

Ask @bebejeremy

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Instagram photo! I don't know you but i'm here to defend you anyway hahah cause girls are meant to enpower another not put them down unless they are insecure haters with nothing better to do. They are just trying to put you down because they are obviously peanut butter and jealous

LOL OMFG some girls are so nice! I don't even understand why or how you can be this nice and take time to do this when you don't even know me. Maybe I should tryna be nicer sometimes too 8)
I don't really make friends with others but if you see me in person come say hi bwhahaha tots deserve some ice cream im having rn <3
Liked by: Tammyy

Sorry about the massive two rants but i had to.. LOOOL

One just got deleted for no reason after I posted it tho :(
Fkn askfm

Also whats wrong with displaying skin. She went front liner. Almost every girl at events have parts of their bodies exposed. It gets hot and why cant people show off their bodies. Sorry you haters are so insecure about yourselves GO FIND CONFIDENCE quit wasting ur time being ugly behind a screen

You saw me at frontliner ? :') or just the insta photo? And yer I'm pretty sure 98.99% girls wear the same shit to events like you don't wanna sweat balls in there and dying you know
Liked by: Tammyy

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'pull it off better than you cunits' LOL wow your head is so far up your arse. Anyone can pull of the shit you wear cos half of it shows most of your fucking skin anyway LMAO just no mate

Sorry but clothings that require showing a lot of skin actually are picky when it comes to people that wear it, not just anyone LEL
Personally I think that not everyone can pull off some of the things that I've worn, and there are many things that I can wear but will look like fkn shit on me. Goes both ways
AND next time please wear something you think is so fucking decent, come to me and show me that is how I should dress to not be called 'trash' or 'slutty' I really wanna know

You should take some tips from Marianne, she's more fashionable than you LOL you just dress like a slut most of the time

Funny how half of the clothes I wear when I'm out is from Marianne ROFL
I can dress like a slut or however I want as long as my boyfriend thinks I look fine
I don't give a fuck
You cunts can keep burning watching my ass cheeks showing hahaha laters
Liked by: Duyenha Trang Phung

your 'fashion' isn't anything great, that person obviously doesn't know fashion lmfao u dress like all the other typical girls that dress like trash haha

Yeah that's cause I probably spend about 300 a year on clothing cause I'm always broke as fuck LMAO half of the shit I have right now is from 2-3 years ago and I can still pull it off better than you cunts any days
Trash? What do you dress like? Please show yourself since you probably have a 'better' fashion sense

Omg that last answer babe so funny! You showed them hahahah!

Lol I just think that all the haters must be somewhat ugly as fuck to go hating on others

Thoughts on Caitlin minogue

If I remember it right, I used to follow her on Insta? Never met in person on anything so no comment

I think bebe's fashion is inspiration BECAUSE its so nice and simple. Obviously the fashion on runways in amazing but you can't exactly wear that everyday. Some people SMH get so worked up about nothing, anyway bebe I love your new hair colour!

OoOo I like that you picked up the simplicity in my fashion taste ahha! And thank you lovely, I think I'll go ombré when my regrowth is a bit longer!

I realised most of the chicks at stop in end up with green looking hair lol :/

Yeah exactly but at least my hair wasn't green because I said I wanted a warmer torn since my skin tone is so pale and dead lol

You should have said something

I sat there for 6 hrs and I really had to go so yeah. Just left it like that lol..


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