
327 people

50 posts


Dating after your 20s is lame. Nothing but games. It’s either hook up culture, or self sabotage. Fml..

I really didn't have any luck in my teens, and 20s. When you repetitively get hurt by people you trust it becomes harder for others to get closer to you, and that's self sabotage. At any age is really hard to find a particular partner. We are living in a decade that society thinks hookups are normal, and relationships are insignificant.

What age did you get your first girlfriend?

My first was in high school so pretty early for a lesbian, but I haven't really had another real relationship since it ended so I feel pretty inexperienced now on my late 20s. I've gone on many dates but usually the ones I like don't want to go on second dates, and I haven't had any luck with hookups either... I'm so jealous of gay men because it seems like they are getting laid all the time and they have Grindr for that very purpose even. before corona I went to lesbian/queer women evenings at gay clubs every time they were arranged but I've never had any luck there even if I always try flirting with several women. The only ones who seem interested in me are straight men, women with penises, and other women and nb people that I'm just not into.
I must have been about 19 when I had my first girlfriend. Met her online after several months of no matches. Sometimes OLD can feel like a lot of effort especially for lgbt people as our dating pool is a lot smaller that straight peoples. Just try not to give up, you are still very young and like a lot have said its takes us a little longer to get into relationships compared to straights. Our dating experience is just a little different and requires more patience in my opinion. Dont give up, you will meet a wonderful woman one day.
I had a crush on the same (straight) girl for years in middle and high school. By the time I got around to admitting I had a crush on her, admitting she was straight, and getting over her it was my senior year of high school. I had my first “real” relationship around 18. At the time I felt like I was “running late” too, but in retrospect I was totally fine. Straight people get a head start on learning how to date and stuff because they don’t have to spend all that time figuring out their sexuality— they can just jump right in as teenagers. It’s normal for us to take a little longer. Figuring out that you’re gay is a whole extra step in the process! You’re totally fine. Good luck with everything!
I was 17. It was pretty bad, lasted about a month and a half. She was 16. Unknown to me at the time, she was using me to cheat on her 22-year-old boyfriend, and she told me after he dumped her for his 14-year-old ex. We didn't really like each other, as much as we liked making out. Found out that in the end, she was cheating on me with a guy in my homeroom.
I think it was a good relationship. Looking back at it, I just had a lot of issues that came up towards the end that I wasn't handling like I thought I was at the time. Issues caused stress, stress caused fights, which led to a breakup. I would still date her again if it happens at some point, given that I'm older (and so is she) and have more clarity, and the limited amount of times I talked to her since then we seem to still get along.

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Liked by: masamodolley

hi my dude whats up thats not true i don't know how is your side/app from ask but in mine there are writing thats a dating app

How come an app that been invented for asking questions to other people can be a dating app? Lol. Well, it can lead to dating and talking, but I don't think it's a good place for casual hookups.

Georgia is like that. But at least the cost of living is immensely lower than some states like NY

When I was thinking of leaving the state I live in I looked at Georgia & Alabama & I was SHOOK by the huge price difference in housing from where I live. I could get a big house there for the price of a 1 bedroom apartment with no hookups or yard here😩😂 I went there for Halloween once and it was so pretty too. It definitely seems like a nice state

Have you ever used a dating app?

klonetron’s Profile PhotoAurora Inquire
I used Tinder and Facebook Dating briefly when I was single last year, but I don't really remember much of it. From what I do remember, it was just full of weirdos and people just looking for hookups. Obviously there's gonna a few decent people on there, but it's rare. 😂

Worst thing you've seen another working guy do?

There's a rather popular OnlyFans performer (and sometime escort) who doesn't inform his clients or hookups of his HIV status. He just relies on the other person telling him they're on PrEP and calls it a day.
While it's not the only 'piece of shit' move he's pulled, it's probably the worst.

What does it feel like to have sex with someone you love/really like vs someone you just want for hooking up?

