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43 posts


Post a list of your fav films/tv-shows ✨

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
Django Unchained 🤠
Lord of the Rings trilogy 🧝
Original Star Wars trilogy 👨‍🚀
Jurassic Park 🦖
House of the Dragon 🐉
Legend of Vox Machina 🎲
Andor and first two seasons of the Mandalorian 🌌
Post a list of your fav filmstvshows

What book, movie, or song will always be a timeless classic to you?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
Without a doubt, The Lord of the Rings trilogy! I love the original Star Wars movies but I don't feel like they have the same timeless quality. Especially with how they were changed in the special editions. I'm not sure if my kids will be woved when I show it to them.
LOTR however used practical and visual effects in perfect balance. The costumes for the orcs were amazing, yet the CGI for Gollum holds up to this day. The dialogue I think will never get outdated, with it's Shakespearian quality at times! It's also the closest to a perfect trilogy I think any movie franchise has ever gotten. None of the movies disappoint!
Looking at the beautiful New Zealand landscape will never get old. And the MUSIC!! MY GOD the MUSIC! Howard Shore was COOKING when he composed the score! The trilogy is rightfully considered one of the epics of our time, not just because of how long it is 🧝‍♂️🏰

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What book movie or song will always be a timeless classic to you

Anybody who can recommend me something good to read?

If you're looking for a thriller, I recommend Five Survive by Holly Jackson. If you're looking for a romantic comedy, I recommend The Undomesticated Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. If you're looking for a dark academic, I recommend If We Were Villains. If you're looking for a horror thriller, I recommend Lock Every Door by Riley Sager. If you're looking for something quick to read, I recommend Double Date by R.L Stine. If you are looking for a Fantasy Action, I recommend the Infernal Devices Trilogy by Cassandra Clare. All of these novels are easy reads and keep your interest piqued.

What was the most memorable April fools' joke / hoax you encountered today? 🥸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Lol someone released an AI video of George Lucas as the current person from Disney doing Star Wars saying how the next trilogy will be entirely AI based on all the complaints everyone had about the sequels.
Then saying like it or not I got paid anyways. Absolutely hilarious. "Like we know this story has been told, but that was in books. Hollywood executives don't read" 😂
https://youtu.be/vh7PCLl9P-4?si=U_45HgDBYCJPo-2WDionysusArius’s Video 174195371634 vh7PCLl9P-4DionysusArius’s Video 174195371634 vh7PCLl9P-4

Are there any films, shows, books or games you think are underrated and don't get the credit they deserve?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
Film: The Help. It’s a movie about the Civil Rights Movement and the segregation in 1963. It’s not based on a true story, but it is very close to being real.
Shows: Defiance (Sci-Fi) and Supernatural.
Book: Blake Charlton’s Spellwright, Spellbound and Spellbreaker trilogy. It’s about a world with magic where you write your spells in order to cast, but this new wizard has dyslexia and it’s just so much fun and thrilling to see what happens because of it!
Game: Dragon’s Dogma - Dark Arisen. Sooo ahead of its time graphics and gameplay wise! It’s a big storyline with lots of different quests and different monsters to fight. It’s very similar to Skyrim since it’s open world as well, just a bit more realistic, because you get drenched when in water and your lantern stops working for example.
Are there any films shows books or games you think are underrated and dont get

أُشاهد هذه الأيام الكثير من وثائقيات الهول لو كوست، وتذكرتك. كيف لي أن أبدأ فهم وجهة نظرك للي. هود؟ وأي كتاب تنصحني أقرأ؟ أرى أنهم أناس عاديون، مجرد قوم يلزمون عقيدتهم ويُضطهدون في سبيلها ويكافحون للعيش كباقي الأمم، فَما وراءَ البُغضِ أو التعميم؟

ما هي المشكلة في عقيدتهم 😂 انت فايتك كتير اوي من ناحية فكرية، انصحك تقرأ The Jewish Century ليوري سليزكين ومن بعده The Culture of Critique Trilogy لكيفن ماكدونالد.

thoughts on "The Lord of the Rings"? please

I loved the book when I was younger. I read up on the source material, the ancient Scandinavian sagas featuring characters like Gundalf and Frodo. I enjoyed the Peter Jackson trilogy of films.

