
684 people

50 posts


W czyje sam*o*bójstwo ciężko Ci uwierzyć? Chodzi o jakichś znanych ludzi, muzyków, aktorów, polityków czy celebrytów. Czy sądzisz, że niektóre z tych zg0nów zostały upozorowane? Ku jakiej teorii się skłaniasz jeśli chodzi o dany przypadek?

celevra17’s Profile PhotoCelevra nebbia Louve
Tak na szybko to (plus dodam linki do oficjalnych materiałów):
Andrzej Lepper - niby sam to sobie zrobił, a na pasku nie było jego odcinków palców.
Był niewygodny dla wielu polityków, zadawał za trudne pytania i chciał ujawnić na światło dzienne kilka faktów, które pogrążyły by mocno większość z nich.
Chester Bennington - Linkin park to chyba każdy zna i słuchał, a jeśli nie to polecam. Niby się powiesił, ale już mało informacji możemy znaleźć, że chciał ujawnić siatkę p. w Hollywood, ale go ucieszyli. Poniżej macie ciekawy materiał:
Zbigniew Hałat - za czasów dwuletniej niewoli przez pand. Ostro negował szpryce i ujawniał badania, że mają one w środku substancje, które będą niszczyły nasze ciało przez lata, sporo tego było, ale żadnych oficjalnych informacji nie mam gdyż zostały usunięte przez służby. Tak czy siak, ogromna strata.
Michael Jackson - przedawkowanie, ale wcześniej pisał listy, że boi się o swoje życie i ktoś na niego poluje. Wokół tego bardzo dużo spekulacji, ale wystarczy posłuchać kilka jego piosenek by domyśleć się, że coś wiedział. Np: They Don't Care About Us.
I to tyle i powiem Ci, że nawet nie wierzę w ich samob. Ilu takich ludzi odeszło, a o tym nie wiemy?
A tutaj ogólnie ciekawy materiał, tytułów mówi sam za siebie.

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Do you agree or disagree with zoo's putting animals on display?

ItsTiffyTime’s Profile PhotoGeorgie
Disagree 100% if the animals are there because of life long injuries why would they be displayed? Elderly people aren't displayed. Also if they need the money to care for animals why are entering fees sometimes so little? Nothing about that seems right in my opinion
Liked by: T Hannah Georgie

Someone I know posted on Fb that they're in the hospital for surgery and will update everyone afterward. I messaged them, but they didn't reply, yet they told our mutual friends. Do you think they might not consider me as close, and that's why they refused to give me more info?

Perhaps but it really doesn’t matter since they might’ve forgotten to reply back and it’s probably nothing personal. I also have a tendency to worry and care too much about people replying back to my messages and it’s really exhausting for no good reason. Also, they’re in the hospital for surgery which is a good enough reason to ignore text messages because they’ve got bigger problems to deal with.

Would it make you a monster if you didn't want to spend loads of money on your pets' health?

Depends what your version of not a lot was. If it was basic vet care & treatment then you shouldn’t have a pet if you can’t afford it. If it’s surgery/risky/they might not make it anyway then I think that’s case by case and whatever’s best for you and the animals welfare. I’ve spent thousands on my animals, I’ll go without for them. If your pet is in pain and you refuse to treat but leave them in pain for your own benefit then yes, maybe you are a monster. 🤷🏻‍♀️

She thinks she did something https://ask.fm/syd13kidxo/answers/175738463121

All ima say is ALL my friends have used recent photos of themselves and one posts photos of herself at the gym working om herself. The other recycles the same 5 photos from the last 3 years and the same 3 bikini pics. Jasmine has kids and managed to lose weight and openly posted new photos. The only one claiming to lose weight but not proving it is syd, and I really don't care if she does or doesn't, but consider how much she body shamed other females. Kasey, jasmine and raechel included. You'd think she'd be honest. now I'm over this girl and topic.

