

Ask @bebejeremy

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Why don’t you like LV?

Only the bags lol they look like they’re from cho ben thanh (you’ll get it if you’re viet enough auhahah)
Andddd if you’re not, it just looks cheap and ugly to me
I literally can’t 😂

I think u should start making YouTube videos. A nice way to get some extra money, and you can get more customers too if u get more famous. I’d be one of your first followers lmao

I’ve got quite a few people telling me I should
But like it’s so hard to get around it since idk anything about recording or editing videos, and because I’m awks as fk on camera it just doesn’t seem possible lol
Doubt I’d be famous 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t have big dreams 😅

how do u get so thick mama? do u work out?

Eating too much 😭😭😭😭😭
And no, I don’t
I reaaaaaaally need to, I’ve gained heaps of weight since last year

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Wow you only did a few minor things to your face and now you do look different. Still don’t get it why people deny having plastic surgery / botox, filters since it looks so obviously that they did something. Not a bashing ask I think u look very nice after your eyes got less swollen.

Thank you hahaha😆😆😆 I compare my myself wth my old photos too and I look tots different LOL!!! I look the same without makeup tho (still ugs)
yeah some people are just retarded like that. I don’t mind surgeries and all that but only to a certain extend, when they overdo it and look plastic and unnatural as fk that’s nasssssty straight up haha

Still in between Gabrielle hobo and Gabrielle hobo backpack. Backpack looks chic but they go out of trend soon. But they look chic. What would you pick Bebe :((

You’ll probably get bored of the backpack before the other one
And you wouldn’t wear it as much too in my opinion
They’re both trendy items and will go out of trend, unless you already have a selection of bags and wanting something different then yeah
I’d still go for the hobo ahha they’re so chiccccccc
Ive actually been eyeing on the Chanel vanity case since last year too but can’t afford one rn LOL go spoil yaseffff

How do you feel about fishing? 🎣

Never done it
I wouldn’t mind I guess, just chilling and listening to music while waiting 😂

Hi bebe, what's your go to contour powder product? And if it's charlotte tilbury one then is that in the shade light to medium? Or medium to dark? Thanks heaps xoxo

Light - medium
It’s literally the most perfect contour shade you can’t find in any other palette, it’s not dirty/too cool or too warm. SO PERF I die every time I put it on
The second best contour shade is the middle one from abh powder contour palette
One of these two and then a bit of bronzer on top, bomb dot com

Hey bebe! Really liked your answer to the anon's statement about 'almost being 25' thing. Im 25 soon, don't have a uni degree & working casual hrs. Always being compared 2 other ppls expectations of what I should have achievedbynow. Your answer has really reassured me! You do you girl! FK the hater

Yas don’t worry about them
Life is not a competition, as long as you are trying your best, it’s all good
I think it’s more important to be a good person and eventually good karma will come!

25 and you don't even have a real job, you didn't even go to uni, spend all your time partying, you admit that you can't even save up money. 25 year olds already have their own house and family. Aren't you embarrassed? I don't get why people praise you for not giving a fuck, it's not a good thing

Everyone is different, I have heaps of friends like you and they just don’t understand (never will) and call me childish all the time but that doesn’t bother me, different mentality 🤷‍♀️
I have said this so many times but I don’t live my life comparing myself to others what they are up to or worrying about things that ain’t gonna make a difference to my life lol
I’m not embarrassed at all, why should I? Society, your family and sometimes your friends make you feel like you have to be able to do this and that at a certain age, live up to their expectations, make you feel useless if you’re doing less/slower than other people at your age.
Putting pressure on young people to do well when they are still confused about what they wanna do is wrong. No I don’t have to have a house or a family at 25 if I don’t fkn want to. You ain’t gonna live my life for me? 😂
I bet I live my life a million times happier than you do haha I don’t have the need to prove anything to others, my happiness is above your opinions
You can say whatever you want that I live in my own bubble, my own world but fuck
Who cares? Worry about yourself
Oh one more thing people praise me for not giving a fuck is because of people like you always tryna fkn put them down and pressure them into doing ‘well’ in life. And they wish they could just care a little less and I hope they will at some point 🤝

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Hey Bebe, I want to get me a nice bag for my birthday. I’m between Chanel Gabrielle hobo bag, Gabrielle backpack and LV palm spring backpack. Any advices? Thank you!

Grabrielle hobo for sure, I loooove it
Something not every girl would wear, GET IT
Don’t even talk about LV I would never buy a LV bag (idm petite malle tho)

What is a good eye cream you can recccomend and what is your skin care routine

I have just started using a new brand called Hylamide, apparently they are the same as the ordinary
I’m not sure if I see any results yet and I’ve been very lazy with my skin care so yeah
I’ve answered this q a few times maybe keep scrolling down and ctrl F ‘skin care’ 🤔

Hi bebe! What bags do you own so far? And how do you save up for bags when you don’t work full time? 😊

I cbf listing haha tho I only got a few
Anyway I don’t spend money on food, groceries or bills
They all go to shopping lol

How did u afford to get them lv sneakers?!?! 😍

Went instore and paid full deposit and waited a month and they called me hahaha

Hi, What places would you recommend for authentic Vietnamese foods? If you know of any bomb bun bo hue places please let a Sista know xx

I like bbh in aus more for some reason but best one is defs in hue 🤣🤣🤣
This is the list of the places I’m meant to try
Not sure if they’re good tho
What places would you recommend for authentic Vietnamese foods If you know of

Do you honestly think you're funny?👀

Lol I know I am
I don’t even need to try 🤣 people tell me all the time hahaha

Do you have any pic show your top you were on insta today bebe? Thank you

I just answered below
It’s from kookai!

What’s the blue Kookai too your wearing called? And what does it look like at the front?

Pretty sure it’s this one
Whats the blue Kookai too your wearing called And what does it look like at the

The blood sugar palette is bomb!!!!!!!

I swatched it and it’s littttt
But then again all palettes swatches can be really nice but once you put it on the eyes they’re shit ahhaha

How come u do not like Jeffree star products?? According to your Insta stories anyway:)

Just answered below


Language: English