Mi az 5 kedvenc filmed?

Ötöt nehéz megnevezni, de lássuk mely nagyon kedvelt filmjeim jutnak eszembe:
Tízparancsolat (Ten Commandments, 1956)
Imádom az autentikus díszleteket, ruhákat, eszes dialógusokat, a drámai színészi játékot, illetve az epikus történet végigvezetését. Rabszolga gyomornak való.
Csipkerózsika (Sleeping Beauty, 1959)
Kedvenc rajzfilm mesém volt gyerekként. Azóta is szeretem a lassú, mély hangvételű, helyenként kifejezetten depresszív hangulatát. Nem vagyok a gonoszokért rajongó alkat, de Demóna és a Rém Hegység annyira nyers gótika és gonoszság, hogy nincs mit ne imádni az ábrázolásán.
2001: Űrodüsszeia (2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968)
Abszolút kedvenc Sci-Fi filmem mind közül. Lassú, helyenként művészfilmbe hajló zseniális alkotás. Emberiségköltemény műfaja felé kacsintgat a film médiumán.
Csillagok Háborúja (Star Wars, Original & Prequels, 1977-2005)
Szeretem a Star Trek-et, lefőképp az Enterprise sorozatot, illetve a Csillagkaput is, kiváltképp az SG:1-et. Ha viszont filmekről van szó, a Star Wars-t kell említsem a maga lényegi szerepében, szinte megteremtve az űr-opera műfaját magát. Kétséget kizáróan egy ikonikus alkotás, mind történetileg, zeneileg, vizuálisan is. Nincs is az X-Wing-nél ikonokusabb űrhajó, de a kis RZ-1 A-Wing is valahogy közel áll a szívemhez.
Gyűrűk Ura Trilógia (Lord of the Rings Trilogy, 2001-2002-2003)
Az európai mitológiából ihletett, keresztényi szemmel írt utánozhatatlan fantasy élmény; egy trilógia, ami nem félt hű maradni a könyvekhez és egyedit alkotni a filmtörténelemben. Sok-sok szerethető és intrikált szereplő, akik újra és újra átlépik a határaikat egy kaotikus világban, harcolva a gonosszal.
5 Centimeters per Second (2007)
Bár romantikus alkat vagyok, romantikus művek sosem fogtak meg igazán. Kivéve ezt az egy órás alkotást, amely rezonál velem, s melyet mindig kedvenceim közt említek. Ugyanakkor szomorú: hosszú időnként sok is akár egyszer is újranézni, nem mindenkinek ajánlott, nem egy könnyed hangvételű szerelmi komédia.

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What sports do you play?

Only one I was good at and still play is Racquetball. Was introduced to the game when I was in High School. Fast faced, requires good reflex's, good cardio, you don't have to go chasing after a ball like you do in tennis and just really enjoy the game (whether single, cutthroat (3 players) or doubles).
When I was in middle school, played soccer in some league play. Played High School Football.Played a lot of pick-u basketball games, played touchfootball on the streets (tackle in the grass), played some tennis, some golf as an adult etc. While I generally had fun with all of them, never had the impact - enjoyment of racquetball. I've played a lot of different sports in my life, and so many of them either attract assholes with something to prove, or they devolve into bickering about the rules. Curling is one of the few sports I've found where people remain courteous, just want to have fun, and don't turn into hypercompetitive pricks over something that literally doesn't matter.
Hockey. I grew up around it as my dad was a coach for a local junior team. I also just fell in love with the speed, the rough and tumble way it can be played. I got to travel to cool places, and lucky enough as a teen to be good enough to play a high-ish level in the the US for a season.
Used to play a lot of cricket. Didn’t pick it up until I was 7 and my cricketer step-dad said I had decent hand eye coordination when catching, and it kinda went from there. Couldn’t get my head around the field position names (apart from silly mid off cos I always used to get put there), but enjoyed playing it and found it quite a good opportunity to hang out and get to know my stepdad over the years.
Just to clarify, I spent a lot of time with my real dad, too, but my time with him was spent going to a lot of football matches rather than playing, but they are also some of my fondest childhood memories. Would say I’ve been really lucky in that respect, so I’m grateful.
I am a huge fan of the big 4 sports. My favorites are the Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins & Patriots. College I like Notre Dame and don't care about college basketball too much. I usually don't watch sports unless my favorite team is playing, or it's a marquee matchup. I always watch the Super Bowl, whether the Pats are in it or not. This is going to be the first year in a couple years where I've actually got a huge interest in watching all (potential) 7 games of the NBA Finals, because Golden State vs Cleveland is going to be a rubber match and it will be so competitive that I don't even have a clue who will win. GS vs Cleveland for the third straight year makes it a trilogy, and it has made it's mark in the history books. I like watching MMA from time to time as well. I'm a huge McGregor fan (Irish pride!), and Joe Lauzon. Two favorite fighters, by far. Occasionally I watch professional wrestling.

