

Ask @bebejeremy

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What if youre really frustrated and want to say something back?

You don't
If you get frustrated or angry over something they said that you know that's not right or true, that's exactly what they want lol tho i always talk back to them because I have too much time on my hands and sometimes it is entertaining. Just explain yourself nicely, if they don't back off you can just ignore them, npz
Liked by: Tammyy

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What do you say to people who try to prove you wrong?

Sometimes you don't really have to say anything
Let them think they're right and be a bunch of faggots together lol
Liked by: Tammyy Duyenha

but your boyfriend isnt eve that good looking no offence ?

That's to you
I love my bf and tbh I don't even see any other guys that's more beautiful and cuter than my baby so fuck off
Liked by: Tammyy Marianne Le

The head office can't just have a problem with you and fire you. Hope you put up a fight and got paid out or a remuneration package of some sort babe

It's so annoying but I can't just publicise what happened lol oh well
Thanks lovely xx
Liked by: Tammyy

HAHHAHA agree with u 100% especially those bitches that just fucking stare at you, like go dance or something can u not LOL

LMFAAO I know Lyk da fuck you looking at
Liked by: Tammyy Marianne Le

Was it difficult working at ws? Did u have to wear heals every shift?

No way you can wear any shoes as long as they are WS. And for me it wasn't hard work, just long hours can be really draining
Liked by: Tammyy

so i want to know what your pet peeves are when you're at an event?

Hmm no matter how good it is if there's no space to even move I'll get really annoyed and pissed off
Bitches that's got staring problems
Big cunts that looks like faggots showing off themselves when all they're doing is taking up too much space
There's probably more but I can't think right now lol

Chị nice quá ạ . Hỏi gì cũng trả lời ạ . E cam ơn chị nha. ❤️

Hí hí cám ơn e, tại c rảnh quá mà =)))
Liked by: Tammyy

whatever, ive seen you in person and youre just as pretty lol don't need to be so modest girl !!

where did you see me 8)
Liked by: Tammyy

Chị chỉnh màu nào trong afterlight hoặc 360 mà k nhìn take v ạ :(

Tuỳ hình nữa e, chỉnh smooth thì tầm cao lắm 5%, sau đó sharpen lại 5-10% nhìn y như cũ thật ra là smooth hơn nhiều =)) (c thấy thế)
K nên chỉnh sáng mặt da trắng quá nhìn vừa ghe vừa fake.
Muốn da nâu hoặc tối màu hơn thì kéo highlight xuống negative và ngc lại
Shadow chỉnh độ đậm nhạt
Chỉnh sao thấy đẹp là OK mà
Liked by: Tammyy


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