
50.4 K people

50 posts


Whose evil eye do you think you have fallen under?

I am not sure whose evil eye it might be, but I do believe "Sadqa apki balayein taalti hai"
Yesterday, I gave 10 rupees to a beggar before heading out. Later, our car broke down, and while I was pushing it from behind to move it to the side, a motorbike crashed into us at around 60-70 kmh. I narrowly avoided being hit, literally just a few inches away. It feels like that act of charity might have protected me...

Do you own or you would like to own a motorbike?

I do not own and I would not like to own a motorcycle.
I think they’re really cool, but they’re also just too risky in my opinion. The injuries are just too often too severe for me to see it as a good choice to have one.


DantehijomayordeSparda’s Profile PhotoFerrowill, Dante, 'n' Others.
*A different city, a different place, wher people did not know his name, some of them may hear about red grave city’s white haired man, some of them might hear about Tony Redgrave. However, none of them knew Dante, the legendary devil hunter, only the ones that were into hunting demons but they were the minority.
Dante was enjoying himself riding that notorious motorbike, as soon as he entered that city he could feel something not only strange but also powerful. He went to that city to calm himself and be alone with his thoughts… and be without debs for some time. It was that moment when while riding that bike he crossed his path with a tall, fancy, elegant, sensual and beautiful woman with black hair and glasses.
The devil hunter slow down the bike and before people could see it the bike disappear out of thin air, the white haired man walk where that big woman was, he needed to see why she was so special.*

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mandi malem bahaya ga sih?

desipm31’s Profile Photohallo
Mandi malam, mandi subuh, mandi aer hujan itu harmless yah guys aman ✨ org-org di kemiliteran tau hal yg kek gini, karna kamu nge-mention kata BAHAYA nih ane kasi tau 3 BAHAYA laten yg mengancam keberlangsungan keamanan hidup ummat manusia kedepan pasca diberhentikannya fake pandemi, pandemi kartun Wuhan CGI-19, pandemi alat test yg merebak thn 2020 lalu dgn nomer kode Patent test kit US20200279585A1 alat konyol non saintifik ternyata sdh dipersiapkan jauh hari 3 tahun yakni thn 2017 sebelum para krisis aktor berakting di depan kamera menggelepar gelepar di jalanan Wuhan, China dan Alhamdulillah sdh berakhir masa kegilaan itu. Adapun 3 bahaya laten yg mengancam selanjutnya adalah:
1.) TOTAL Digital Currency ☠️
Peniadaan uang kartal (kertas dan koin) diganti dgn total mata uang non fisik (CASHLESS), mata uang elektronik/digital dimana mereka leluasa mengeliminasi masyarakt dgn cara elegan, menindas dgn cara santun, menyiksa dgn cara sopan, merampas hak dgn dalih demi kemudahan menjalani hidup,pengkondisian pembatasan transaksi hanya digital, kejahatan terselubung atas nama modernisasi kemajuan teknologi era revolusi 4.0.
2.) SCS (Social Credit System) ☠️
Skor kredit mu dibawah angka sekian dan sekian.. maaf bund kamu tidak bisa membeli kebutuhan makanan minuman ☠️☠️☠️ skor mu minus paman duuh kasian, bisa dinaikkan lg kok silahkan konsumsi insects, meat synthetic lab grown, ambil foto selfie brsama hidangamu trus upload n scan QR Code nya.. ☠️☠️☠️ Status kependudukan mu dilayar berwarna merah.. kamu tidak diperbolehkan untuk bekerja, bersekolah, bepergian, memasuki ruang komunal, menggunakan transportasi atau mengurus ini dan itu ☠️☠️☠️ semua wajib mengikuti standard penjara matriks! rantai belenggu digital enslavement yg ditetapkan sang penjajah melalui corong corrupt! authority.
3.) TOTAL electric car, electric motorbike and electric stove ☠️
Tak perlu dijelaskan betapa ngerinya blackout berjam-jam/berhari-hari dgn penerapan ini, bgitupun meledaknya baterai, korsleting listrik tatkala banjir, lowbatt saat sdg melalui tanjakan, lowbatt di tengah jalan tol ☠️ atau electric maal function sebab dua poin sebelumnya mewakili agenda silent depopulasi yg dlm waktu dekat akan segera mereka terapkan, rencana jahat ini InsyaAllah bisa dibatalkan sprti yg sdh sdh asal ada keinginan kuat, tekad yg bulat, tawakkal resist menolak keras dgn tidak berpartisipasi ta'awun men-support pada segala bentuk produk dan tahapan-tahapan menuju kesana. ✊

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What prevents you from being wealthy?

