

Ask @bebejeremy

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Have u heard about Kaity Nguyen ? The one that is dating Will in vietnam?

Nope how come
Is she pretty or something
Should I search her

You mind if you could list all the make up you would bring when you come to Vietnam ?

Depends on what skin type you have
Primers always important
Oilier skin - hourglass veil/Mac skin base+oil control
Drier skin - Bobbi brown vitamin enriched face base, Mac natural radiance/moisture infusion
Mac strobe cream if u wanna glow while sweating LOL
Foundation - I brought 4 I think
Fit me dewy for a natural look
MUFE hd for a natural-Fuller coverage
Mac studio fix - full matte
Mac Pro long wear waterproof - full coverage semi matte for the
beach and super hot sweaty days
Mac studio care blend powder for flawless glowy natural looking skin (I use these for first 2)
Mac mineralise skin finish powder for airbrush finish (last 2)
UD setting spray is like a fkn must
Everything else you can bring whatever you want tbh
Oh bring a really good oil cleanser and exfoliator cause air over there’s polluted you need to wash and clean face properly

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What lashes did u use on the girl with ashgrey hair in your recent make up post? Thank you

Ebay mink lashes lol I can’t find the link 😭

Did marianne really give birth? What the fuck man her body's so good, still can't believe she had a baby, lol not fair!

Idk man we didn’t talk when she was pregs so when I saw her the baby was already there
sometimes I’m not used to how destin came out of that vagina 😂😂😂

When you found a good sunscreen pls share, thanks in advance bebe

Ultraceuticals ultra protective daily moisturiser
Marianne uses that one and told me to get it haha

was the studio 3 event better than Transmission?

It was amazing, as expected
Hardstyle events don’t disappoint ever

Where can I get a decent stick-on bra in-store? Are the Cotton On ones any good?

I get ones from boohoo
It’s called Emma and the black one I forgot the name lol

Hey hun do you think Vietnam is safe for tourists? I was born in Aus, never been to Vietnam and am going this summer but I'm pretty scared cause I hear stories about corruption and shit. Do you have any tips? Parents haven't actually been back since they left in the 90s so they don't know this stuff

Tbh anywhere you go there will be a certain risk not just Vietnam
You shouldn’t be lol your parents gonna be shocked at how much everything’s changed. You’re just going on a holiday not gonna live there so dw about the stories from 50 years ago and corruption stuff haha
If you can just try and speak viet the more fluent the better cause they gonna charge you much more anyway
From my personal experience, you can only have an amazing time over there when you got friends/fam to take you around to the local places and such
The food there’s really good but because you’ve never been so it’s better to take whatever shots you’re meant to before going overseas just in case
It’s really hot and humid and sweaty over there so bring long wearing makeup and comfortable clothings haha

hey Bebe! Do you charge more if a client is more difficult to work on eg really hooded eyelids??

No I don’t haha everyone’s born with a different eye shape why would I charge more because of that
It’s something you can’t help
It does take a lot more time and effort but it’s a fun challenge for me 🤔

I’m using a new scrub and full on breaking out on my forehead. Do you think it’s the scrub or my skin just pushing all the dirt up? :( I use to never breakout this bad in my life 😭😭😭 pls help!!!

Omg so first stop using it see if it gets better
Then go to the store and maybe ask and see if they know reasons why you might have had that reaction
Could be a certain ingredient or like you said you never used one and it was too much for your skin etc

hi bebe, do you or your friend know any good Facebook forums that talk about cosmetic surgery in Vietnam ? thank you !

Yes haha I know 2 groups
Tâm sự giao kéo & tâm sự thẩm mỹ vòng 1
Hahahaha they’re so good

Hey bebe where is your black leather jacket from? Also how would you style a black leather jacket for a night out? I really admire your style! ☺️

Crop top and mini skirt or like a loose oversized shirt/top depends what kinda look I’m going for haha
Thank you!! And I think you’re asking about the Zara one 🤔

Do you use Mac's softening lotion? i don't understand how it works. lool And, what other skincare products would you recommend from Mac? cheers xoxo

So it feels similar to a toner, great for all skin types
Let’s say you got dry skin it’ll soften and smooth out the skin and kinda get rid of the flakiness
If you got oil then it’ll take away the dirt/oil on your face
This is must have to prep your skin with before makeup
I also use this to wipe the fall outs of eyeshadow lol
I like timecheck lotion, strobe cream (really good for dull skin)
Other than that I don’t use much haha

Did you speak any English before coming to Australia?

Nope not a single word (except like hello, apple and orange 😂)

Have you ever went to uni ball events like ASEAN etc, or consider to go?

No I haven’t but I want to omg
Can you invite me so I can look slay too

Hi bebe, you used to work at Mecca then what are your thoughts on Mario Badescu skin care products ? They're affordable asf

I didn’t try anything and only use the rose water tbh
I wasn’t into skin care and all that back then 😂

How’s the new job going? Are you working near southern cross? I think I saw you haha

This is a fkn nightmare idk how people even recognize me without makeup
Anyway it wasn’t me lol

Hey babe when you first arrived at Aus how did you adapt the lifestyle here? I’m struggling with speaking and I really have low self confidence I just fuck up everything :(

I couldn’t
Took me 2 years to even understand wtf they were saying
I was the only person that stayed in language school for over a year and i was hopeless LOL
You’ll get used to it, try to make friends with people that don’t speak your language
I was lucky cause my area had no Asians lol

Da chị thuộc loại da gì? Và chị có biết foundation nào tốt nhất cho da dầu không?

Da Cục ki kho
Em thu Marc Jacobs remarcable
Mac studio fix
Estée Lauder double wear
Stila Stay all day
Hourglass stick foundation


HAHAHHA did i omg I’m sure there are more 😆 I was just listing whatever I had in mind


Language: English