

Ask @bebejeremy

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What do ur farts smell like

You know when da cow eats pumpkin and take a shit then you use da shit to grow some watermelon then you eat the watermelon and keep seeds and dry the seeds and then you feed to da birds then the birds fly to your house and shit on your head, what does it smell like tell me

If you don't mind sharing, how did you and your bf meet and how long have you been together? :)

Through friends like back in 2008
We've been together just past 18 months but really on and off all the time

Well you have the most amazing legs! You look great in anything x

Na it's just knowing what looks good on you, there are heaps of things that would look feral on me LOOOL
Liked by: Marianne Le

Thanks! I want to find something similar. Do u wear a size 24 in them ?

I'm not sure I just picked the smallest size they had! I'm usually a 26 in jeans
Liked by: Trang Phung

Oh btw where did you get those black shorts on your if pic! I like how they look fitted on you

Ziggy! But ages agoo, best purchase
I wear them all the time haha

But you have nice eye shape and perfect nose! and lips of course ;(

My eyes definitely only look good because of make up, my nose bridge is flat and my lips just normal nothing special haha
Liked by: Marianne Le

Windsor smiths quality is so bad, and head office is fucking useless and rude LOL

Lmao I have to agree about the quality not sure about the head office !
Liked by: Marianne Le

oh that's okay. my parents hate mine and they don't even try to make an effort to get to know him, they just automatically think he's not good --"

Are your parents Asian? LOL don't worry they always stereotype and are so close minded
Do whatever makes you happy :)

I never met you but I swear you're my idol!

LOLOLOL feels like someone is trolling me!but anyway photos can be deceiving and people on social networks can also be fake as fuck

well that's retail for you. If its too much of a chore then you shouldn't be working.

Well sorry to break it to you but my manager likes me and thinks I'm good so stfu
Liked by: Trang Phung


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