I've been thinking about this question since I was a teenager.
How can I be wealthy?
Money and wealth aren't that important, you'll realize it when you meet your basic needs of food at the table, fast internet, car, motorbike, and maids.
Money isn't really important, what is important is peace of mind, people who love you, spiritual fulfillment, work that you love, and an honorable profession.
Well, that's bullshit, wealth is important but few know how to get there. Is it difficult and requires hard work? I don't think so, but it's hard to be rich if you're from small humble beginnings.
You can be happy in the middle class, and that is what you should aspire to, which is the vast majority of people.
I know one guy who's very ignorant but very rich, at the same time I know one of the smartest people I ever knew who's very poor. Do you get that? Isn't about the mind either.
But please educate yourself and write proper English and don't be like me 😆

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Hello guys, I just wanted to ask ke ap logon mai se koi gariyon ka shoq rakhta hai? Mujhe kuch information chahiye thi ke mai konsi gari ke neeche aake marun.

ashkhannn’s Profile PhotoAysha Yusufzai
Apki Sehat dakh Kar Lagta Hy app Kisi motorbike KY nechay a Kar Bhi yh kam SAR anjam dy Sakti Hain wasay Aghar shook gari Ka he Hy Tu motorway par chali Jayain or apni Pasand ki gari sy try karyain

what is ur biggest dream and why?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
I want to travel the world, country by country, documenting everything!
I've just always felt the need to see everything, to take pictures of it all! I'd love to ride a motorbike around the world.
Liked by: vvv Tal

Do you like travelling?

I am a tireless traveler. Travel makes me feel good, gives me energy, and makes me happy.
I was just in ayyuthaya (ancient city near Bangkok) I only had a rough idea of how to get around and I rented a bicycle instead of a motorbike cus I was a cheapskate. It ended up being 100x harder to get around and 100x more confusing. But the fun was that I just went where I felt was right. At each of the ruins, I had lovely conversations with other travelers about their trips and the locals are always helpful when I was absolutely lost.
Travelling may bring people joy through many ways. You may like to see beautiful cities and their landmarks, or simply their architecture and general atmosphere. You may want to see how different nature is around the globe and how surprising it may be to see the great outdoors. You may want to engage in different activities, from paragliding to dance classes, from rafting to riding camels in the desert, from balloon trips to hiking on mountains... you may want to experience different cultures and foods, you may want to know the history of the world in museums, or you may just want spend a few days relaxing in a beach or in a secluded lodge... you may want to know people from other places or you may want to go to big parties in a place where nobody knows you. These are some of the reasons why people travel, and only a few of them are applicable to me, for instance. Maybe some of these will appeal to you, or maybe none at all. It's for those moments that you just can't experience by staying home. I just got back from a trip where I could watch the sun come up while overlooking cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde and nobody else was around. There was a buffalo munching on grass right outside my cabin one evening. I've had too many extraordinary experiences to count over the years and that's what keeps me getting out there to places I've never been to.
My main hobby was photography. I then got into travel, and found that they were very complementary hobbies. The thrill of enjoying and taking in some place new is a cool buzz, especially when you have a camera in your hand and want to capture the moment to help relive it later on.
It's really hard to explain to be honest, it's just a feeling of exhilaration and excitement I get when I get to see new places and exploring an unknown (to me) area. It's a kind of passion which I don't really experience when doing anything else. The world we live in is so beautiful and there's so many amazing things to see, and I just enjoy seeing them :) whether it be interesting sights, cities, nature, or just people. At the end of the day we only have so much time on this Earth, I figure I may as well try and see as many interesting places as possible!

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#fikcja : white black;y; forest / lake; happiness/sadness; silence/noise; city/village; dog/cat; submission/domination; sun/rain; frost/heat; autumn/springtime; book/movie; comedy/detective story; car/motorbike; activity/idleness.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ∔⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀∔⠀⠀⠀⠀∔⠀⠀௹⠀⠀∔⠀⠀⠀⠀∔⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀∔⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀white ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀▸BLACK
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀forest⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ▸LAKE
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀happiness ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ▸SADNESS
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀SILENCE◂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ noise
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀CITY◂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ village
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀DOG◂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ cat
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀submission ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▸DOMINATION
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀sun ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▸RAIN
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀frost ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▸HEAT
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀autumn ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ▸SPRINGTIME
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀BOOK◂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ movie
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀comedy ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀▸DETECTIVE STORY
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀CAR◂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀motorbike
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ACTIVITY◂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀idleness
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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fikcja  white blacky forest  lake happinesssadness silencenoise cityvillage

What are your biggest regrets in life?

