

Ask @bebejeremy

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2/2 I’ve been doing some more thinking, talking to people and doing some research online etc. as u can tell I have limited dating exp. we’ve previously had problems in our relo (lack of comm) which is probably why I haven’t thought about future after the actual marriage? But it’s all in the works!

I need an update for this too thanksssss hello derrrr

1/2Wow thx for the insight on your perspective of a life partner. I defs want to get married and have family, haven’t thought of with anyone else cos he’s my first ever bf since 19. Broke up for half a year last year, he dated someone and I went on dates tirelessly, didn’t sleep around but had a fwb

I hope it helped hahaha

Hey b! What’s your take on the black Chanel transparent sandals?

Don’t really like them
They kinda look cheap on some people like they bought it for $10 in Vietnam lol

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your hair always looks so nice, what do you usually ask for when you get it cut?

Just a straight cut
Al the same length

Hi chi. What’s the best clubs in melb? For like 18-19 girls to go to?

Apparently D1 is really good I haven’t been haha

thanks bebe this is the girl with the bad treating bf, we’re good now and he’s changing, i hope he stays like that

I need an update ahhahaha

Hi chi. R u okay? U haven’t answered any questions lately. Lots of luv 🥰🥰

Hello thank u for asking
I am 🌼🌼🌼
Just been really busy, got a few projects running at the moment so no time to actually go on this app to even check the questions lol
I like replying all at once but after leaving it for 2 weeks I lost all my will 🤣😂😂🥺🤣 and got all lazy
Ill start answering again next week 🤩
Liked by: Isks

Does the white sparkly dress have any stretch to it?

Not too stretchy
More of a thicker material
Otherwise it’ll look cheap! Perfect fit still if you have some hips tho

my bf is thinking abt his ex what should i do

Rip his fkn head off
Lol jks... not hahahahhaha
How do you know he’s THINKING about his ex like you ain’t reading his mind are u
Must be some concrete evidence lying somewhere 🧐
What you should do is confront him
Duhhh dw about how crazy & psycho you’ll look, doesn’t matter how you found out
That dude better have a fkn answer
If your relationship is stable you wouldn’t care if he thinks you’re crazy anyway unless y’all new
But even then, show him that’s how you are. Ain’t gonna last if he can’t handle it now, any fuckers that got anything to do with their ex still can literally fk tf offff

What is your favorite disguise to hide something????

I laugh a lot, regardless of how I feel
Nervous, sad, whatvs still gonna laugh lol

What type of social gathering do you prefer -small groups or large parties?

Small groups of course

What is your most fav branded bag

Right now hmmm I’ve been eyeing for a kelly with 2 tones for over a year lmao
Getting a kelly is already hard Idk how I’ll get one with 2 colours that I actually like tbh
Oh wellssss

hi bebe, i’ve been having problems with my bf and lately he’s been treatin me so bad, one time i was so sad & he left me to go out w his mates, sumtimes i feel like i don’t get treated well enough because i treat him so much better than he does and like i feel like he doesn’t love me as much as i do

If you been reading my askfm for a while you probably can guess what I’ll be writing lol
I cannot deal or tolerate with shitty cunts that don’t know how to treat their gfs. And I don’t wanna tell you to break up cause you won’t listen anyway but let’s start with why has he been treating u badly
Must be a reason right? Doesn’t sound like you did something wrong, just the relationship is getting rocky in general, probs boring or something
I’m telling you rn aint no bf that loves their gf enough and respects their gf enough will leave their gf to hang out with their mates knowing that their girl is sad. That is selfish, also showing that he doesn’t give a fuck
So you shouldn’t give a fuck too (easy to say lol), it’s good to try and put in every last effort you could so you don’t regret later. But at one point you gotta fkn have some self love and just let it go
You’re only as valuable as how much you value yourself. If you think you’re priceless and should be treated like a fkn princess? ain’t no man can take that from you. If you’re insecure and allow yourself to be treated that way, knowing that it shouldn’t be. You got no one to blame but yourself PERIODTT
Don’t sit there and feel all sad and sorry, go and be strong for yourself do what needs to be done. Wanna fix your relationship? Sit your bf tf down and talk, be straight up about everything, tell him you don’t like this that bla bla. Ask him what he is not happy about and you fix it too it has to be a 2 ways effort
If you don’t feel loved enough or getting the amount of love you want back then obviously there is something wrong. There are so many guys out there, never settle for less. But also make sure to work on yourself, be a bosssss ass bitch haha focus on yourself, men will come

