

Ask @bebejeremy

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I love your attitude! Cheers for u for trying to step out from your comfort zone!

Hahahahah I talk a lot of shit
Hopefully I’ll get my ass to do it 😂🙊

Haha.. I heard someone said death is the only thing that awakens us to life.... I’ve been where you are though..Feeling that life is meaningless because you wake up to the same shit. But things r always moving somewhere, things r always changing, even when you don’t realize it and life seems d same.

I have always been like this tho it’s not just now haha
Like ever since I was young I already have this ‘whatever’ attitude
I stress out because I don’t stress about the future or stuff normal people would 😂😂😂
Things aren’t really changing if i still think the same and do the same shit
Trust me it took me so long to be able to force myself to even THINK about stepping out of my comfort zone. I’m not even half way there but at least im trying
I just wanna move away for a year or 2 and see how I go 🤔

Do you need to leave melbourne though? I mean...can you find different people and doing different scene here? :(

Yes I do
You don’t understand the life here makes me so lazy, unproductive and I become so dull and I live with no emotions
I just saw a quote that describes me perfectly
‘I’m stuck in a room with the open door’
It’s not even about the surroundings anymore it’s more about me as a person. I need to be out there doing things I’ve never done or things I thought I couldn’t do/see things I’ve never seen
You know, really just to feel alive. Rn I’m just breathing and not really living, I know I’m still so young
Why would I waste it working at a job I can find anytime, do the same shit over again? If I don’t take the risk and try to do something, i might as well die now haha

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I think you’re beautiful, and your answers are so honest! I like How you cut all the crap and say wat u wanna say. Are you excited to go to Bali? Isnt a bit dangerous nowadays with the volcano? Is that why it’s being pushed back?

Thank you! I think people needs to hear some real honest shit, fkn ceebs when they can’t just get straight to the point haha
It’s still over a month away so I haven’t thought about it much lol
It’s ok if I die there it’s meant to be 😂😂😂 (I don’t mean to sound depressing but there are things you can’t help such as dying HAHAHAHAHH)
And na she pushed back cause it was too close to her traditional Indonesian wedding and got too much to take care of

Do you ever get bored of going out so much? (At least you seem like you go out a lot haha) this isn't meant to be hate, I'm genuinely curious if you just get sick of going to events and clubs and stuff

Good question! Hmmm most of the time I don’t get sick of going out, I get sick of seeing the same people/the same scene haha
idk if you have seen me but I always get fkn lit and go all out every time. I don’t stand around or watch people and I hate when people go on their phones to like might as well fkn go home 😂😂😂
At the end of the day I’m single what else am I meant to do on the weekend 🙄 sigh maybe when I get a bf or something I’ll go less but rn, fk it
I think it’ll be a very long time until I find someone so just gonna enjoy my single days LOL

hey bebe if u had a choice to work at crown as a dealer (part time) or a job at mecca (casual that can lead to part time) and you try to juggle both but eventually have to choose one, which would you choose and why? (pay is approx same)

What you wanna do later on, what are your short term goals and long term goals?
As a dealer you’ll have to work night shifts as well remember that
Do you like makeup? What do you think you’ll enjoy more? You need to ask yourself rather than asking me
I’ve tried working 2 jobs for a year and it was hard and stressful
For me as of now i would kill my self if I have to work at Mecca (or in makeup in general lol)
But then again I don’t wanna do night shifts at crown then swap to day each month. Personally my health won’t allow that lol
For me if I really have to pick one I’ll pick Mecca for myself. As much as I hate it I’m used to the retail hours + discount which will benefit me as a mua. Idk anything about you or what you wanna do so 🤔

Are you more into trance or hardstyles?

I listen to more vocal/acoustic trance on daily basis cause it’s more chill
But when I go out I like psy or hardstyle
I like them equally but I always find myself having more fun at hard style events (unless it’s a full psy trance event like open up then I love that even more than hard style lol)

What do you do when you get hate on ask.fm? Do you reply or just ignore it?

Tbh I used to get a lot of hate asks 😂 it was the best so entertaining, they got mad cause they couldn’t get to my head
But it’s been so long since I’ve got one that I don’t even remember anymore
Weird! But fk yeah I’d reply I wanna know what’s there to hate about me too HAHAHAHA

Haha.. Why do you even want to leave this city? Too dull? Wait..I thought you’re going to Bali this month?