When I was in the Army I got accepted into the biomedical program at the University of Washington. My girlfriend at the time talked me into going back to Michigan for the summer, my plan was to head straight to Washington and get settled and she was going to join me after a month or so. Well I went to Michigan. Then she talked me into putting it off for a semester which I did. Then she dumped me for another guy. Well here I am in Michigan still, now going to a community college. Fucking women will ruin your life if you let them.
This is for the dads out there. When my kids were little I went through this weird selfish stage (the reason isn't important) which as a result I missed several of their birthday parties. Blew it off at the time but years later it started to really bother me. They usually went to one specific pizza / gaming place, and I can't drive past it now without feeling regret.
Not meeting someone I met on-line that could very well have changed my life. He's well known in his genre of books, but I was hesitant because of a couple of things that seem rather silly and petty now. Couple of months ago I had another opportunity to meet him face to face, I was embarrassed to approach his table because of our on-line relationship (it became sexual). I regret that I cannot be a fan on his FB page and interact with fellow fans, I'm so embarrassed by what we did.
Not changing my major to something else when I came home from college to a community college. tl;dr I had a nervous breakdown at a small Catholic college because it was cultish and I didn't fit it. I also was an education major and went with it in community college until I transferred to another college and saw designing lesson plans was not for me.
Six years ago I broke up with a long time girlfriend, she was coming out of a severe deppression due to the death of her parents in a car accident, we were fighting one night, I don't even remember why, I just remember it was a stupid meaningless fight. It was 2 am, she told me she never wanted to see me again, then grabbed her keys to her motorbike and left. She was drunk too, She drove out to the beach and drowned herself. I still know I could have and should have stopped her.
This is probably going to sound like a petty first-word problem, but I have huge regrets about not accepting my admission to the Naval Academy. I was already enlisted in the Marine Corps at the time and the thought of signing away 10 more years of my life scared me away at the last minute.
I ended up finishing my enlisted contract and going to an Ivy League college, so it's not like it had any negative effect on my life, but I still regret it a lot and get really jealous every time a new class starts their plebe year. By now I'm too old to attend, even if I wanted to.

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Need to ask! 😊 Try to tell me how many children I will have?

O bhai Allah ka wasta ha. Jan choro. Psycho na hou tou..hmy kia pata? Try kyun kren hum? Bara hm sb hospital k bahar kharay hon gy ky kis ka guess theek nikla usy motorbike milay g. Ajeeb.

Quel destination aimeriez vous allez pour vos futurs vacances ?

Those three ideas are always floating around, but I just need time to actually go. As for my next trip, I have no idea. If it's not a long, multi-week trip, it's very spontaneous. I may decide to take a trip to French Polynesia out of the blue one day, and you'll catch me on the next flight out. I actually do this semi-frequently, as whenever I need to focus on an important essay for one of my classes, I'll leave town for a few days to focus. Small <1 week trips are always spontaneous and I go wherever I feel like. It's the bigger trips that require planning and lots of time.
Before I watched the video series in Vietnam though I really wanted to travel to Italy and explore the country in depth. So I was also in the beginning stages of planning a trip to Italy (both of these trips would be over a year away because I just recently booked a flight to Lisbon to start a 5 month solo trip already).
So now I’m just planning over a year in advance honestly. I’m thinking when I get around to my next trip I would do 2 months in Vietnam on a motorbike, a month in Taiwan, 2 and a half months in Italy and finish off with 2 weeks in Malta. (again I only really thought of Taiwan from posts on this subreddit, and then from lurking in google maps I saw popular tourist attractions that looked beautiful, so I thought taiwan would be cool to visit)
Money is a big factor for me and skyscanner has been a life saver with its wide search options. I can look at worldwide prices for a given month. They have some results from iffy sites though so you have to be smart but I’ve booked most of my vacations because of deals found there. I do more nature/dive trips (done lots of the Caribbean) now while I’m relatively young but sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on European cities but hopefully I’ll live long enough and see those when I’m a bit older and not as keen on scuba diving and hiking all the time. Thailand and Cambodia is my top dream trip though and I’ve decided to do it next fall regardless of the cost.
For example - I was looking for a place to go to. fiddling about on a flights site. Hmm Ireland maybe? I could split the time with Scotland? oh wait these are some seriously cheap rides to Istanbul...hell yes Istanbul it is! Do I know anything about Istanbul? no....nothing more than what Ive come across in passing...Well lets go find out. In another case its more planned. My GF is finishing nursing school (seriously bad ass) and we have talked for a long time about going to Morocco. She was there with her family when she was young. And I love me some middle eastern stuff. So Ive always kept that destination on hold as "our thing". So I was fiddling about again with flights and I was seriously considering Spain. The idea of roaming Spain by train had serious pull for me. And my GF says "I think Im going to take a break between degrees this spring" well hey girlfriend, can I take you to Morocco?

