

Ask @bebejeremy

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I can see you rocking a long bob for the summer bebe :P

Really, I’ll think about it when I’m a little older bahahahh

I wanna get hair laser removal but it’s so expensive idk if I wanna pay that amount of money to get the procedure done when my hair is gonna grow back eventually. Does ur hair grow back?

You need to go to a good place/person
Marianne did mine first time and it didn’t grow back for a month, imagine after 10 sessions haha
It’s so worth it trust me just do it
Get like underarm and Brazilian, half leg?

Do you ever feel like you are nothing without your friends? Like what if none of them right now are friends with u and you only got yourself. Do you think it’s pathetic, or sad, or lonely?

I have the best friends in the world and I can still feel like I can’t talk to anyone. I think Im a little different from others and it’s hard to find someone that’s on the same page as me. When I was going through some rough times, I scrolled through my contacts and there was not one person I could call, i wanted to talk but didn’t wanna bother them, everyone’s a busy with their lives haha. It’s a lonely/sad feeling but defs not pathetic. Tbh it’s true that you only got yourself, but that’s being negative af, again
it’s all in your head 👍

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bebe how do you save for handbags? like if they cost 5-10k i would have to be saving for ages to get one.... literally will have no savings. so i wonder how you do it and also go out to eat+ clothes + holidays on top. not implying anything i just really want to get my first highend bag but idk how?!

Good time to save for a bag is when you get your tax back 🤣🤣🤣
Or during summer period when you work extra hours, holiday rates
I eat a lot but it’s not like fine dining so nothing anyone cant afford , clothes you can spend about 100-200 a week or something, limit going out (I never had to pay much anyways LOL)
You should be able to afford a bag and a short holiday a year tbh
Eat at home, buy clothes that you can wear again, staple pieces good quality ones (or 5 shit ones up to you 😂)

do you feel like you look meaner with the bigger lid? my friend got hers done and she said she feels like she looks meaner without it so has to tone it down with makeup. just curious

Na I think I look a lot older tho 😭😭😭
Hmm I’m completely opposite with your friend then
I wear way less makeup since I got it done like you literally don’t need much

what are ur thoughts about the gucci marmont belt bag?

I’m not really a fan of Gucci
However it is a nice belt bag, quite hard to pull off in my opinion unless you got that insta aesthetic vibe going on hahaha

About the txting question, lol I’m a girl asking!! Ur spot on about me checking how keen he is hahah I was going to leave it coz I wasn’t sure about him anyways but he ended up texting me lol. I’ve came here before asked u questions because I thought ur straight up, kind of like a friend 😂

Bahahahha gurrrrl I can just tell that you testing the nigga poor thing 🤣🤣🤣
Whatever it is take it slow, everybody loves the chase these days
Anyway the starting stage (talking) is the best 😆 butterflies and shit

You don't have to tell us specifics but can you tell us what you have learnt from being in a toxic relationship and how you finally managed to break free?

I think that there’s no point of forcing yourself to break away from that person when you’re still very attached
Just stay, try again and again, until you can’t anymore, till your tears are dried, all your hopes are gone. Let them break you to the point you feel completely defeated and hopeless.
You’ll start to let go without yourself even knowing, you’ll be numb and dead but it’ll be over
No matter how many people tell you that you need to leave and try to reason with you, if you’re not ready then it’s a waste of time (basically talking to a wall lol)
Anyway I learnt that you can’t keep watering a dead flower
If they really want you, they’ll show it, they’ll prove it, they’ll make sure you know it the whole world knows it, they will never make you doubt even for a minute. That’s real love and effort, and you don’t even need to try those things come naturally when you love somebody
You can’t force feelings, don’t cry and go crazy hoping they’ll change. They won’t
There will always be someone else, don’t think that this one person is the only one that can know you, understand you, make you feel this way. There will be someone that makes you feel like what you had was just all bs. You think you have had it all, trust me in a few years looking back you’ll be proud that you’ve made it

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Hi, just wanted to say how great it is that you put out your own time to give real, no bullshit advice to people who come here to ask for your advice. You're a real gem. Have a great day.

Whaaa thank you 🤭
It’s just that I feel like most of them are younger than me and they go through what I might have been through and just want them to know they are not alone and it’ll get better
There are too many fake and shitty people in this world
Liked by: Hoà Ann

Are you going to redo your lips after they wear off?

I usually just wipe everything off once I start eating and reapply
Other than that I never really need to reapply my lipstick haha

do you always wear the same lashes (your faves) or do you like to try out other styles? i always find it hard to try new styles. and also how fast do you go through your lashes?

Na I like to try new styles
These days I wear it about 2-3 times max before I throw it out 🤣 usually they just go missing cause I don’t remember where I put them
I like the lashes I promote on my selfies tbh, Milan/Seoul from lavio
Temptation for alabezeamor
Eyelure 149 (band’s a bit hard to put on tho)
Eyelure 141 nice and wispie
Liked by: Angel

Seems like Marianne cools well. You gotta hold on tight to her and make her teach you cooking lol

Bahahah she’s too busy

Do you think it’s worth it to live in Australia? I’m going to school in US and thinking of transferring to Sydney but idk how it’s like there

I’ve been in Australia for almost 12 years and the total time I spent in Sydney probs less than a month so I can’t tell you much, personally I think it’s a shitty place, rude people everywhere, hard to get around too
I would go there to party tho 😂

If a foreigner never tries Vietnamese food before, which dish you gonna introduce him first?

Easily 😂

Nvm just read your response on eyelid pressing. But if you do have an additional information about your experience, please let me know!!! 😂😅😊

Patience is key
Like after they settle down they look much better so don’t be too worried if they’re still swollen
Wait like 3 months haha
+1 answer Read more

Name 1 Viet food you can eat everyday for the rest of your life. Only 1!

Bbh for sure
but everyday can be kinda draining 🤣

Where did you and marianne get your outfits for candices hens night? I love them

Answered below
Thank you :D

Have you ever hated yourself or been depressed? How did you cope with that?

Nope I have never hated myself
And I’ve been depressed and usually I’ll let myself go deep into it, stay home for days, listen to sad music, binge watch shows, read, draw, sleep during the day and stay up all night, a lot of alone space until I’m totally sick of it and my entire body is drained
Then I’ll seek for sunlight 😂😂😂 by then one of my friends probs meet up with me and I come back to human form and yeah talk about lifeee dis and dat
I think I was so used to staying alone for a long time I developed some sort of social anxiety where I get super nervous and uncomfortable being around a lot of people to the point I start shaking and have a break down sigh
So always, try to get out of the house and be productive 😬

Are you picky when it comes to choosing friends? What’s your limits like a no no in a friendship?

I’m picky but easy at the same time
I’m never looking to make friends, if it happens it will, I’m not the type to go out of my way to start a convo or schedule a meetup so my friends usually put more work in than I do
I’m chill, straightforward and usually do what my friends want to do (I’m happy to go anywhere and do anything) so people that are self centered, princess, bossy, stingy, annoying and inconsiderate I don’t really like, and if they like to get mad over dumb shit then cya later 🤣🤣🤣

Hello how do break up with your ex I don’t feel the love anymore I wanna leave him but he’s too nice

Bro that’s like the worst situation 🤣
Just be straight up it’s gonna end sooner or later why drag it on and it’ll be hurtful for him to find out
Stop wasting time, sit down and have a serious talk


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