All those drugs must be going to her head cuz nobody has talked about her in a long time

She says no one would care about me as if that's some big sad moment for me lmfao I've never cared about being popular on this app and I never cared if people on here like me, unlike her I didn't shake my ass and post half naked with my tits hanging out and promote my lame snap where she probably.scams people for money because I needed so desperately to he liked. She literally lives off a bunch of anons on this app liking her meanwhile half of them are probably 16. But, whatever makes her feel good about herself.
All those drugs must be going to her head cuz nobody has talked about her in a

Opowiedz o typowym dniu swojej postaci. Poznajmy ją bliżej!🤗

valkyr_’s Profile PhotoValkyr
⠀⠀ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⠀⠀Hunting, exorcising, exorcising demons... stuff like that.
⠀⠀If taking care of yourself means letting someone
⠀⠀down, then let someone down. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Opowiedz o typowym dniu swojej postaci Poznajmy ją bliżej

Please, pap outfit atm ❤️

Well well well, if it isn't the hypocrite yapping like usual. I was going to keep quiet about this because I really could care less about you and I'm willing to be the villian if it makes u feel better in your head about your lies, but this needs to be said. First off, @syd13kidxo, I thought you moved on? I thought you were living life? I thought you healed? I thought you weren't on here much and didn't keep up with the drama? I thought you were too busy working and lying about losing weight and screwing 50 dudes in the same friend group to care about this lil app? For someone who's 27 this is embarrassing. Imagine being caught red handed lying.
You just had to go on the exposing page and run your mouth eh? What's wrong your booty call of the week wasn't around and you got bored?
I guess it's a good thing the exposing page messed up and accidently answered that. I'm assuming it was meant to stay private🙊 talk about exposing alright 🤣Secondly, this is the last time I'm.addressing this, I see you're still playing this "I pulled away" card, is that what makes you feel like a good person? Lying through your teeth? Lmfao. First off. You did not pull away, you were yapping your big ass gob off in that GC about kaseh up until the day I fucking left that chat, AND I was told afterwards that even after I LEFT YOU were still talking shit about kasey and then started talking shit about me in that chat. So pleaseeeeeee stop this bullshit 🤣 you have been a fake friend, youve lied, you've run exposing pages about kasey in the past, and it's a fucking shame that these Pathetic anons will always believe your crap, because God forbid they ever knew the truth, they'd fucking die. You are a trash friend. Trash human. Trash person which is why you still at the grown age of 27 can't make a relationship work. Because no one wants to be with you, they just want to bang you. If CHANGED.

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Please pap outfit atm

Do you ever feel like society straight up hates f*t people? God forbid a f*t person eats something they like, wears the clothes they want, dances, or has fun. They're not allowed to feel some joy without being ridiculed and belittled. People are weirdly mad that someone f*t enjoys their life?

I used to be overweight in the past and loss the excess weight after I was told I looked overweight. Once those people were no longer around, I gained back the weight and gained some more weight after switching my antidepressants to a different one. I no longer care about what anyone has to say about my weight but it sucks that I also stopped caring about my health :/ I need to lose weight once again but have yet to take action.

What are your thoughts on sarcasm? Does it make you more friends or enemies?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I do like it! And I don’t mind other people using it! Depending on who I talk to, I can definitely bring out my sarcastic side way more. Like, some of my friends are more sarcastic than others, for example, and I feel comfortable doing that with them. Same goes with my family. Sometimes though, sarcasm can go over my head a bit, especially in text cause it’s hard to decipher one’s tone. 😅 But being sarcastic has definitely not made me any enemies, I don’t even have those to begin with. 😂
I do have some thoughts on how it should be used though. I think it needs to be used with caution and care. What I mean by that is I’ve noticed some people either overuse it, or use it as a subtle way to bash someone else, be condescending, passive aggressive, etc. 😐 And in that case, it’s certainly possible to be put in a situation where people don’t like you that much. So I would say it’s important to know where the boundaries are, and when to be sarcastic with someone/when not to be. And if someone doesn’t like sarcasm/doesn’t understand it, please respect that. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone says outright they didn’t like a sarcastic joke or something, and people use more sarcasm to essentially make fun of them for it… 😒

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What are your thoughts on sarcasm Does it make you more friends or enemies

Ăștia care chiar credeți că hainele, bijuteriile, parfumurile, mașinile, vă fac viața mai frumoasă, vă spun eu că sunteți triști pe interior și extrem de săraci, oricât de multe lucruri dețineți. Cum să te mândrești cu lucruri efemere, când tot ce rămâne cu tine e inima ta și amintirile ?

Ai o viață și trebuie să îți asiguri confortul, acuma dacă nu luăm cu noi nimic nu înseamnă că nu avem dreptul la mașini, bijuterii, haine, etc. Nu poți să stai toată viața într-o cutie de carton că mori și nu o iei cu tine.

Ăștia care chiar credeți că hainele, bijuteriile, parfumurile, mașinile, vă fac viața mai frumoasă, vă spun eu că sunteți triști pe interior și extrem de săraci, oricât de multe lucruri dețineți. Cum să te mândrești cu lucruri efemere, când tot ce rămâne cu tine e inima ta și amintirile ?

