

Ask @bebejeremy

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Guess I'm never gonna buy you a drink then ☹ What would you do if a random came up to you, complimented you and asked for your number

Lol that’s so basic I would just walk off 😂

Hi Bebe, do you believe in online dating? I met this guy on a dating app, good looking, good job and very nice to me. But I'm scared he's a fuckboi. Not sure if I should keep talking to him or not 😬 What do u think of dating apps

Omg lol I actually don’t
It’s all bs trust me, go find someone real you’re wasting your time
Stop talking to him ASAP
I know it’s easy to say than done tho but yeah you shouldn’t

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HAHAHA yeah I was sitting there drinking and thinking hmmm should I buy her a drink ? But then I was like nawww what are the chances :( I'll prob just get rejected 😭

Hahah you did the right thing
I don’t drink with strangers 😂😂😂

Hi there! I was just wondering if you have any advice/tips on makeup with a red dress? Not really sure what would go nice with it

If you wanna be extra wear classic wing and Red lipstick too like I think white girls can pull it off idk about Asians tho
I think keep the makeup chill cause the dress is pretty full on itself
You can check the makeup I had on my ig it’s pretty basic

Oh btw I was sitting on the table next to you that night you were wearing the red trackies, not like you'd remember anyway 😂

lol oh yeah I remember there were people on that table but wouldn’t have a clue which one you were HAHAHAHAHHA that’s awks did u just sit there and watched me 😂😂

Heyy, what color contacts do you wear ?! They’re so nice

Desio Lens! They’re the best I get compliments all the time hahaah

Hi bebe, you know any good hair colorists place in melb ? Thanks xxxx

I have nooooo idea :( you probably have to suss ig for this one
I don’t really do anything with my hair

Are you going creamfields? Project zero? It’s a fine day? Ultra? Which one you reckon will rock out the hardest?

Creamfields not sure at this stage, tickets pricy lol
Project zero is a must, no events at festival hall been a shit one for me in the past 4 years so
No to the other 2 simply no interest
I think project zero will be fucking litttttttttttt

Hey!! I was just wondering if you have any tips on contouring to kind of hide a wide forehead?

I’d say you would contour all around your forehead and buff it into your hairline and do highlight in the middle towards the middle of your brows don’t take it too high up

Hey Bebe do you know how big marianne went for her boobs? I wanna get mine done too and I really like her size, fits her body and we're about the same size body and height! Thanks Bebe, you don't have to answer if mariannes not comfortable sharing but I just thought it would hurt to ask.

I think like 350cc? Everyone’s different tho you need to actually go to see the surgeon and they’ll recommend the right size for you!
Liked by: Marianne Le

Catch the bouquet at your friends wedding and we'll get married in 2 years HAHHA

Yo omg I went to see a fortune teller like 3 years ago and everything she said been true so far
She also said I’ll meet the man of my life in 2017 and get married in 2019
I only have 2 months left to meet this person, pray for me HAHAHAHHAAHHA
Liked by: Secret admirer

No they're not wth LOL there's probably only less than 20 ! And the night you were wearing dem red trackies 😜

lmao that night I was super aggressive cause my shoes were hurting and it was packed and I just pushed everyone and over it hahahahha I was literally screaming fk off at one point smh😂😂😂

hi lovely! just wondering where you got your skirt from in your latest insta pic, sorry if you're sick of these questions haha 😂

Haha no omg I have ask for a reason if I didn’t want to I wouldn’t use it
It’s from top shop UK!
There’s a version of this on I am gia the label that I like better but when I bought this a few months ago they didn’t have it yet lol check it out!

I need to know where you got your shoes and jacket from in your latest ig post

Hahahah I love how you say you need to know 😂😂😂
Coat is from ASOS but like I said i got it last year so you can try your luck
And my slippers I got them in a sip at dfo southwharf they were like 30 legit so good haha

you only answer asks when you're bored so we're even !

Not just when I’m bored
When I see something interesting I’ll reply lol

Did you come to Aus by yourself or with family?

With fam
Shit if I went by myself I’d be dead by now hahahaha


Language: English