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Have you ever just despised a fictional character? If so from what and why?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
Grima, nicknamed Wormtongue (eng. Gríma, called (the) Wormtongue, in translations also - Wormword, Rottongue, Serpent's Tongue, Smooch) is a character in Tolkien's trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".
Грима по прозвищу Червеуст(англ. Gríma, called (the) Wormtongue, в переводах также — Червослов, Гнилоуст, Змеиный Язык, Причмок) — персонаж трилогии Толкина «Властелин Колец».
When I received a question, the image, behavior, attitude of the character immediately arose in my thoughts, well, he is vile and self-confident, he stuck to the king’s daughter, not a neat, greasy, stinking bum, I think the whole palace stank of his smell and aura. And the actor himself is brilliant, very cool)
Когда получила вопрос, образ, поведение, отношение персонажа сразу же возникли в мыслях, ну он мерзкий и самоуверенный, клеился к дочери короля, не опрятный, сальный, смердящий бомж, весь дворец думаю провонял его запахом и аурой. А сам актер гениален, очень крутой)

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Have you ever just despised a fictional character If so from what and why

¿Te gusta jugar videojuegos? 🎮 Si es así, ¿Cuáles son tus videojuegos favoritos? 🙌

¡Sí! Me gustan: Sonic the Hedgehog (los de SEGA), The King of Fighters '97, Mortal Kombat Trilogy y Metal Slug, entre otros...
Liked by: Goetia UserMisterius

What’s the most ironic thing you’ve seen happen?

Fatm_Th’s Profile PhotoFatm
It'd probably be the last season of Game of Thrones. The show's creators had gotten signed on to do a trilogy of Star Wars movies cause of the success it had previously. You could clearly tell they rushed the last season since they made many... questionable decisions to say the least Haha Then cause of said season's bad reception, their Star Wars trilogy got cancelled by Lucasfilm. I honestly don't know if I mourn the loss of said trilogy. The way Game of Thrones ended gave me the impression that they relied so much on George R. R. Martin's writing, since he hadn't caught up finishing the book series yet 😅
Whats the most ironic thing youve seen happen

Thoughts 💭 on NEW Batman movie ?

alfax1’s Profile PhotoSHARJEEL ALI ♾
This version of Batman is probably not as good as the Christopher Nolan Trilogy, but it’s still worth the hype because this one sticks to the comic books “Batman Year One”, “Batman Year Two” and “Batman Ego and other tales”. This batman is kinda realistic as compared to other batman movies, moreover this batman is a dark detective type rather than the types we are used to.
No offense, but according to normies who watch senseless action movies with no proper storyline said Batman is such a boring movie. (They watch $hitty endian movies and are like best movie bro) These kinda movie watchers ruined new movies cuz they just want action and film studios are influenced by this demographic and their money so they make pointless action movies. 🤦🏻‍♂️😒
Why am I writing like a movie critic 🤔🤣

Who is your favourite villain?

