

Ask @bebejeremy

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You went from black to your hair colour now in one session?? So jealous, my hair would fall off haha x

Yeah I was at the hair dresser for longer than 6 hrs ! Some hair fell out after I dried it but I trimmed it so it's ok

I think black hair flatters you more but you are still stunning with blonde! Love your idgaf attitude, totally girl crushing on you hahaha

Yeaaaah but I've had black hair for like 3 years straight I got sick of looking at my hair so I decided to dye it just for fun lol
And thank you, some people likes it some don't. Nothing I can do tho haha
Liked by: Tammyy

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What a loser

Wonder why non of you cunts come up to say anything to me last night instead
Not sure who's the loser here lmao

should've did asot in Melb lol better crowd

Did you b2b? Lol I only like psy trance so until like half of armin's set it was getting a lil bit better
Was so shit before that... Maybe just me LOL

Hii I love the look of your coloured contacts! Can I ask where you purchased them from? :)

The website is pinky paradise
I have answered this a few times so if you can be bothered scrolling down.. I have details of all the names written x

Just came to your ask.fm cus i was bored and woww so many haters D; Tbh i think you're def a cool person and if i've ever met you in real life i would def love to be a friend of yours. So many meanies around :(

lol just ignore them they're such sad cunts anyway

How did you and Marianne meet? X

Random as, I was friends with this guy she used to speak to, then somehow we started hanging out and got along

hahahahhaahaha awks bitch at asot, you don't even know half the shit played. Fucken casual

Lmao do I have to know every fucking song to go to asot ?

he has a name for a reason u stupid fuck lol sound like marianne, idiots

Oh wow I really want to see you telling me this in person, I really do
Please, if you ever see me come tell me all the shit you're saying right now and don't be a fucking pathetic bitch hiding behind the keyboard
Liked by: Trang Phung

has anyone ever tried selling you Usana products? or tried to get you to join? it's a pyramid scam, right?

I never even heard of that :/ thanks for telling me tho

Naww I knew you from askfm :( where do you live in Australia? I rly want to meet youu :(

Come visit Melbourne it's fun :3
Liked by: Tammyy

Haiii sis I really like you eventho I just knew you not for so long, just yesterday hahaha. How come your english is soo good omg your like a native speaker alreadey :( and your style and everything, gosh people stop abusing her you are all jealous biatches

I was at home yesterday tho... Haha cause my first 2 best friends are both Italian so I had no choice to speak English to them
And yeah true I'm such qt why are people so mean HAHAHAHAH
Liked by: Tammyy

bitch acts so thirsty probs why tony treated her like shit cod she's a hoe HAHAHA

Don't you go calling my bf by his name fucking bitch


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