After the deed, there's this blissful feeling that settles down around you. The endorphins are flowing and you're lying in bed next to someone who is more attractive than anyone else in the world. You adore every single detail and gaze into each others' eyes. Every touch feels 100x better and you can't get enough of each other. It's one of the most profoundly beautiful emotional experiences in the world. Pure satisfaction.
I've never had non-marriage sex so I can't really compare but one thing I've noticed about our experience is that there wasn't nearly as much pressure to perform flawlessly every time. We were both virgins so we knew that there was going to be a learning curve in the beginning. We didn't have to worry that if I finished too fast once or she couldn't finish or queefed too much or whatever that the other person wouldn't talk to us again. It gave us the security to fail without worrying the relationship would be over, which allowed us to try new things and not get so locked in to one thing that works but gets boring after a while. It also helped us to put aside a lot of the hangups I see other people have. We're all we've got and if I had refused to ever use a dildo on her for fear of her liking it more that my dick or she never learned how to suck dick right we would have a boring ass sex life. We put in the time to make it good for each other but if we ever can't perform we know we will have another chance to get it right.
Hook-up are like going to the gym. It is a good workout, fun, and pretty chill without any commitment but it is a passable moment that doesn't really carry any extra weight. You carried out the action to meet an end (whatever your particular goal is). Mild chemical high. Sex with someone you love is a strange yet hard to describe feeling. If I were to be completely straight faced, I would say that it is similar to any action that you are hugely emotional invested in (painting, drawing, whatever you love) then ramp up the chemical high to awesome. Or I could say it is completing a race that you passionately trained for months, watching fireworks for the first time, and listening to a song that touches your soul all at the same time. No comparison. Plus the cuddling afterwards is filled with less regret.
I just wonder how guys feel about having sex with their fwb. Cause honestly I feel like these responses can't really describe the way me and my ex fwb used to fuck and how we felt about each other. it wasn't super intensely passionate but it definitely wasn't awkward and was still a little lovey dovey and stuff too. Never had a random hookup but from what I've read in many different subs, being with someone you like/love is much more intimate. While hookups may be fun and exciting, nothing beats the intimacy and closeness you get with someone you truly care about.

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What do you think about Noor Mukhdom's case?

Minahil zaid
Jahan Islam ne aurat ko bhut rights diye hyn wahin ALLAH ne khuch limits b rakhi hyn...meri jan woh ap k lye hi hyn....PARTIES,DRUGS, RELATIONSHIPS, MEETUPS, HOOK-UPS ye sb MUSLIMS k lye ni hai😘if you find something disturbing in anyone then leave him/her...khud ko bachao pehle...ALLAH sbki hifazat karay✨💜🍀

What have young people lost in a society that no longer regulates dating where hookups have become the norm? Are people really happy with life this way?

They have lost the magic of a long lasting relationship and fighting to make a relationship last, because in my opinion, hookups have crushed this desire in people to make relationships last longer. They're like "okay this is just a fling, I'll move on to the next" even when they had good chemistry with that person but they wouldn't fight for them to stay in in their life because dating apps nowadays have made people seem like disposable features to scroll through in a catalogue. I doubt people are happy this way because it has become an insensitive culture to live in and there's nothing good about it

Old school kinda love Or old school love ? Is love old school ? Other categories like hookup etc, can they be considered love at all?

PulkitSharma62’s Profile PhotoJustice
No, love is not school. Still there are many people who value efforts, who wait to fall in in love. I don't consider one night stands, hook ups as love. I mean how can someone share their private space with someone you don't even know or you only know for a short time. And this is my personal view, I don't have anything against people who are into hookups etc.
+1 answer in: “Is there something that you feel is wrong but nobody talks about it or doesn’t give that much value as you do?”

