

Ask @bebejeremy

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You look way taller than 160 in your photos though haha

Cause my friends are short as fk and I wear clothes that make me look taller haha

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Where did you get the white dress from your bouqet post?

It’s a top and skirt together
And the skirt is from princesspllly (it’s the one I wore with the asap tshirt)
Where did you get the white dress from your bouqet post

which countries have you been to? the bali trip vs your china trip which one did you enjoy more, and can you tell me what things you did in each. Im tossing up between a SEA trip or just head to bali!! so indecisive

Not that many haha
I did not enjoy China pretty much at all, unless you’re Chinese the language barrier is fkd no one will understand you and it’s super hard to get around and there ain’t much to do (unless you’re the type to explore/adventurous) which I am usually not
The weather when I went was so fkn cold could go down to minus 10 degrees like fk that
Plus super shitty internet that won’t help since you need it to translate things. Many apps are blocked there so you gotta use vpn which makes internet even slower
The only bright side was the food, especially the hotpot at hai li dao. ON FKN POINT. I’ll miss it 😭
Bali is great for tanning, beach, good vibes and partying, drinking (could be a bit dangerous if you’re going in a small girl group, also depends on where you go)
I could say I would go Bali again but probably not China so yeah, I only stayed in seminyak last time, the next time I go I’ll probably spend some time in ubud as well.

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Hey bebe, do you think the whole grey hair thing is out of style now? I feel like i still want balayage but idk if i should just stick with my black hair or not...

Depends on the person
Some just look ratchet as fuck
There’s nothing wrong with black hair tho hehe

Hey love, do you regret getting your eyelids pressed and fillers? Which one out of your procedures do you like more? I really want to get fillers in my nose done!

Ehh my eyes still got scars from it but I don’t really care you can’t tell with makeup on
I’m gonna get my lips fixed today and maybe my nose because both are crooked as fekkkk
Yes I do regret getting fillers hopefully this lady I’m getting it done at is gonna make me look normal again lol

Bebe, when I do my make up for uni it looks like shit after a few hours, it’ll cake up on nose and my smile lines get really bad but when I do my make up to go out all day it’s perfectly fine (smile lines come out) but it doesn’t cake up as bad as when I go to uni

If you use the exact same products for both day and night
Then change the day routine, usuallt during the day it’s more hot, windy, a lot more dust, you go to different places whereas night time you stay in door

where is that greenish dress in your recent from?? YAS KILLIN IT 😍

From the Asian shop in high point, again you may find it on dolly girl fashion
They sell the same thing haha

Hey Bebe Do you ever get ripped off in Vietnam? I can tell I'm getting ripped off when I'm over there but it's just such an awkward situation and I never know how to handle it. Do you have tips on avoiding this?

I do, but I speak fluent viet so it’s not hard for me to bargain with them if I want to
If you don’t speak the language well you can still try but you gotta be confident and tell them off
Usually I’ll just say I found this somewhere wayyyyy cheaper (always say cheaper than what you’re actually willing to pay and settle somewhere in between)

Ohhh break the bank like... nothing above 100 haha house of cb gave me a heart attack x.x

Ahahahaha I thought so too
Usually you can go browsing those websites to get an idea of what you want and find a cheaper alternative somewhere else

What’s your fav lipstick? I’m actually looking for a peachy lipstick but I couldn’t find any ::,(

Really depends on your skin tone, I’m very yellow and nc30 in Mac so these colours here are my go to:
Colourpop zuma
Mac smoked almond (velvet teddy, taupe, mocha are nice too)
Mac lip liner nice and spicy
Mac lust lip gloss
TF 63, 33

Em thấy làm mắt xong hay bị sưng nên nhìn ko tnhien. Bạn e làm bị sưng 3 tuần luôn xong từ từ nhìn đẹp lắm ạ c đừng lo nha

Chi lam duoc hon 1 thang r em
Van thay ro duong chi lam :(((

Maybe you could copy and paste some FAQ and Chuck it in your bio on here so you can easy be like 'check bio before asking!!' lol

Hahahaha I really should but I don’t even know what questions I get asked the most 🤔

How do you deal with when you wear sunnies and the part that goes on your nose takes off some of your makeup?

I actually don’t like wearing sunnies
I have really bad eye sight (even when wearing prescription lenses lol)
So I usually wear them on my head, like in a ponytail to hide my oily hair 😂😂😂 i never wear my sunnies for more than 10-15 minutes
What you can do is find lighter pairs or ones with the non adjustable nose pads I dunno what they’re called hahahaha

What app do you use to edit your pics? Btw you so Pretty!!

I’ve answered this question just like a few days ago, scroll down and have a look!
I usually use ig, facetune, vsco, afterlight

Thank you for the make up replies, my engagement is coming up. I'm also from the West, so please do my face then 😊 I will contact you on your Insta when it gets closer!

Yassss ok msg me soon so I know to lock in the dates 👌👌

Since moving to Australia has your Vietnamese gotten worse?

Na same same
Just forgetting words every now and then but my swearing in viet has reached the limit
So nasty lmao


Language: English