

Ask @bebejeremy

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Lol agree some guys can be wayy generous e.g. Sally buggatti's christmas gifts from her man and lucky for her, but girls should be content w their own relationship materialistic item or not. Nothing worse than comparing yourself w others cos you'll never win

Lol idk who that is but yeah totally agree with you about never gonna win if we keep comparing ourselves

Have u ever had any bad experiences shopping at kookai?

All I ever bought from kookai was that white strapless top, every time I walk in there those white girls look sorta intimidating but some are very friendly

Your answer to the bf question is spot on! Nothing worse than girls expecting expensive gifts from their boy in order to feel 'loved'. Some guys don't work fulltime yet and can't afford that shit.

Yeah lol some girls see other girls Instagram and start having that kind of expectation from their men, hell na

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Ever see him. The loneliness is so bad. Yes i drive a very nice car and have about 10 high end handbags and can spend money any time all from his courtesy but none of that even makes up for the loneliness from not seeing him for days. there is more to every girls story. Dont compare yourself.

Yeah that's why I'm happy that I get to be with my bf all the time, wouldn't ask for more! Hope you guys will get to spend more time together soon! x

To that anon. This is from a point of view of a girl who gets spoilt from her bf. My live in bf is never at home. We live together but hes always at work sometimes for 3 days hes not home. Working and working and working. The last time we went on a date was 7 months ago. We live together but i never

There's a word limit love :(

Hey bebe what brand of brushes that Are good quality but not too exp?

Real techniques and nude I prefer real techniques more but nude has softer brushes!

Agree with you. If you are both happy it should not matter. Everyone is different and want different things in a relationship. Love is not measured by what a boyfriend buys his girlfriend. That is just like a bonus thing

Yassss 👐🏻

I always pay our dinner dates and even take my bf on holiday. And he's not planning to go on holidays with me un least I pay for us. I feel so bad. What can I do when my bf just takes and never gives? Thanks for your advice

He seems like a fucking cunt from what you said. I've done that too but my bf shares everything with me when I have nothing. We help each other out, not just one always taking and one always giving. Ask him what the fuck is wrong with him, be straight forward man, you don't just work hard and spend your money on such a ungrateful motherfucker. Doesn't he feel shit using a girls money all the time? Even if you're well off its not right. How long have you been with him? What if one day you don't have the money to afford dinners and shit anymore, are you guys just not gonna eat out, are you guys just not gonna do anything? Wtf buy him a take away box and put a fucking rock in it with some tomato sauce. That shit cunt doesn't deserve the food you're paying for LOL makes me angry
Liked by: Tammyy

How do you feel when you see other girls get spoilt by their boyfriends by materialistic things? How do you feel and deal with your boyfriend doesn't even have money to take you on dates or buying you gifts? Do you ever feel like you deserve better? At least the same to what other girls are having?

I'm not a materialistic person so I don't really care. I'm definitely not gonna die if I don't have it, if I really like it then I'll have to work hard and save up for it, never have a thought of asking anyone else to get it for me. Tbh I never even take my parents money because that's how they taught me and I want to be independent. Honestly me and my bf are broke af at times but that's not really a problem, dates aren't meant to be base on how much money you spend, it's about the 2 people spending quality times together. I don't mind if he doesn't buy me presents as long as he loves me and we are happy. Sometimes we fight of course I feel I deserve better but it will never be because he doesn't spoilt me enough or anything close to the money topic. And you don't know what other girls go through to have what they're having, everyone's different so yeah maybe they're just lucky, maybe there's more to it so never compare yourself to anyone else

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How does she look like a lady boy lol this anon probably ugly as shit. So insecure you have to hide your face before you say something

Lol dw they're just running out of things to say

Biggest pet peeve?

Dirty bathrooms and toilets, taking a shower after someone, doing the dishes, people smoking near me

You're kind and beautiful, not only in the look but also in your soul. Have a nice day :)

Awww thank you, totally made my morning :3
Liked by: Marianne Le

No, sorry to say. I do not look ugly or look like a ladyboy. I'm just going to write it now, because you're going to try to call me ugly and that i'm a hater. I'm not hating, if i'm telling the truth. You and a ladyboy don't look any different. #notsorry#justhonest

Lol you don't even know how stupid you sound trying to back yourself up before I even say anything, childish af. Show a picture of a lady boy that looks like me please, how are you so sure? I wanna see bwahahha

Dude you're going to need more than make up to fix your ladyboy face. It's alright, you should go ' Thailand' ,you would suite being a one of those ladyboys lel

😂😂😂 you can tell me I'm ugly it would be more believable than telling me I look like a lady boy, can't you come up with something better if you tryna bring me down lmfao

Hello! I'm from Sydney. What are some must do things in Melbourne? And best rated restaurants, cafes etc?

You're asking the wrong person, I'm happy to eat anything and anywhere so there's not really a 'best' place to eat for me HAHAHHA
Liked by: Marianne Le

yes but those things are only temporary, at the end of the day they come off and you're still natural. permanent work? no bueno LOL

Haha that's true, thank you x

you are so pretty!! xx

Thank you but seriously I'm not -.- I know I'm ugly that's why I will never be able to post a before photo for my make up page 😂
Y'all will be fucking amazed with what make up can do to my face especially HAHAHAHA
Liked by: Trang Phung

majority of us guys prefer natural girls over one with fake enhancements lol not too sure why you're getting hate for being natural. bitches are too much LOL

Tbh I'm not that natural since I wear like heaps of make up and push up bras and shit
Maybe I'm just lucky it doesn't seem like I do
Thank you tho :3

Could you please ask Valentina where she got her grey turtle neck sweater and for how much? Thank you so much, you're gorgeous

She said some Asian shops lol 😂 check out in highpoint & in the city they usually have the same stuff


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