

Ask @bebejeremy

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Hi Ha! On the 22may (pinkish nude skirt) post i really love your eyemakeup ( thick eyeliner)! how did you do it cuz you seem have small eyelids like mine, i tried but it look weird when eyes are open :(

If you zoom into my eye makeup in this pic you'll see I didn't start my wing right at the corner of my eyes but further away
I have hooded eyes so it'll be crooked if I do it like normal people. Then you kinda join the eyeliner at the bottom/in the waterline together so it doesn't look weird
Using lashes that are a bit thicker, longer at the end also helps
Hi Ha On the 22may pinkish nude skirt post i really love your eyemakeup  thick
Liked by: Vi Tran

hi bebe my smile lines get really bad and cake up during the day because i smile and laugh a lot how do i stop it from creasing?

Use less foundation around that area and use a skin smoothing/pore minimizing primer

Now that I think about it, you're right. Interstate would be hard. How do you entertain someone who's 800km away?

It's actually not that hard
Sometimes I just sit there and laugh at nothing ♀️

Legit that was my first ask LOL! But if you think I'm trolling there must be 100 other guys in sydney wanting to know the same thing hey 😪

Omg stop lol who is this -.-

It's actually the first question I've ever asked you! I think we could manage sydney/Melbourne

Lmao stop trolling otherwise dm me I wanna know who this is 😂

Interstate relationships - thoughts?

lol I wonder who would ask me this 🙄
Its way too hard even just thinking about it, dun think it would work lol

do you prefer to be called Ha or bebe?

I'm used to only my close friends calling me Ha
My fam and other friends call me Bebe haha
Like whatvs idm

😁 luckily this time she just want a natural look so pheww , i do still wanna get your help tho, just in case Thank Bebe

I think just put some nice lashes on if she's a bit older and keep the eyeshadows more matte and frost kinda finish than shimmery ones cause it gives attention to your skin immediately

hi bebe, i spoke to you about the wedding a little back and now i need a jacket or cardigan, any good websites that are nice material and cheap ish

For clothes I go online but jackets I prefer to buy in store and better quality/material cause then they don't lose the shape

Heeyyy! Make up/skin question : I use to never have oily skin it's to the point of boarderline dry. But about a few months ago, my T zone started getting really oily espicially near my brows and the middle of my nose. :( what can I do?

Use oil control primer and set it with translucent powder then apply your foundation like normal
See if that helps

Hey Ha, where did you get the black jumpsuit hun? Thats pretty!! Tyy hun

Love how people calls me by my real name ahaha if you scroll down to 12 days ago I've got the links of the outfit there


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