

Ask @bebejeremy

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LOL where should I do makeup?!!

You mean study for the diploma? I'm going to the national academy of beauty in may :) or apparently vic uni's really good too, one of the girls in my make up class moved there and she said it's great

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what no way, i saw that picture you posted in response to the other person, your just as pretty without makeup haha dont even say that! its so sad but funny, they act like theyre obsessed with you lol!!

I was also wearing make up in that photo haha :3 tryna to get that natural look you know haha
They make me feel more positive than I thought, if people are hating
Probably I'm doing something right

wow reading some of your older posts really annoy me. people are so fucking rude and such cowards, clearly hating on you out of pure jealousy. im jealous of your looks but i could never leave disgusting hateful comments.. people go full retard :|

Lol you shouldn't be jealous at all
I look like a mole without make up love :') and yes I knooooow
I don't even understand how they even spend a minute of their lives on someone they hate
I wouldn't haha

what Vietnamese food do you recommend me trying ! :)

Are you from Melbourne ?
If you are you should try
Banh canh gio heo, hu tieu mi @ Quang Vinh restaurant, St. Albans
Banh canh cua, bun cha ha noi @ Sapa Hill restaurant, Footscray
Com tam and other rice dishes @ Hao Phong, Footscray
BBH @ Dong Ba, footscray or stalbans
Hu tieu mi Kho @ Tra Vinh, footscray < everyone seems to like this one haha

E sang úc ba năm trước là cũng 13t là bằng c nhưng trường e vào toàn TQ ko nên tiếng anh e chả đc như e mong muốn :( e chơi với TQ ko nữa, hâm mộ c quá :( chơi vs local có vẻ cũng vui huhu trg e local ít mà toàn mấy đứa nhỏ thôi :(

Lúc c sang học language school cung toàn tq c ghét nên k nói chuyện đó thôi :)) 1.5 năm học thêm tiếng mà vẫn chả nói đc. Vào secondary school lớp 7 tụi tây toàn nói ta với mình mặt cứ đờ ra ok ok =))))) riết cũng phải hiểu thôi
C rất may mắn đc ở khu ít châu á lúc mới sang, k chắc cũng cùng chung số phận r =)))))

Chi sang uc nam bao nhieu tuoi vay chi? Neu duoc chọn lại chị có muốn sang ko? sang sớm hơn hay muộn hơn?

Lúc đó thì đúng 1 tháng nữa là c 13t
Cho c chọn lại thì 10000% vẫn là sang Úc, và c nghĩ c qua đúng thời điểm k sớm quá cung k trễ quá. Có thẻ nói đc ta lẫn tv ok
C rất nhớ và trân trọng tuổi thơ của mình. Nếu sang úc từ nhỏ thì chán lắm, làm gì đc về quê đi chỗ này chỗ kia, nói chung k có gắn bó với quê hương mình đc nhiều nếu qua còn nhỏ quá thì có biết gì đâu :))

her friend Bec is so pretty :O what a jealous hater lol

Lol some people are so sad, even if they're not ugly on the outside they're the ugliest on the inside
No decent people would go out of their way to send hate messages to others
Lowest kind

Chị ơi,I used to love going to school and more than anything, i loved studying abroad and now I am here, in Melbourne and I'm in year 10. I dont know why but every single time coming to school, i feel sick. I got tired of all the racist kids, and all the dramas they give us :( I lost my direction.

I feel so bad for you like, I have been in a similar situation when I first came here. The first 2 years were so hard, I did not want to learn English, like fuck Australia, kids at school can be so mean and racist though I was only in the language school. I was too scared to talk to anyone! Scared to even walk around my school comfortably, BUT EVENTUALLY, you have to. Just stand up for yourself, hang out with kids you would feel more comfy being with? If I could I would choose to hang around the nerdy Asians LOL, you know why? Because they focus on studying and non of the bs around them. They talk about manga and anime at lunch not bitching about others, and they're so much more easier to make friends with. You have to get through like another 3 years, and high school drama is the biggest time waster ever. Once you're out of school, you don't even have to try you'll have friends around you they just come naturally. Right now, just study hard, for yourself, fuck everyone else. Let them talk, you can be their boss in a few years, how bout that ;)

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do you get along with your dad? my parents hit me a lot and my dad has a drinking problem and he always takes it out on me. i want to run away but no idea where to go, what should I do :/

Have you spoken to your mum or any other family member about it? Don't just run away, it won't solve the problem at all. Is there anyone of your family member that you could trust and talk to that can help you out? Worse comes to worse just call the police?
If you're really thinking of moving out, are you currently receiving centrelink? You can get extra payment for living away from home for family conditions but you have to fill out many forms and might or might not get accepted ! Not the best idea though, being by yourself is a lot harder than you think, you sound really young as well

Chị oi da e khỏi ý. Lúc đánh foundation vào nó cứ nứt nứt khô khô ý ạ :(((

Nếu có điều kiện e nên xài thử the night advanced repair serum của Estée Lauder, sau đó kết hợp với kem dưỡng da
Vấn đề là da của e nó đã khô r nên xài foundation tốt cỡ nào thì nó vẫn khô thoi. Da c cũng bị như v :( lúc make up e nên dùng kem dưỡng da cho extremely dry skin, sau đó đợi nó vừa khô thì bỏ foundation lên


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