Don’t get me wrong I love Melbourne
But the life in Australia in general will always always be the same. I can literally pause it and go somewhere else for a year and come back everything would still be the same. I’m sick of doing the same thing seeing the same people, even when I go out it’s always the same people it makes me sick legit (that’s why I never go out to meet people just for music and get lit hahahah)
I need to get out of my comfort zone in order to grow, life is so meaningless rn. I think if I stay here I’ll always be the same person and I don’t want to :(
And Jenny’s wedding got moved to November :D

Oooo hopefully I'll get to see you at Knockout hehe

I hope I’m going
I love hardstyle events they’re so good that I go sober to all of them 😂😂😂

You look beautiful. No need fillers!

I really want some on my nose and lips
I thank god everyday for makeup lol funny story I took off my makeup after transmission right and 15 guys in the house freaked tf out when they saw me it was hilarious can’t get over it HAHHAHAHAHA
Liked by: Marianne Le

Bebe, will u ever get a rhinoplasty? Or any kind of plastic surgery?

Maybe when I’m older and makeup can’t save my face anymore
Right now I’m pretty ok with my face, maybe some fillers 🤔

Hi bebe heard u gonna go overseas soon?

Lol what the
I’ve only talked to my close friends about wanting/moving overseas for a while
Who is this 😂😂😂 or are you talking about Bali? I’m going in November

Hey Bebe, how much do you charge for makeup? And if it's a bridal makeup do you charge more? Do you recommend heavy or light makeup? Thanks Bebe!

100 including lashes and yes I do charge more for bridal
Personally I don’t like doing bridal cause I don’t like the stress of it
Something in between will be nice, too little won’t show up on photos and you don’t want too much either

Hahah what have you heard about Sydney? Have you ever been to Sydney?

Nothing good and yes lol
But fk it if my friends are down I’ll go knock out 100% haha

What do u think of the cobain pants from I am gia?

I got the black one a few months ago only wore it once but haven’t posted it on my ig hahaha
Maybe I should wear again 🙊

Your thoughts on transmission? Heard a lot of negative feedback

Ok so it was below average not gonna lie I wanted to go home at 9 but was waiting for sneijder and front liner to save da night you know (they didn’t)
I knew the line up wasn’t good and I didn’t expect them to play hard tunes all night but fuck that was hella boring the whole crowd didn’t even fkn vibe
It was a sea of dead people half of the night lmao
Mandra played some unique stuff but his transitions between songs were fkn awful like it was annoying at one point legit
What more annoying to me is people that complains about people saying it was boring and that they don’t understand trance
Just shut the fuck up LOL I’ve legit been to every fkn event regardless of how much uplifting or psy. Transmission did not live up to the hype and expectations, it was cold and dead. Lasers got me feeling some type of way tho LMAO
The only 2 trance events I enjoyed this year were scot project (at ep and crown) and open up. Open up was absolutely FILTHY

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Ohhhhh gurrrrrrl! Your outfit for transmission is fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Thankkkk uuu 🙊🙊🙊 it was freezing tho 😭

Those girls that overdid there face jewels at trans, I meant it's nice but like you said" too much of anything can make you sick" lollll I'm such a hater

HHAHHAHA you sound like someone I know
Anyway I feel the same way
Like too much face jewels is a bit extra like I get it there are only a few events a year 😂
Same with the outfits that are like I am gia styles I think it would suit an outdoor/day time event like listen out or ep more than transmission
Not sure about everyone else but transmission to me is more of a electric/sharp look

Hi bebe, how often you clean your sponges and brushes ? How do you clean them as in using the actually beauty cleaner soap/liquid or?

Like once a month
Just with any anti bacteria hand wash lol

Sorry for being annoying but which adhesive bra did you get it from boohoo? Is it sticky enough im so scared if it might just slip off omfg

It’s called Emma! It is
Unless you’re at an event and it’s super super hot
Otherwise it’s all good

Why didn’t Marianne’s husband go to vn with her? Are they alright? 😕

Of course they are she just had to go earlier cause it’s better for her work schedule lol
Liked by: Tôm Marianne Le


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