

Ask @bebejeremy

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lol this is so embarrassing but i get anxiety when im in situations like that/confrontation etc. can i just lie and say i had my mums card but refund it to a different card instead? would it work? like has anyone done it? i just hate being in the counter for ages esp when theres ppl behind me lol

Lol I get anxiety too but not on things like that. Must suck ay
Don't lie honestly this is something you need to get over, it's actually not a big deal at all you gonna have to do this kinda thing sooner or later
Can't hide forever

hi gurl i need advice.my mum bought me a blush from mecca using her own card and i want to return it bc i already have it but she doesnt have that card anymore. can the money be refunded back to my card instead? i dont want a store credit :/ did u guys ever look at the card to make sure its the same

Most stores would ask for it to be put on the same card, just explain your situation and say you don't want store credit, as long as you have the receipt i'm sure they'll be able to figure out something for u

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what must haves would you recommend buying from mecca if youre getting into high end makeup (specific items and brand pls) thanks in advance bebe!

What do you need tho ?

what eyeshadow palettes would you recommend from mecca? around 70ish budget :)

First one comes to mind is too faced chocolate bar 🤔

Where did you get that black set in your insta story? Your body is amazingggg!!!

I bought the leggings at glue and the top at top shop !

your body is amazing really! like you got nice shapely thighs and an ass but a tiny waist. what even!

Only on photos can I can edit them
In person they're not that amazing LMAO

didn't realize u tag her lol.. she's quite attractive. what she's like?

Very funny
One of the funniest people I've met haha

besides cotton on and misguided, any other reco for push up bra?

Oh I've gone through the phase of wearing push up bras now I wear stick on ones lmao sorry can't help you there

who's your friend that you went to have dessert with on your ig post?

Which post are you talking about

are you looking to date anytime soon or are you just like whatever fuck it?

Im not looking to date but then if the right person comes u know, i'm not gonna run away haha

saw you at rnb last week or so and youre actually so awkward lolll

Actually I went because of my friend I only knew him at the table
The chick I became friends with was with was a little crazy so maybe I looked awks but i actually have never heard anyone say that i'm awkward in my life 😂

hi! whats a thin but full coverage foundation? I have very yellow undertones THANKS GIRL!!

Sorry but whenever I get a customer come in to Mac and asks me this I want to flip the shit
There's no such thing as thin but full coverage
Full coverage means thick and heavy that's how they cover everything
What you need to do is find a buildable medium to full coverage foundation and use concealer only where you really need to. Rather than caking on your whole face with a thick foundation when your skin is probably isn't even that bad
Yellow undertone at mac is NC
Other brands are probably under sand/neutral/beige

Hi bebe, no matter how much i prep my skin its always so so so dry :/ and when i set my makeup everything just creases or moves around throughout the day. How can i fix this!

Ok I always say exfoliating is key, then add a lot of hydration the night before, and priming before make up as well
If you do all that and it's not working then maybe you should try changing foundation/powder until you find the right one for your skin

Hey girl! Whenever I highlight my cheekbones it looks porous/ metallicy (doesnt look like a soft glow from within) do you have any advice? :(

Because you either use shitty products (no offense 😂) or
You don't spray enough, so I usually put my highlighter after I spray 3 different sprays that I use
Just cause I find it sticks better and the shine is more intense
Nowadays I hardly ever touch my highlighters because my face is already fkn glowing from all the spraying. I only highlight the inner corners of my eyes now
You can also try the oil stick from mac, gives u a clear glow rather than metallic or glittery kinda look
Just press it onto the skin where you would normally highlight and you'll see, so goood

If you could live anywhere else in the world that's not Melbourne or back home in Vietnam where would it be?

London or Seoul

what's the night cream you use as part of your skincare routine?

I use the Estée Lauder night advance repair something something serum with a shit load of Bobbi brown hydrating intense night cream and their eye cream as well


Language: English