I liked the Lord Ruler from the Mistborn series. His character changes so much across the trilogy. You go from him being some kind of Demon-God who lives to torture his subjects, to being confused by his motives then to eventually pitying him. It's interesting how he's the villain in the first book, but the great protector in the end.

Thoughts on fifty shades?

Awful portrayal of bdsm relationships, plenty of people got the wrong idea about these types of relationships because of this trilogy and I know of some who got hurt (physically/mentally) cos they rushed into things that they had no idea how to carry out safely. I know a lot of people in the kink scene who don't fuck with these films for similar reasons

Hello Zeyad, I am sorry to read you were going through a bad time earlier but glad you are getting better. What have you been reading?

Hello Anon, thanks for your kindness. Most recently I've finished two out of three books from Naguib Mahfouz's trilogy, in addition to dermatology books of course lol. Currently looking for something to read until I get the third book.

عطوني اسامي افلام حلوة

هاااا ورقة وقلم واكتبي ورايا يا ست الكل 😂
The lord of The rings trilogy طبعااا
Iron Man 1 and 2
The avengers
Thor Ragnarok
Dr strange
Avengers infinity war
Avengers Endgame
Sherlock Holmes 1 and 2
Requiem for a dream
The drak knight trilogy
The prestige
The Illusionist
Fight club
Inglorious bastards
Django unchained
Pulp fiction
Harry Potter : 8 movies
The matrix trilogy
John wick
Hercules (The rock's version)
San andreas
Jumanji 1 & 2
Jumanji ( Robin Williams version)
Centeral intelligence
The wedding ringer
We're the Millers
Good fellas
The godfather 1 &2
Crazy stupid Love
A Knight's tale
10 things I hate about you
Gangster squad
Date night
Baby driver
Nocturnal animals
Night crawler
Source code
خلصي دول وتعالي 😂😂
Liked by: rim Hinda Elhaddad

najlepsza książka jaka przeczytałaś na wattpadzie to?

Nie potrafię wybrać tylko jednej. Bardzo podoba mi się trylogia Hell, Royal Trilogy, Spark (1 część trylogii The Chain, a aktualnie jestem w trakcie czytania 2 części, czyli Flame), Graffiti (1 i 2 część), Forbidden love, Secret Game

Hattest du schon eine schlimme Date Erfahrung?👀

ja da war ich jünger hab ein mädchen kenngelernt und ich habe sie ins kino eingeladen (matrix trilogy 1-3 angucken ) als ich zu ohr gefahren bin hat sie mich ausgelacht und mit ihren freunden abgehauen da war ich stinkig und hab gleich eine packung zigaretten geraucht also das war glaub ich das schlimmste date

¿Eres una persona rencorosa? ¿Crees que perdonar es olvidar?

Srta_A’s Profile Photoɐǝǝɹpuɐ
Hey Andrea, buen día ? No uso rencor negativo, pero cosas como traición o infidelidad merecen el fin de una relación. Perdonar es opcional, olvidar es muy difícil ?
"Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
"Crónicas de Narnia 1: El León, la Bruja y el Armario"
Estreno 09-12-2005

USA (2005)
Duración: 145 min
Producción: Walden Media, Disney
Distribución: Disney, Buena Vista
Music: Harry Gregson-Williams
Guión: Stephen McFeely, Christopher Markus, Ann Peacock
Dirección: Andrew Adamson

Georgie Henley, William Moseley, Skandar Keynes, Anna Popplewell, Tilda Swinton, Rupert Everett, Dawn French, James McAvoy, Shane Rangi, Patrick Kake, Elizabeth Hawthorne, Kiran Shah, James Cosmo, Judy McIntosh, Jim Broadbent, Stephen Ure, Ray Winstone, Liam Neeson

Basada en:
Novela "Crónicas de Narnia" (1950)
del escritor C.S. Lewis (Irlanda, RU, 1898/1963)
Libros del escritor:
"Space Trilogy" 1/3 (1938,1943,1945)
"The Chronicles of Narnia" 1/7 (1950/1956)
Pelis del director:
Toys (1992)
Batman Forever (1995)
Batman & Robin (1997)
Shrek 1/3 (2001,2004,2010)
Narnia 1/3 (2005,2008,2010)
Cirque du Soleil (2012)
Mirror Mirror (2012)

