

Ask @bebejeremy

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do you hate sorhanna?

I only know of her cause she's my friends friend
Don't think I've ever even met her in person tho

Wow, i had no idea my question on vnmese girls would snowball into outrage like that :3 sorry!

Bruh I just woke up with like 10 asks having a go at me and shit
I was just answering your question yeah
Didn't even started this shit ROOFL

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They r ewwwwwwww, i came from vietnam too and still cant even handle how disgusting viet girls are. This doesnt apply on everyone but some of them are gross lol. Dw prob they havent seen it so they dont know. There r diff types of ppl in diff countries. Dont be so offended guys lol.

Liked by: Trang Phung

Hahahaha they r prob one of them too.

Trang Phung
Yeah see unless you see yourself as one of those girls I stated
It shouldn't bother you. You're a girl my age from Vietnam too, I don't see you get annoyed or offended at what I said? LEELZZZ they just don't know what kind of society it's like in Vietnam

where did all those preach come from and wtf is wrong w these retards omg prob have no life already hahahahahaha.

Trang Phung
Yeah bro they hating on me cause I'm say most girls in Vietnam are filthy
They fucking are, you go tell them since you lived there all your life fffts HAHAHAHA

I'm this girl who's tryna educate you on that cultural thing but i must voice my opinion that that other girl needs to remove herself out of your love life b/c lol it's obv you who dated that guy and broke up w/ him and actually talk to him so who does she think she is to establish nasty comments ab

Thank you haha

all these girls thinking they're doing the right thing and try to prove you wrong when really they're just doing the same shit putting you down with them nasty words thinking they're any better, ridiculous!

Lol that's what people do

And don't try to tell me to calm down and fucking chill and ease back. What you say actually has an impact on whomever it was that surprisingly would be interested in what is it that you store in your fucking pea sized brain therefore he/she asked you that question and theres so many things wrong

Man I've got like 5 questions at once I don't even know who I'm talking to right now
I'm just gonna go eat something and let you guys do the talking

Who knows? Maybe you told one of your closest friends and he/she spreaded that rumor ?? It's possible. With that attitude toward life of yours, you never know who could be after your ass

Yeah true that lol

Nothing to complain about you? You speak as if you're so perfect and have no flaws. It's not hard to see right through your act. You try to act tough and put up a front to try derail people from what you actually think of yourself. If you don't care you wouldn't be swearing and getting so worked up

Yeah you cunts are being to nosy with my life and it's getting too personal it's only right I get annoyed and start swearing. I only told you what he said to me, I'm too good for him so he wanted me to find someone better, he doesn't deserve me and even I know that. If you don't believe me then go ask him yourself. He can't even say one bad thing about me because I'm that good to him. You know absolutely NOTHING about my relationship and what I have done for him so don't talk to me like that

Unlike you honey bubu, i don't talk trash when i don't know shit. Don't you ever wonder maybe that's why i wanted a honest answer from the person the subject of the topic herself ?? LOL i don't necessarily have to believe either of you gals

Yeah you can think and decide for yourself. I'm not forcing you to believe me
Liked by: Trang Phung

'' very ugly and disgusting and cheap '' ???? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL and how fucking pretty & rich you are on a scale of 1 - 10?? omfg hahahahahha literally laughin at your dumbass comments rn

Never said I was pretty nor rich
Yeah laugh lol I don't have to be better than anyone to express how I feel about them
Liked by: Trang Phung

Your opinion obv doesn't have that much of an effect at all on pples lives but okay. for instance if you saw someone talkin smack about you online and making erroneous statements that have to do with you then ??????????? YEAH I THOUGHT SO TOO.