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Where did u get ur black lace top from in recent ig pic with caption 'my head hurts'? xx

Jt lane global

I like how you aren’t those rude extra girls who don’t wanna share where they get their outfits from lol

Bahahah thanks 🤣 bitches ain’t shit must be that insecure to not share
Who cares if everyone wears the same thing haha

How is your relationship to your mother?

It’s good when we don’t have to live together 🤣🤣🤣

2/2 we’re in love, financially stable, compatible, but he’s disappointed that I haven’t questioned the future. He’s a good person with qualities I don’t see in other guys (ambitious on another lvl etc) He’s smart and he’d be a good dad. What else should I be questioning myself?

Ok so base on that your bf and your relationship is perfectly normal, so I think you are clearly the problem here ahahhahahah
Man I need more details of your life history to know why you are thinking or acting the way you are
You seem pretty confused yourself
Could it be that you haven’t experienced enough relationships and deep down thinking there is more?
Or is it that you’re not feeling the ‘true love’, he is ‘the one’ feeling with your current bf?
Or is it that you’re just not that into getting married like every other girl?
Usually when a guy has big ambitions and such they tend to lack a bit of romance cause they seem to be focused on the bigger things (speaking from experience with my current stupid bf hahah)
Anyway I need more info to analyse what’s wrong with chu
Maybe a bit of your dating life and such 🤣🤣🤣

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1/2 What made you decide your partner is “the one”? My bf and I are 26+, been together for years, started talking about marriage. He’s thought about a lot of things but I’ve always just assumed that we’d get married one day without putting too much thought.

I think choosing ‘the one’ for me used to be love and how much you love one another and what you could do for them
Nowadays choosing a life time partner isn’t about just love but stability & consistency & understanding. For me I know most of the love will fade one day, all the sex will not be so great one day, all the looks will be gone one day. Everyone will change over time, no one will stay the same as how you met or when you married them.
No ones perfect and it’s about accepting their imperfections (reasonable of course) and know that even tho they are like that they are also good in many other ways.
You could leave this guy because of some things you think you can’t handle and then you meet another, there will be other problems you probs never had with the first guy.
The other side is never greener tbh You can’t have it all pretty much 😭🤣haha now I’m not saying settle for less (cheating or violence is never acceptable) but most other things you can still try to weerkkk it
Anyways for me the a life partner should make you feel secure in all senses
The future (plans for you both), the relationship (never have to question where you stand or what he’s up to), even better if it is financially secured hahah
And most importantly, they have to have a good heart, being a good person not only to you but to his family, your family and all friends
And it has to be in the roots you know what I mean like not just trying to be good when it’s comfortable for them. But naturally good even in the roots, because as you grow older life will hit you with bs you could never imagine and all you need is a partner you could always count on. Who even when things turn ugly, will not fuck you over. Someone you can truly bet your life on, that you can trust.
There’s a Vietnamese saying phụ nữ hơn nhau ở tấm chồng (I’m just trying to translate the meaning here but I’m fob so... just try to understand oke 😂) a women’s life/luck is really depending on who she marries
It’s really a make or break to your life so choose wisely. Ultimately you don’t have to follow the rule of society and marry anybody if you don’t feel the need to, sometimes just being in a relationship and staying exactly where you are is enough

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Would you rather not be allowed to wash your hands for a month or your hair for a month?😄

Fuck it’s not that hard lmao of course my hands cause it’ll be washed in the shower/when I wash my hair anyway 😂

Whose albums you buy usually?

I swear the last time I bought an album was before Chris brown even released forever lmaoooo


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