Pentru unii chestiile astea chiar le fac viața mult mai frumoasă. Dacă nu te bucuri la o haină, la o brățară din partea cuiva drag sau chiar cumpărate de tine, atunci pe tine ce te face fericit? Viața nu înseamnă doar să îți faci amintiri, și să te bucuri doar de ele. Hainele, parfumurile, bijuteriile fac și ele parte din viața noastră. Lasă oamenii să se bucure și de lucrurile materiale.😇 Dacă ne plac astea, nu înseamnă ca suntem triști pe interior și săraci 😅

Do you have a favorite person in your life? If you do, how do you usually let them know that you appreciate them?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I wouldn’t say a “favorite,” but I do have small handful of people in my life who are extremely important to me. I show them I care about them by checking in on them regularly, doing small acts of kindness, words of affirmation (if I know they appreciate that), trying to hang out with them as much as I can, making extra time for them whenever I can, and just making sure they know I’m in their corner just as much as they are in mine. ☺️
I also am big into gift giving to show people I appreciate them. Not necessarily extravagant gifts, just something small to say “I’m thinking about you.” And ultimately? I try to be a safe space for them to express whatever they’re thinking, feeling, going through, etc, that they are willing to share with me. I think almost nothing is better to make people feel appreciated by being heard, understood, and supported. 😄

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Do you have a favorite person in your life If you do how do you usually let them

If your close friend or friends in general we're going through depression, how would support them? Or what advice would you give?

I try to be a listening ear as much as possible, and just show I love and care about them by actually saying it, and of course showing it. Like, just really to make them feel they are valued. I also try to do nice things for them that I know may take pressure off them. I like to refrain from giving advice unless they specifically ask for it, in these situations though… Cause I know, if I’m feeling like that, I don’t want my friends to attempt to fix the problem, or carry it for me, I just like to know they are there and will support me/listen as much as they are able to.
I think the goal in friendship isn’t always to absolve our friends of their problems, or their hard feelings. It’s more so to talk through it with them, be a friendly sounding board, a place they can talk and be free to express what they need without judgement. And also, for encouragement, and to remind them that someone is there for them, even when everything feels really heavy, dark, and lonely. I know some of what’s helped me during my lowest points is the friends I know I can turn to no matter how I’m feeling and I know for a fact, they are gonna be there. 🥺🥹

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If your close friend or friends in general were going through depression how

How do you know if someone truly cares about you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
If it is true you'll see it in everything they do. You'll see it in their eyes when they look at you. Hear it in their tone when they speak. You'll feel it in their care and attention. In how they handle you when one of you is upset. When someone truly cares for you the care will be there no matter what's going on around it. There will be a certain respect and consideration. Even if they'd rather bite your head off haha. It doesn't mean things will always be pleasant. Bad days will come. Fights and misunderstandings will happen. The care will remain

Are physical pains in the body without a clear reason inevitable?! And does having no financial issues mean that everything is still okay?!

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
I think physical pains increase with aging. That is very much inevitable no matter how much money or care. Though you can definitely ease any burden with enough resources. Even if only slightly. If you meant chronic illnesses that's probably also inevitable. There are always ways to improve our outlook if not our lives. That can make all the difference

Povestește ne cea mai urâtă experiență a ta cu un el/ea la o întâlnire

Am ieșit cu un băiat care îmi spunea că o fată de aici de pe ask, se știe ea, sărută bine. :)
Apoi îmi lua flori ca să le fotografieze să le pună pe story- chiar zilele trecute le-am aruncat, după ceva ani.
Avea o poză cu o fată în portofel pe care a postat-o la story imediat după întâlnirea noastră. Probabil să mă facă geloasă, dar eram confuză cred că de toată situația.
A, și ca să nu uit: "ieșim, dar să nu te îndrăgostești de mine" :)

If you are an overthinker in relationships, what is the thing you overthink?

As someone who tends to overthink things sometimes, I often find myself getting caught up in questions like "Am I doing enough to make this person happy or am I really good enough for them¿" or "Do they really care and love me as much as I do about them and I fear of being abandoned and neglected¿" It is easy for my mind to spiral into a cycle of self-doubt and second-guessing when it comes to relationships. But at the end of the day, what helps me most is reminding myself that communication is the key - if I have questions or concerns, it is always better to bring them up directly rather than letting them fester inside my head. And ultimately, building trust and mutual understanding with a partner takes time and effort from both sides. 🌻

I believe the correct word is "gullible" not "gullable". Canadians have a much better education system than Americans, you have no excuse to be so illiterate.