No entiendo, que tiene que ver la edad?😅además esas apps son para conocer gente y aquí al menos de utiliza más para hookups 😅pero Bueno, cada uno piensa lo que quiere hehe🙃

Para mí la edad tiene que ver porque no soy una mujer mayor desesperada por ligar y en busca de pareja, pienso que eso no se busca, eso surge, además que con las redes que tengo me vale para conocer gente jeje 🤭 Y no creo que solo en Londres lo utilicen para acostarse con alguien 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
+4 answers in: “Habéis probado alguna app de citas/conocer gente?(Tinder, Badoo, etc....) Que tal os fue o os va?🙃 Saludos y pasarse por mi ask con preguntas please ☺️”

Mazak kerha hun yaar.Maybe you could become my friend and help me set me up for hookups and shit?I could really use your help lol

yahan jesi larkiyon hein tumhe help nahi cahiye hogi woh pehly hi ready hongi?
Liked by: Faiq Asad Shaitaan

I need some advice. So, I met this guy on Tinder and hooked up with him twice. We constantly snapchat each other and have normal conversations, but I really don't know what he wants. He's still on Tinder and matched with one of my friends. A small part of me really wants a relationship.

Why don't you confront him first ??? That what....he actually wants just some casual hookups or something real...from you dear...

im not mad lmao what r u talking ab? Im just saying that since you are avoiding the topic, we all know u sexted with brit. and used her when u were on a so-called "break" with char. bet brittany never knew that

Ok, first of all I don’t use anyone and whatever happened between Brit and I is none of your or anyone’s business...and that fact that you wanna pressure information out if me just gets me mad because i bet no one asks you abut your past relationships or hookups or mistakes you have done, so back off

Hookups aren't bad they're just pleasure that anyone can have including girls. Break out and be rest assured you'll be safe. Hit up for hookups 10 matched!

Hookups Delhi Gurugram
This is the 10th ques im recieving about hookups.. dude wtf.. ek bhi ques ka ans ni kra to smjh ja bhyii merko ni krna kuch to kyu baar baar time waste krr rhe ho? 😒 do something valuable in your damn life rather than wasting it on this shit.

Neha,hi apparently you don't know me nor do I know you but I've been following you for sometime now and let me tell you this, you're damn sensible and pretty humourous (Your answers prove that!) In this age of hookups it is nice to see someone who believes in relationship. You're just a rad person.

Aw, thanks a ton.
I'm glad that someone discovered my talents. :)
P.S. I don't believe in relationships. (perhaps you've gotta make your stalking skills better. xD)

Hey I have been following you since a long time and I find you really cute and handsome 😍 Are you single? Are you into hookups or FWB or relationships? I would really like to know you more and see how things go forward, I really like you😁 I can't untick you, Can I add you on snapchat? ❤️

The thing about ask you cant see your followers👀
Liked by: Yashvi Joshi
+1 answer Read more

If you’re a girl, reading this and genuinely interested in hookups or friends with benefits, just read this do not reply, and In the next question would be mine like ,”hello beautiful” even you would be discreet and if you reply for the hello thing I’ll text you ❤️

Mehdi Ali khan
Arre waah. Pehle btao ke kaise kar lete ho?? 🙄

I love Bella way too much for my taste, but is she going to allow other people be the one to use her too? Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of her with all her hookups but it's maybe time for her to pick and settle down. Being a sex machine would drain anyone. Even a powerful demon.

/ Firstly, thank you so much, I’m glad you like her. Secondly, honestly I’m not going to lie, I’m a little confused on what to do with her or which direction I want her to go in when it comes to “relationships”. She’s only just started expressing true emotions towards people, kindness mainly, and that’s only been expressed to Rosie and Harry, so, I feel like it’s too soon for her to begin settling; however, I am planning on her to not jump around so much when it comes to sexual relationships, and to focus on like a small few. Although, when it comes to who I want with her as a proper relationship, that’s when I get myself confused because I don’t know who would be best for her and ultimately I ship her with so many people. Besides, some of the people she is hooking up with, such as Alec, Rosie and Harry, they all have other love interests that their admins might want to explore; Alec x Stella, Rosie x Vincent, Harry x Alicia, and then I’m not sure what David’s admin has set out for him but so far he hasn’t got a romantic connection to anyone. As I’ve said before, I’m always open to suggestions, perhaps they’ll spark inspiration for plot twists for her or something.