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Ton plus grand regret ?

Lea_chts’s Profile PhotoLéa
I was once on a train and I witnessed a man viciously verbally abusing a boy around the age of 7 or 8. He was yelling at the kid, calling him stupid, telling him that he was worthless, and no one loved him. When the kid started crying, the man laughed and called the boy a pussy. He told him that his mother didn't love him and that if he was going to keep crying, he should just kill himself.
There are a series of unfortunate events in my life upon which I look back and think to myself, "If only I hadn't made that decision." Thing is, there is always a decision preceding it that ultimately led me down the wrong path anyway. In adult life, I'd have to say moving from California to Texas in an effort to satisfy my wife's insatiable material appetite and buying the big shiny house. Wife's gone now, house is gone now, and I live in a shitty rent house in Texas with no friends, and unable to move back because of agreements on geographic proximity concerning the child. In younger life, I was a very good musician. I got recruited to some really top notch music schools, but I listened to my high school counselor, and opted to go to a regular college in pursuit of a traditional white collar career. Turns out I just don't have the personality to survive long in an office environment, and I've got no outlet to express myself. I undoubtedly would've been much worse off financially, but my very being would have been a lot more satisfied.
Six years ago I broke up with a long time girlfriend, she was coming out of a severe deppression due to the death of her parents in a car accident, we were fighting one night, I don't even remember why, I just remember it was a stupid meaningless fight. It was 2 am, she told me she never wanted to see me again, then grabbed her keys to her motorbike and left. She was drunk too, She drove out to the beach and drowned herself. I still know I could have and should have stopped her.
That I let people (mostly concerned family) talk me out of pursuing computer and electrical engineering in college. Med school never worked out, so if I could change one thing in my life, it would be that. I can't afford another bachelor's, but I'm learning to program now (never too late for that). I generally live with no regrets, but that is the biggest thing that comes closest to a regret.
I wasn't a bad kid. I didn't do drugs, steal, or anything really stupid like that. I was very well behaved. I just didn't do my homework. I was a fast learner, and would get A's and B's on my tests, but since homework was like 80% of my grades in high school, I was failing classes. I knew I wanted to be a software engineer when I was only 15. But since I didn't do my homework, even after spending an extra year in high school, I didn't have enough credits to graduate, so college didn't happen.

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Liked by: John David

— do you have any bad habits?

Personally, I wouldn't even call them bad cause it's a matter of opinion. As a hooker, I've constantly changing sex partners. I love my glass of wine in the evening! Oh, and I often cross the speed limit with my motorbike. I'm also a very direct person that wouldn’t mince words. Long story short: I do whatever I want and I love what I do.

How would you react if a man broke through your door, and ran around the house, while emulating motorbike sounds?

LindaLussinda’s Profile PhotoTagesfragen
Make louder motorbike sounds to assert my dominance and let him know he shouldn't be riding round m territory
Liked by: Ryan Freya

Which of these have you done: 1) passionately kissed a girl 2) got suspended from school 3) punched someone 4) sent noodz 5) been to any country in Europe 6) rode a motorbike 7) spent £/€/$1000 in one day 8) done online dating 9) peed in the pool 10) blackmailed someone

Hey buddy for 1) I’m not les 2) nope 3) Yep haha but it was a joke 4) hell no 5)no 6) Nope 7) etc no lmao

Which of these have you done: 1) passionately kissed a girl 2) got suspended from school 3) punched someone 4) sent noodz 5) been to any country in Europe 6) rode a motorbike 7) spent £/€/$1000 in one day 8) done online dating 9) peed in the pool 10) blackmailed someone

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. No
7. No
8. Yes
9. Yes, as a child
10. No

Which of these have you done: 1) passionately kissed a girl 2) got suspended from school 3) punched someone 4) sent noodz 5) been to any country in Europe 6) rode a motorbike 7) spent £/€/$1000 in one day 8) done online dating 9) peed in the pool 10) blackmailed someone

Yeah with someone on with me.