With my personality like I said I wouldn't give a fuck what they think or say, even if it was directed to me and they fkn tag me in it or whatever. Doesn't bother me
Unless you're one of those cheap disgusting sluts like I said, you shouldn't care what others say at all. If you know you're better you don't have to explain yourself to me, just do what you do and ignore the haters (like me haha)
Liked by: Trang Phung

AND NO. I'm not that person below who constantly tried to get on your nerves. I'm a proud individual of the vietnamese youth and I strongly disagree with your point of view on us thats simply b/c you saw something really disturbing back in vietnam and have/ have had bad experiences with certain pple

Yes that's it haha I'm only saying that purely based on my experience
People needs to start thinking on both side of the stories LOL

- they are? It's not cool. It's a very systematic problem that exists in societies nowadays because of fucking people like you. Every culture has its peculiarities and a different way of life so just, try not to be a shit human being and respect that. Don't stereotype.

What the fuck are you on about man
Can you fkn relax why do you care about the way I view other people so much? I don't fucking live to fucking please any of you so dont fucking expect anything from me. I'm not gonna answer anymore of your questions
You're pissing me off now and I'm hungry
Ain't nobody got time for this dumb shit

You still gotta learn how to embrace it and gracefully make your opinions about the vietnamese youth known. You have a voice so i suggest you use it with the best intentions. Stop saying ''i'm judgemental so what'' like do you think it's cool publicizing the fact that you judge people merely for who

It's not cool. But that's how I am
I'm not gonna change it just because someone doesn't like it. If it offended you, usually i would say too bad, but since you're spending your time to tell me to be better, then I'm sorry LOL I will try not to say such mean things again haha

He regrets his life for losing you yet you were the one who's stated endless amount of times that he wanted the break up. If he regretted losing you he wouldn't be fucking around with other girls now. Your personality is about as ugly as you are, good thing he left you.

LOL he left because he cannot commit to a relationship right now. He doesn't even have a fucking job, he's not sure of what he wants to do with his life and he needs to focus on that. There's not one single thing that he can fkn complain about me. Now fuck off

because yknow where you fucking came from you mother fucker. the way you talk and represent yourself to others thru articulations of words is bc of your roots. majority of your cultural identity i would say is from vietnam and even if it wasn't heavily influenced by the vietnamese people

I am a proud Vietnamese and I speak Vietnamese on daily basis to my friends and family. I love and embrace our culture and traditions. But then again I don't love the people and I don't have to. Know the difference

True that its YOUR opinion and you can speak up your fucking mind b/c each individual has freedom of speech and all but if you're talking about a specific topic and giving your insights to others as to depict young generations in vn, have an educated opinion thats actually based on facts why dont ya

Why are you being such a butthurt tho?
Like I don't think my opinion will affect anyone's lives as far as I know
An opinion doesn't need to be based on facts, it's just how I see them. And I said MOST. Which is not all, and remind you I have quite a few Viet friends that live/from Vietnam yeah

i never said that i believed ''those girls'' wtff man is your reading skill srsly that poor. scroll down and go over what i had to say again LOL neither did i assume shit bout you so get over yourself, i just wanted to hear the truth. Don't you think maybe thaats why i went on ASK.FM and ASKED you??

Lol the thing is if you don't believe them then you shouldn't even have to ask me if it was the truth? Which girl would go telling the whole world that she was pregnant when someone asks them anyway? And the one that made up that bullshit obviously is hating because they can't fkn say it in my face but talking shit behind my back lmao

You do know that judging other people and being rude doesn't make you anymore less of a wreck than you are, right? Maybe if you were if you changed the ways in which you treat and talk to/about others your ex would of thought you were half the effort.

Lol you're such a fuckwit man we didn't break up because of my personality thank you

No wonder your ex fucked off and wanted other bitches. With a nose like a cow, personality of a pig and manners of someone who seems to be brought up with no parents, it's no surprise he saw no future with you and would rather fuck around then settle down with you.

Love, you talk for yourself, sitting behind the keyboard and hatin on a girl who doesn't give a shit what you say?
Don't talk about my parents here they didn't do anything wrong to you and btw they did teach me one thing to be honest and not afraid of what others might think of you
And FYI my ex regrets his life for losing me and he's told me that many times lmao

People are too nosey lol there's a limit to asking questions about her ex. Why do you guys care so much about that situation especially when she's getting past it.

Oops I only saw this now


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