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would you be bothered by a partner w a very promiscuous past? does it bother you to hear abt a partner's past exploits?

less pure eggsy
It wouldn't bother me because I am that person lol. I used to be into casual hookups all the time in high school. Then I was cuffed for 6 years which mellowed me out. I'd only be concerned if a partner had a serious history of cheating.
I don't really like to hear about past hookups, just as I really don't care to get into the specifics of my own. The past is in the past.

Okay Dude basically I am new to this app. Have been scrolling up and down the screen for last 1hour. And I finally found a girl who hot as fuck??No hookups No relationships(cheesy se hote hein samjh hi nhi aate) And secondly those ain't my cup of tea??♂️JUST a friend needed worth everything?

Keep scrolling and find someone hotter.

Okay Dude basically I am new to this app. Have been scrolling up and down the screen for last 1hour. And I finally found a girl who hot as fuck??No hookups No relationships(cheesy se hote hein samjh hi nhi aate) And secondly those ain't my cup of tea??♂️JUST a friend needed worth everything?

Haha sure ?
You could've sent that unticked. ?

When did I ever say that? You're the one that does the online hookups and relationships.. You yourself just said a bunch of guys on ask have seen your boobs. That says quite a lot about you

I didn't say a bunch I said a few . I've been on ask for over 4 years and I'm 22 so chill tf out. Good lord

Okay Dude basically I am new to this app. Have been scrolling up and down the screen for last 1hour. And I finally found a girl who hot as fuck🔥🔥No hookups No relationships(cheesy se hote hein samjh hi nhi aate) And secondly those ain't my cup of tea🔥🏼♂️JUST a friend needed worth everything🔥

Haha this is what i liked for the very first time👀

Okay Dude basically I am new to this app. Have been scrolling up and down the screen for last 1hour. And I finally found a girl who hot as fuck🔥🔥No hookups No relationships(cheesy se hote hein samjh hi nhi aate) And secondly those ain't my cup of tea🔥🏼♂️JUST a friend needed worth everything🔥

Come off.😅

If am not wrong it's been 2.5 years that you've been single why I mean? You're so beautiful , funny , sensible and what not who wouldn't want to be with you? Am sure a lot of guys ask you out what are you even waiting for why don't you say yes to anyone?

Yeah have been single from almost 3 years. Thanks for the compliments tho 😊. You're right a lot of guys ask me out and the reason why I don't say yes to anyone is that every one of them just want hookups all they want is to take me to bed and nothing else. They don't wanna give any commitments or be loyal. They just wanna fuck around. And tbh I ain't a person like that hookups are not my thing. I cannot let anyone touch me or even let them close to me if I don't connect with them. I don't easily open up with people I may get along easily with everyone but nobody knows me the way my close friends do. I cannot take emotions. I don't know how people do that. And I believe in giving my 100% to a relationship and o expect the same from the other person. I want an emotional connection quite a strong one to let a guy that close to me. Which is extremely rare because nobody wants that all they want is a girl who'll act like their girl but won't be their girl. I will only say yes to someone with whom I'd connect.

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How open are you to hookups? Hook ups is no longer a taboo and a questionable act that it was for this generations parents, its now considered a fun act to be shared with mutually attracted people. So i just want to tell you that we can set you up with someone you like and we have choices for you.

Woahhh !!! Relax ! Okay i am not kinda open to hookup shit ! I mean okay i am growing into a one man one women belief system .. and i feel hookups are just useless! And why would a person just be into physical things just for attraction! Okay attraction is good ! But in the end of the day its more over to be with a person you love and want to stay with forever ( from which you arent bored blah blah ) so its just bad how todays kids are growing! I wish i was in the old era i feel ! And okayy thanks for the offer ! But i dont really believe in this ! :)

How open are you to hookups? Hook ups is no longer a taboo and a questionable act that it was for this generations parents, its now considered a fun act to be shared with mutually attracted people. So i just want to tell you that we can set you up with someone you like and we have choices for you.

