebe, can you give me advice? Me and my partners been together for 7 years and through out that time he kinda cheated a few times and I forgave him all the time, but I keep thinking about it and obsessing over it that it wears me down.. should I just leave or how do I get over his past cheating?

7 Year’s so long damn I’m not sure how to advice you because I believe that if there’s no trust then nothing will ever work out. You and him both don’t wanna bring up the past every time you guys get in a fight right
It’s normal that you can’t stop thinking about it but i hope you don’t ever feel like it was your fault
He cheated a few times already man let’s say he won’t do it now but in a few years time who knows y’all probs be married by then and you’ll be stuck
You have to accept him as that person or just cut it. Honestly only after I got out of a long relationship I realised it wasn’t love but like an attachment that it was hard to let go of. Once you get through that tho, fresh and brand new again hahahah

Do you wear fake lashes without eyeliner? I feel like if I don’t use eyeliner it looks weird :(

I never wear my lashes with eyeliner haha you can just use black lash glue 😏

your friendship with Rachel inspires me. You guys seem so fun and cute together. How did you guys meet and what's your secret to a good friendship? xoxo

Our ex’s are like best friends
So we hung out quite often back in the days but we were not close
Now we’re much closer ahahhaah
Secret to a good friendship is to understand each other and accept the other persons personality and just kick tf back I guess 😂😂😂

wait does marianne actually have a baby voice or does she put it on hahaha ...

Na it’s her natural voice 😂😂😂 like I wanna nek myself sometimes dw

Is there a big difference between mac nc37 and nc40

Can’t remember exactly but nc35 & nc40 got the same tone
Nc37 has a slightly more neutral or yellow tone

idk whats wrong with my face chi but every time i use Mac Fix+ setting spray my foundation turns very very cakey. Does it mean this product doesnt work for me??

Depends on what skin type you have
Primer and foundation as well
If you have oily skin you shouldn’t use too much fix+ it makes it more oily and might separate your foundation, like a lil bit is nice tho

Hey Bebe! Was just wondering if you've tried Fenty beauty yet?!

No I haven’t
I just don’t have any interest in Fenty beauty Idk why lol

Candice's boobs are amazing. I wish mine looked like hers. It looks like she never has to wear a bra and they still look good.

Save up and get it done then
Every girl says it’s the best decision they make haha

What do you think? My ex invited all my ex “friends” who suddenly stopped talking to me for no reason to his birthday and they all showed up. You think he or they is trying to rub it in my face? Because if it wasn’t for me they all wouldn’t have known each other.

First of all why you at his bday
I mean I’m kinda friends with my ex but not to the point going to his bday and shit so I don’t get it lmao
Ok key word here is that it’s HIS bday not yours, he can invite who tf ever he wants and fk can you about that? Nothing
Which brings me to another point:
He’s your ex and he doesn’t give a shit about how you feel so he invites people (that he probs knows) you don’t like
Well I’m glad he’s an ex 😂😂
Last part ‘because if it wasn’t for me bla bla’ you need to grow up who gives a fuck if it’s because of you or anyone they know each other. At that point of time when you intro’d them things were sweet now it’s not and you’re salty? Gtfo you need to sit down and have a long hard think about the whole situation and get over it 💁

My best friend is a male and recently completely cut me out because his gf sees me as a threat. He tried to reason with her but she said 'it's her or me'. I lost my best and closest friend, it's sht but I'm happy he is happy with her. What do you do when you lose someone so close to you?

Omg that must fkn suck
You’re being the bigger person and just wish for his happiness good on you
Idk the stories but the gf must be insecure or your friend isn’t showing enough love so that she sees u as a threat tf why can’t y’all hang out what’s wrong with that 😂😂😂
I don’t do anything, there are situations you can’t help. Just go on with my life I guess, it may be sad, might think about them all the time but as long as they’re doing fine I should be ok too
If you’re meant to be in each other’s lives it will happen

thank you for replying to my question :) i really appreciate your honesty and advice. It brought a smile to my face! Sometimes i do wish to give it time but i get worried that the other person would see that as the end and cut off the friendship completely. how do you ease back into the friendship?

Ok I think depends on the situation but if you really want you can give some signs to suggest that you want the friendship to continue even if not at this point. If the person really sees it as the end then there’s no point having them as a friend anyway right
Hmm I don’t think about it or do anything about it tbh, I’m slow and I have poor effort in friendships lol if they wanna be my friends stay if not then go I don’t force anyone

Are you going to ferrytale?

Lol omg I searched it and nothing came up and replied to this ask asking what event this is
Then go on fb and it’s in my face
Cat asked me to go but I might pass this one
Not sure yet :D I’m always last minute to these things

have you and Marianne always been best friends? are there times where you guys have had fall outs or stopped talking? The reason i'm asking is that i'm having trouble connecting with my best friend after a dispute and i would just like to know how real people out there would deal with it. xoxo cheer

Omg yeah me and Marianne had a massive fall out for over a year when she was pregs hahaha
Were both stubborn and got our reasons so yeah but I know she loves me deep down with all her heart (bitch u read this u know u do 😌) and I appreciate her more than anything or anyone tbh. We just have this deep love and connection that cannot be replaced (you can call soulmate I guess 🤔)
So I’m telling you if it’s a true/real friendship it’ll always find its way back. You do need to put in the effort but so does the other person. After a long time I realised my friends are the most important to me, without them I’m honestly nothing.
And I f you know you both still care about each other but cannot deal with whatever happened at the moment just give it some time and try to reconnect later
It’s like me and Valentina we recently started hanging out again after 1.5 years not talking and she’s been my best friend since year 9 LOOOOL
I do believe that all the closest friends will have a fall out at one point so that we’ll appreciate each other more later on

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Are you and rocker close ?? Is he like popular in vn now ?

Not close
But had a few conversations and yeah I’m pretty sure

Aside from food, what are the top 3 things you spend the most money on?

... more food
Fkn legit I don’t know tbh
Makeup? Skin care ?

thoughts on rocker nguyen?

LMFAAO what’s with these questions
No comments except for that he’s a unique individual


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