Ah I remember you saying. Poor thing! Was that on a motorbike or a regular bike? Did they give you pain meds to help whilst it heals?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
Just a push bike. I was going really slow too, but the end of my handlebars clipped a tree and I fell face first into a load of stinging nettles. I took some ibuprofen, and it wasn't too bad, I just had to sleep on my back for a few weeks. I still can't sleep on my right side, but it's nearly fixed now.
+1 answer in: “What's been the most serious injury /accident you've ever had?”

Привет. Подскажи. Правильно ли построена фраза? Собираюсь отправить этот вопрос в отель, а там по русски не говорят. "Hello, I plan to be at your hotel from 25 to 29 July. Tell me if you have a motorbike rental in town. and if there is, show me Telefon or website, to be able to book"

I would like to book a single (double, presidential Suite, honeymoon Suite😆) room July 25-29. Is there a motorbike rental service at or near the hotel? Can I make a rental on your website or by phone?
Так будет правильно. В скобках я шучу😁 выбирайте, что вам нужно. Иначе, для вас забронируют всё это🤣

What is your main method of transport? I'm either on my motorbike or if it's less than 15km (7ish miles) away I walk

spic84’s Profile PhotoSpic
When i lived in the big city subway, bus and lots of walking! I miss having everything be close enough to walk. I mostly get a ride from someone. Sometimes i take the bus downtown. The taxi is wicked expensive! Hopefully i get a car soon.
What is your main method of transport  Im either on my motorbike or if its less

I'm pretty sure you've been in car crashes but unsure about the motorbike one so I'm gonna guess that?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
That one is the truth!!
I have family in America but they're in Ohio, not Michigan.
I work 4 jobs all rolled into one.
I have been in 2 car crashes and a motorbike one.
I've always been scared of horses xD
+1 answer in: “Just did 3 truths and 1 lie on my page if anyone wants to go there and send me their guesses. With that said, let's turn the tables amd mix things up a little. What is 1 truth and 3 believable lies about you?”

Are you good at budgeting? I'm good, really strict, for about 3 months then I go nuts and spend, spend, spend :(

I do this! Except it's 3 days instead of 3 weeks, and I just bought a new set of Folio books, a racket (mine sNAPPED so its a need) a £450 pair of shoes and a £250 motorbike helmet, so my life is essentially garbage.
Are you good at budgeting Im good really strict for about 3 months then I go
Liked by: LYNDSEY

Sare raah lash ka 2 tukraa para tha Sir idhr para tha badan udhr paraa tha Tazaa khoon jo us lash sa beh raha tha zameen ka wo hisaa us khoon sa tar para thaa Pocha kisi na ka kon badbakth hei ya Aur kon sa juram kar para tha Qatil paas khara tha! Bola ishq hun mein! Ya mujh sa lar para tha #poet

Isi chawal baat pe ap ko milti hi uniyer ki MOTORBIKE

What do you think of Kat Von D? Does it improve or worsen your opinion of her that she will not allow her children to have vaccinations?

I try and steer clear of the YouTube beautyguru drama.
Her makeup is astounding quality, and the fact that she won't vaccinate her kids doesn't influence how well I can blend my eyeshadow. I got hit on my motorbike couple of weeks back and shoved off the road - total hit and run situation - and I bawled my eyes out as soon as the adrenaline wore off and shock hit. Her tattoo liner stayed in place the entire time. Say what you like about her but her product is exemplary.