I really don't give a flying fuck. I have a child I take care of all day, I'm lucky if I get 2 seconds to type something before she's trying to climb on me or wants attention, a typo is the least of my worries.

Do you believe that you are an unforgettable story?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ

Why would i want to be remembered? What aspects of me i want people to remember? Is there anything worth remembering about me? Does it matter to me? Why would i care ?
There is nothing that should be remembered.We just play our parts in this circus of life and then vanish away for eternity. I have seen great people, with great lives becoming a part of oblivion when they are gone. Their lives were worth remembering. In the end we all are same decaying organic matter. Nothing more. I believe i will never wish to be unforgettable. Those who wish for it, never became one. ♠
Do you believe that you are an unforgettable story

Ăștia care chiar credeți că hainele, bijuteriile, parfumurile, mașinile, vă fac viața mai frumoasă, vă spun eu că sunteți triști pe interior și extrem de săraci, oricât de multe lucruri dețineți. Cum să te mândrești cu lucruri efemere, când tot ce rămâne cu tine e inima ta și amintirile ?

Cunosc persoane care au lucrurile enumerate de tine și se mândresc doar cu alea…. Nu știu. Tind să cred că fiecare avem ceva bun în noi cu care ne putem mândri și, de ce nu, cu care ne diferențiem.
Își vor da seama că alea sunt așa, uhm, extra. Ai nevoie de toate acele lucruri materiale, însă nu e îndeajuns. Bine punctat.
Liked by: #Bdc Ionel Radu

e normal ca un bărbat de 32 de ani să locuiască cu părinții?Intreb asta pentru ca imi este greu sa inteleg de ce un prieten bun alege sa locuiasca in apartament, cu parintii lui, desi are 32 de ani, un loc de munca bine platit si ar fi capabil sa locuiasca intr-o chirie, chiar foarte decent.

Depinde de context. Sunt bărbați care sunt nevoiți să locuiască cu părinții..
Daca ambii sunt în vârstă și au nevoie de sprijin și ajutor la treburile de zi cu zi, e un bărbat care are grijă de familia lui.
Până la urmă nici nu trebuie să înțelegeți voi cine cu cine locuiește și de ce nu se încadrează în limita gândirii voastre..

Vreau și eu o părere, sunt roșcată închis și vreau sa ma vopsesc castaniu și să-mi fac șuvițe blonde ce ar trebui sa fac nu as vrea să-l decolorez?

Am fost și eu roșcată, e greu de scos culoarea din firul de păr și din păcate fără decolorare, nu poți.
Îți recomand din tot sufletul să mergi la un salon care poate să-ți trateze părul în așa fel încât să nu îl distrugă, eu m-am vopsit și decolorat după capul meu și am ajuns să nu mai am păr și se regenerează destul de greu.
Nu e imposibil ca îți dorești tu numai ca lasă pe cineva care se pricepe să facă asta, de la roșcat închis la castaniu, nu cred ca e nevoie de decolorare însă pentru șuvițe blonde, aici ai nevoie pentru ca dacă pui vopsea galbenă pentru firul tău deja roșu, n-o să fie blond.
Good luck! ☺️

Ce plictiseală maximă ... sunt singurul "plictisit" care generează o întrebare?

Nu ești singuru', sunt o grămadă de plictisiți ca tine.. Întrebarea mea e de ce vă băgați aiurea în seamă, să ne plictisiți și pe noi?
Liked by: Mălina Biuț Laura

هما الولاد بيصرفوا فلوسهم فين وهما معندهمش Hair care و Body care و Skin care 🥲؟!

عندهم مسؤليات تانيه مطالب منهم شقه وتكون مشطبه حاجه اخر لوكس وكل دا بمبلغ وقدره مطالب منهم عفش مطالب منهم وهما داخلين بيتك يكون معاهم وظيفه محترمه ومبلغ وقدره عشان لما تقعدي وتقولي عاوزة شبكه ب الشئ الفلاني يقدر يحققلك مطلبك دا ..

Which philosophy changed your perspective of life?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I am not very informed on philosophies, but I have a mix between realism and idealism I believe.
I feel like everyone should be able to follow their beliefs and make their own choices.
I also feel a strong urge to take care of human nature and make other people feel safe and welcome. Especially the last one made me more understanding towards other people.

Language: English