

Ask @bebejeremy

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Do you like big dicks or small dicks? Does sizes really matter to you?

Na bro I'm all about a guy dressing nice and shit ya know

I wanna make guys have a boner also. Please help me out! What's your secret?

The secret is to go suck a fucking cactus cause you'll never be me bitchasssss hahahhahaha

Do you enjoy making all the boys and guys have a boner? Wish I could make them have a boner also. What's your secret?

Lol fuck off man

Will you ever break up with your boyfriend? Do you love him dearly? Even if he cheats would you still love him? Are you sure his the right guy for you? Does he love you like your the only girl in the world?

Yes I would break up with him if he does something to break my heart again, or leave me again lol. Yes I love him more than anything, I've been through so much to be with him I can't even tell you by words. I will still love him even if he cheats on me, but I'll leave him of course. And he's not the right guy for me either, but somehow it feels like we belong together. And I'm not sure about how much he loves me LOL

Why don't you take pictures of your boyfriend and you? So that I or we not to chat you up or picking you up haha. Cause right now I'm thinking that your single and I'm keen as fuck for you to be my girl.

Are you still that same guy from 2-3 weeks ago

Is your bf vietnamese ? Which one do u prefer ? Australian boy or Ansian boy ?

Yeah he's Vietnamese. Prefer as in for a boyfriend ? Lol really depends though

Hồi chị ở Việt Nam chị ở Hà Nội ạ ? Em thấy người Việt đi du học hay chơi với cộng đồng người Việt hơn là người nc ngoài. Có phải do người nước ngoài khó gần khó chơi vì khác văn hoá không ạ ? Ko liên quan nhưng người chị đẹp quá chị có tập ko ạ ?

K c ng nam, ở sg nha e. C k nghĩ vậy, thường thì dhs qua đây chọn ở vùng hoặc gần vùng có nhiều ng Việt ở, với cả qua thì thường tìm vn chơi vs nc cho dễ nên ít bạn Tây cũng đúng chứ k phải ng nc ngoài khó gần đâu e. & cám ơn e c k tập gì cả

You are really slim. I'm trying to lose some weight :(, do you eat with moderation?

No. I eat whatever and whenever I get to eat :/


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