Ask.fm Awards 2018🏆: Tag users on these awards And give them awards.🎖 1.Zero Attitude Level 2.Cutest User. 3.Handsome User. 4.Sensible User. 5.Full of sarcasm. 6.Rude User. 7.Silly one. 8.Amazing One. 9.Best Humour. 10.Kanjoos Liker. 11.Your Best Liker 12.Crush. 13.Best Smile. 14.Best Voice

Syeda Huma Waqar
ye award kisi k kaabil nhi but best liker @abeeranjum_ 💯💯 sath apko unique ki motorbike b mily.gi 💯🔥

ᴴᵉˡˡᵒ˒ ᴹʸ ᶠʳᶤᵉᶰᵈᵎ『ВыД』 “Вы должны сделать выбор между вариантами и дать пояснение почему выбрали это.” ► Мотоцикл/Скутер ► Коньки/Ролики ► Пенни/Скейтборд ► Самокат/Сегвей ► Школа/Институт ► Катер/Яхта ► Диплом/ЕГЭ/ОГЭ/Работа

•Мотоцикл *-* Некоторые модели шикарны просто до потрясения 🏍 Скутер же,по моему мнению,с motorbike не сравнится.
•В своём назначении они схожи,но выбираю я всё-таки коньки ⛸
•Скейтборд. Как минимум за название 🙌
•Сегвей. Интересная штука.
•Институт. Завершение образования.
•Предпочёл бы невероятных размеров корабль 😻🚢
•Работа,конечно. Я бы уже хотел начать строить карьеру,не тратить время на,в большинстве своём,ненужное,лишнее.

Hypothectical situation: the person you loved very dearly and married suddenly died in a motorbike accident. And later on you find out through looking through their phone and email records that they cheated on you for roughly 3 years. Do you wonder why? Hate them? Still miss them? Do tell.........

The Kind Of Trouble You Enjoy
I think I might be angry first, then I'd wonder why, and I'd miss him too, of course. Eventually I'd go to the person he had the affair with and ask her, maybe I get some answers.

Hypothectical situation: the person you loved very dearly and married suddenly died in a motorbike accident. And later on you find out through looking through their phone and email records that they cheated on you for roughly 3 years. Do you wonder why? Hate them? Still miss them? Do tell.........

The Kind Of Trouble You Enjoy
I would expect to feel shocked, deeply hurt, denial, then anger, then just numbness and confusion and a lot of feeling horrible about myself, wondering what went wrong. I would expect this to be an emotional scar on me forever because i would be confused of whether to miss the person or hate the person. It’s such a cruel situation. You can’t even hate the person properly...

Hypothectical situation: the person you loved very dearly and married suddenly died in a motorbike accident. And later on you find out through looking through their phone and email records that they cheated on you for roughly 3 years. Do you wonder why? Hate them? Still miss them? Do tell.........

The Kind Of Trouble You Enjoy
A true name is a true description ~ to truly know one's loved-one's name . . . . is to know everything about them.
~ I don't think this is possible ~ to know how one will feel, act, react . . . . until one actually experiences such an horror . . .
~ you have already labelled it 'cheating' . . . .
~ I would reserve such a label for the 'Master Cheat Of All Time' - 'Death' , aka , the 'Final Enemy'
~ perhaps I would smile and say, "I'm glad you experienced , hope you enjoyed" . . . . because , hell, there are worse things . . . . . to get all wound up by such a shallow thing , indicates a shallow & harsh judge, evidently incapable of knowing spiritual love . . .
Maybe even seek the the person out . . . . share grief . . . who knows ; if worthy ~ if not, it was nothing . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqzs_dTIBC4igotamatch’s Video 147313300602 aqzs_dTIBC4igotamatch’s Video 147313300602 aqzs_dTIBC4

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igotamatch’s Video 147313300602 aqzs_dTIBC4igotamatch’s Video 147313300602 aqzs_dTIBC4

Hypothectical situation: the person you loved very dearly and married suddenly died in a motorbike accident. And later on you find out through looking through their phone and email records that they cheated on you for roughly 3 years. Do you wonder why? Hate them? Still miss them? Do tell.........

The Kind Of Trouble You Enjoy
What use is hatred when the dead can't feel? Wondering why would be necessary. At least, I didn't take any act of misconduct to violate the trust between us. Nevertheless, I guess I'd pay a visit to the end with whom my lady was communicating, and God knows what I'd do to teach a lifetime lesson.

Hypothectical situation: the person you loved very dearly and married suddenly died in a motorbike accident. And later on you find out through looking through their phone and email records that they cheated on you for roughly 3 years. Do you wonder why? Hate them? Still miss them? Do tell.........

The Kind Of Trouble You Enjoy
Omg ... I just watched an Egyptian series one month ago ; the scenario is the same !
I cried like a baby for the last scene when he figured out how cheaty she was just few minutes before her last breath.
If I were in his shoes , I would forgive her .... then I would forget her . I know it ain't that easy, but life has to go on !

Language: English