Let's meet up in police station n talk over there abt hookups that time I will fuck ur case.... You chuts people don't have any shame asking these questions... Yes ik hookup is nt a taboo anymore and it's okay wid today's generations but nt every people are into it... So asking me these question again n again.... 😤😤

How open are you to hookups? Hook ups is no longer a taboo and a questionable act that it was for this generations parents, its now considered a fun act to be shared with mutually attracted people. So i just want to tell you that we can set you up with someone you like and we have choices for you.

Not into Hookups and Not at all interested in this "FUN ACT"

How open are you to hookups? Hook ups is no longer a taboo and a questionable act that it was for this generations parents, its now considered a fun act to be shared with mutually attracted people. So i just want to tell you that we can set you up with someone you like and we have choices for you.

Wow I am actually surprise to see that there are Id just to set up hookups ask.fm is now something else rather then asking questions it looks like it is a place to set two people up or get urself an unknown grl/ guy for talking or hookups or something more 😅

How open are you to hookups? Hook ups is no longer a taboo and a questionable act that it was for this generations parents, its now considered a fun act to be shared with mutually attracted people. So i just want to tell you that we can set you up with someone you like and we have choices for you.

I am NOT AT ALL INTO HOOKUPS !!! but I do respect people who likes to do it, its their life after all . I mean ya its too common these days but somewhere I don't even like to be around them and when I say it, its not like if someone comes to me I'll just get up and leave . When I make such 'guyfriends' I don't care how many girls they f with but when they are with me they better behave like a 'friend' . Just felt like sharing this cause it really pisses me off haha idk why :p

Game Day #17: Get to know the vidder game! More here: http://ask.fm/editingfunzone/answers/140861947659 have fun ^^

Editing Fun Zone
What is your name?
➸ Marine
Where are you from?
➸ France
How old are you?
➸ 17 yo
When is your birthday?
➸ 21 November
What is your zodiac sign?
➸ Scorpio
Baths or showers?
➸ Showers! I hate baths..
What type of music do you like?
➸ I love sad songs.
How many pillows do you sleep with?
➸ I sleep with 2 pillows. One big pillow and a little one.
What do you typically have for breakfast?
➸ It depends on what I have in my kitchen! xD
Left or right handed?
➸ Right!
Are you scared of spiders?
What color is your hair?
➸ Blond! :)
What color are your eyes?
➸ Blue.
Color of your room?
➸ Grey! :P
First celebrity crush?
➸ Steve McGarrett on Hawaii 5-0, so Alex O'Loughlin! :)
Dream job?
➸ Actress! ♥
Have you ever fired a gun?
➸ Not yet, but I really want to!
What was your last text message?
➸ A goodnight message to my best friend! I love you my little baby! ♥♥ @gaming_laura
Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?
➸ I'm into hookups only in my head with my favorites characters haha! But long term relationships are the best! ♥
Favorite book?
➸ After by Anna Todd.
What is something most people don't know about you?
➸ My edting. My parents and my best friend are the only persons who know it.

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How open are you to hookups? Hook ups is no longer a taboo and a questionable act that it was for this generations parents, its now considered a fun act to be shared with mutually attracted people. So i just want to tell you that we can set you up with someone you like and we have choices for you.

So I've been receiving this question since ages , let this be the final time . I'm just not into hookups and i do love someone else . So i think I should not receive this question anymore in future.

You do love her thejo we know , we've seen you change so much as well, end of the day if she doesn't want you she's loosing out on someone who'll never make a mistake and would take care of her so well just because she can have hookups or whatnot she's not worth your time

The nix I knew wasn't like that ;/ she'd call so many times in a day asking me that I'm doing telling me stories about fam everything :/ that's gone :/ bye

Language: English