

Ask @bebejeremy

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haha damn you're so chill, your bf is hella lucky Well at least judge my work pls that would be nice :) http://jmg-photos.vsco.co/grid/1

Pretty good to start with, you got good angles and nice colours
However theres nothing too special, no depth, nothing impressive
I looked at them 3 times just so I'm not missing anything or being too harsh but I think I could take half of these photos if I had your camera lol work with different varieties of colours and be a pro at photoshop idk whatever programs photographers use
Be creative, be yourself, have your own style, that's what makes you different from everyone else!

faaah haha truu, honestly scared of people judging me and shit, you probs judging while reading these ey? #creeper

lol I'm actually not
I feel so chill right now

yeeeeh idunno, kinda scared to do that cos you cant be anonymous like this, haha bet you think im a creeper right now hidden and shit

Well the thing is if they're gonna say yes to some modelling then they gotta see you sooner or later
Why you wanna be anonymous for :|

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haha cant find any girls that link their ask.fm onto their profiles bruhh but yeeh thanks anyway :D


haha ive done some shots withy guy friends but all girls i know arent confident, brruhhh. So you absolutely have no suggestions?

Maybe try other girls on insta. Me and my friends can't be the only ones HAHAHA

hmmm maybe cos i just started doing photography, aha kinda needing people i could shoots with nvm :)

So sorry :( maybe ask your friends
I'm actually really self conscious when it comes to photos and shit (unless I'm all done up and going out with my friends LOL!)

damn not being a creeper or anything but looking through your ig, you and your friends look like models :D

Awwww haha that's too much
I have really high standards for models
Not just anyone can do modelling you know

I can't get over how pretty you are :( I love all your IG photos! you're a stunner! I reckon you should model, you have everything to be a top model!! and you're my idol and nothing will change that, I wish I could look like you.. even just a little bit :*

No way haha like I said many times before
Photos are deceiving. I can edit my photos really well without making it too obvious! But thank you for taking your time to write all that, so sweet xx
Liked by: Trang Phung

i like how your so honest about how your pictures are edited. you seem so chill.. have a great day

Haha if me or my friends could describe me in one sentence it would be I don't give a fuck or she doesn't give a fuck about anything
You have a great day too xx
Liked by: Trang Phung

What apps do you use to edit your photos? I notice that some girls have such smooth and soft looking skin in their photos, like your dp!

Try camera360 it's so popular in Asian countries haha

What products did u use in ur dp btw? Have u answered that already? U need to start listing the makeup products/colours u use! Looks so nice! <3

I have answered it but here I screenshot it in case someone asks again haha
If you need to know the name of the colour of a specific product let me know x
What products did u use in ur dp btw Have u answered that already U need to

Ahh I love ur dp! U look so pretty and ur makeup is perfect! :)

It's edited! Don't believe everything you see :')

Have you ever kissed a guy that has later gone on to become your friends boyfriend and then never had the guys to tell your friend?

I've kissed like 2 guys before my bf
That would never happen LOL

Aw jeez sorry about the pill q, people are brutal. Honestly, it's her choice she wants to do it then what's it to you? Recreational drugs are part of the scene. Some ppl take it, some don't. Doesn't make her a bad person. leave it at that and your judgemental crap to yourselves.

Thank you :) xx

how do you fend of guys hitting on you at clubs or even while out and about minding your own business? Happens to me sometimes and I wanna tell them to gtfo but wanna do so in a nice way.

I always just put on a cold face and walk off
If they're annoying or creepy I tell them to fuck off lol if you're gonna be nice they will keep flirting and shit

You take it because you're a follower hahahaha, loser.

Oh so people that don't take it, they're better people, know how to appreciate music without having to drop? Okkkii
Why don't you go pretend I said I don't take pills and get the fuck over it?
If I said I don't take pills when I actually do will that change anything? Will that make me a better person in your eyes or a liar?
Fucking double standards fuckwits like you; no matter how I live you cunts will always find something to say anyway
Liked by: Trang Phung

well u look like a loser telling anons that u pop pills lel you probs just do it to look cool and fit in with the crowd, cos if u really gave a shit about the music u wouldn't need drugs to enjoy your time lmao shit kunt

Lol stfu pills are meant to give you energy
Cunts that say you don't need pills to enjoy music obviously have had shit pills or never tried any. And honestly why do I need to look cool for fuckingcunt anonymous cunts like you? Who the fuck do you think you are anyway lmao


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