

Ask @bebejeremy

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Do you ever feel insecure and compare yourself to other girls? I always do and I can't help it 😭

I feel so blessed that I was born with the idgaf personality
Idc about others enough to worry about what they think. I have never in my life compared myself to someone else. It's fkn stupid like there will always be someone smarter, prettier
What's the point of being sad over it. If you're really unhappy about yourself, do something about it, if not fkn suck it in and live with it. I know sometimes you can't help it tho
And honestly no ones perfect just cause i'm happy with myself doesn't make me arrogant or vain. Can't fake humble cause these bitch ass niggas insecure you know haha

What are your favourite make up brush sets/brands 😄

No sets, personally I love Mac brushes they're expensive but good! Zoeva has some good one, same as sigma and real technique
Depends on what you're looking for !

what eyelash glue do you use? any that you recommend

Waaaa so many glue questions HAHAHAHHA
I use these and never go to anything else
It dries to black and saves me time cause I don't wear eyeliner often
When you take it off your lashes, with other glues it's kinda stuck to your falsies but with these you can easily take it off and the falsies basically brand new again
I buy it in vn and it's so cheap fkn love it hahahah
Or you can try Duo I think they came out with the black version too
what eyelash glue do you use any that you recommend

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Hi gal any tips on how to put on perfect false eyelashes? Ive been struggling so much 😩😩😩

So good glue is important! Wait for it to be a bit sticky, timing is super important you don't want it too wet or dried up so always check on that
I always put it on the outter corner first with just my fingers, make sure it's like legit as close to your natural lashes possible
Then use a tweezer and push the rest right in the inner corner
Then use your fingers to lift up your crease and push the lash band together with your natural lashes
Done, idk if that makes sense my English is shit when it comes to explaining stuff lol

i want to use glitter on my face for defqon, do you know any good glitter glues? eyelash glue is too hard and noticeable if i don't put glitter everywhere

Hey I have heard that toofaced glitter glue is really good I haven't tried it myself yet but my friend recommended me!

If you could live anywhere in the world where would you choose and why?

I think somewhere in Europe
Nice weather, you can get an actual mad golden tan you know
The guys are fkn sexy fffs
The music festivals
The architectures to DIE for, I can walk around by myself all day and not be bored, every corners like a painting
Lots of galleries/museums to visit
You can travel to multiple countries cause they're all pretty much next to each other

Biggest pet peeve(s) you hate?

Ok I have SOOOO many cause i'm a hater LOL
I literally hate using the bathroom right after someone just showered. Like I can't i gotta have it nice and dry 😂😂😂
When people stands really close to me in public when there's space or even when there's no space just NO.
When I have to socialise with people Idc about
When people don't pick up their fkn phone like why u have it then fucks sake lol I have dis one hoe of a friend that always does this (marianne u know who i'm talking bout bahahaha)
When other people comes to my house I don't like it especially other girls lol (minus my makeup clients and friends of course)
Bitches that go out clubbing especially rnb to stand there and hold their drinks tryna look hot, cya later bro
When guys start tryna start a conversation with something fkn stupid or lame, don't bro (I know I laugh at dumb shit all the time but 😂😂)
Someone that doesn't have their own opinions/stand about anything just agrees with everything
When someone makes me choose what to eat -.- legit I can't decide i'm happy with anything
Rich people that dress bad, what a fkn waste
Omg and when my friends tell me 'bitch u know who's car you're in' 'gtfo out' 'walk home bish' when I say something mean 😢

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What editing apps do you use? Your Insta is my goal 😭

Lol as if !! My ig is messy doesn't even have any order
My fav ig filter is Aden ever since it came out I never used anything else hahahha
What editing apps do you use Your Insta is my goal

i'm going to a fancy restaurant at crown for dinner soon and idk what's appropriate or good enough to wear?

Hmm like a nice bodycon dress is usually good enough like what I wore to gradi (second latest pic)
Something like what I wore in 11/6 or 22/5 posts I guess :-?

do you personally prefer KVD lock it foundation or remarcable foundation?

I have never tried KVD foundation so can't tell you haha

are you kinda religious? why do you wanna get archangel michael tattoo? :)

Nope not at all I don't even know who Archangel Michael is lol i'm more of a logical person
I don't like religions except for Buddhism cause they actually practice peace and never force anyone to do anything there's no rules to it
Religions the why we have had so many wars in history 🙄

What do you think of girls who photoshop their photos especially their bodies

It's fine, I do it all the time LOL
As long as it still looks acceptable 🤔😂

Do you cut lashes from the long side or short side to fit your eyes?

The longer side because the short side should always start with your inner corner eye if you think about it .. if both sides are equally long wouldn't it be weird lol unless you have the perfect round almond shaped eyes

Can you please link me to the top you're wearing in your recent ig pic??? :(

I cbf linking it lol it should be on the Zachary website 100% I saw them posting about the restock just the other day

are you planning on getting that exact tattoo (below)? what even is it? looks cool.

I'm pretty sure it represents Archangel Michael
I really want to I have been wanting it for a long time but because it's quite visible on the sides of the neck so i'm a bit worried. Then again that's what I really like about it haha
are you planning on getting that exact tattoo below what even is it looks cool

My hair line is sooo out of control. It annoys the fk out of me. It seems like I'm going bald or something😭😭😭. You're such lucky cause I don't see you got any hair line there

Lol omg it's so annoying little things like that can make such a difference right ! Maybe have a fringe Idk it's quite hard to pull off tho

Tattoos or nah ?

Fuck yeah i'm legit planning to get this! This has been my wall paper for a year straight
It can be a bit much for a girl but idc I LOOOOOVE it 😭😍
Tattoos or nah


Lmao I swear tho why hold on to something so dead when you can have a garden full of choices :')

how much are your makeup lessons you offer? im filo so i have hooded eyes but not as hooded/monolids as other asians lol. i also have uneven eyelids fml :'(

Yeah that's my eyes too!! took me ages to find the right eyeshadow looks for my eyes
It's 50 p/h I'll teach you all the skills/products you need but practice is super important you can't be lazy otherwise it's just a waste !

bebe help, my lips aren't dry but are pretty moisturiser but during the day after i apply anything on my lips whether it be lipstick, gloss or even lip balm i get this white cast of skin near the inner lip :/ idk what it is and it bugs me...

Oh that happens to me sometimes in the morning but not often
When I apply lip products I make sure my lips really dry
Then ALWAYS put Mac lip primer on first so it'll create a layer and stop the product from drying out your lips and will also smooth out the surface of your lips (it's my life lol)
Maybe try more of a matte finish lipstick and google it, perhaps it got something to do with what you eat as well

it's just.. the girl his dating.. I can't stand her 🙄 And I never did like her in the past either and that's why I think she's not good enough for him. I was in total shock when they got together like.. from me to her? Like really... what. The. Duck

Bro but you probably left him cause he wasn't good enough for you lol i'm just kidding
Just man up you made your choice you had all the opportunities to make it work and you chose to let him go so don't be a little bitch now
Lol I get what you mean tho they just can't get better aye ahhahaha be that ex gf that every girl compares themselves to 😂😂😂. Just wish him happiness and move on

I reckon you should have done fashion and merchandising in uni. You would have done amazing cos you have fucking amazing style 👌🏼 You have an eye for fashion

Aww I have received something similar before 😩😩 thank you!!
I think a lot of people like what I wear because everyone can wear it and it's not too fashionable or too much if you know what I mean hahaha

would u consider yourself catfish

Fuck yes you guys might not be able to tell but I edit my photos hard
I don't think I look that good in person lol


Language: English