Oscar (3), Satellite (2), Bafta (3), Empire (2), Golden Globe (2)
Critics, Saturn, Grammy, Camie, Guild, Annie, Hugo, MTV, AFI
Lanzada también en DVD
Taquilla Mundial: 745 millon dolar

Ambientada en Londres y Narnia.
Años de 2ª Guerra Mundial (1940)

Peter Pevensie - 1º hermano
Susan Pevensie - 2ª h
Edmund Pevensie - 3º h
Lucy Pevensie - 4ª h
Aslan - León de Narnia
White Witch - bruja blanca
Mr Tumnus - fauno
Mr Beaver - Sr Castor
Mrs Beaver - Sra Castor
Ginarrbrik - sirviente de White Witch
Digory Kirke - profesor (casa que viven los 4 hermanos)
Mrs Macready - ama de casa de Kirke
Father Christmas - papá noel
Maugrim - lobo capitán de White Witch
Oreius - centauro jefe ejército Aslan
Otmin - minotauro jefe ejército White Witch
Train Guard - guarda de tren
Sr Fox - zorro
Helen Pevensie - madre de 4 hermanos

La 2ª Guerra Mundial, Alemania bombardea Londres.
Helen deja a sus 4 hijos en casa del profesor Digory Kirke.
Los 4 hermanos Peter, Susan, Edmund y Lucy, juegan al escondite, entran en armario mágico y se trasladan a Narnia.
Descubren un mundo de fantasía, criaturas que hablan, duende, fauno, centauro, minotauro, león, lobo, castor.
La Bruja Blanca Jadis condena a Narnia al invierno eterno.
El soberano León Aslan, el resto de las criaturas y los 4 hermanos, lucharán en la batalla de los dos ejércitos, para vencer el poder que la Bruja Blanca ejerce sobre Narnia y liberarlos de la maldición del frío.

Cine de fantasía, magia, aventuras, guerra.
Buen guión y adaptación de las excelentes novelas.
Buenas interpretaciones, mitología, secuencias, acciones, efectos, música.

https://youtu.be/ruGHxmjQ180salquial’s Video 158103277625 ruGHxmjQ180salquial’s Video 158103277625 ruGHxmjQ180

https://youtu.be/XFQwHiEdJdQsalquial’s Video 158103277625 XFQwHiEdJdQsalquial’s Video 158103277625 XFQwHiEdJdQ

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Eres una persona rencorosa Crees que perdonar es olvidar

What's you favorite movies and series cinematography?

There Will Be Blood (2007)
Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)
Life of Pi (2012)
La la land (2016)
Bird Man (2014)
Avatar (2009)
Schindler's list (1993)
the lord of the rings trilogy (2001-2003)
American beauty (1999)
The Master (2012)
Inception (2010)
Dunkirk (2017)
Interstellar (2014)
The Revenant (2015)
Gravity (2013)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Full Metal Jacket (1978)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Stalker (1979)
The mirror (1975)
The Seventh Seal (1957)
Manchester by the Sea (2016)
+5 answers in: “what are your favorite movie scenes that gave you chills?”

[Día 1] «El infierno me espera ansioso, saben que no haré nada bueno con el poco tiempo que me queda» »» Ya te sigo ??.

"Todo va a dar igual si llega un meteorito y provoca el Apocalipsis"
"Oz: The Great and Powerful" - "Oz: El Poderoso" - "Oz: Un Mundo de Fantasía"
USA (2013) 130 min
Guión: Mitchell Kapner, David Lindsay-Abaire
Director: Sam Raimi
Act: James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Michelle Williams, Abigail Spencer, Zach Braff, Joey King, Bill Cobbs, Stephen R. Hart, Martin Klebba, Tony Cox, Otis Winston, Bruce Campbell, Ted Raimi, Tim Holmes, Toni Wynne, Rob Crites, John Paxton, William Dick

Historia basada en:
Cuento "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" (1900) de Lyman Frank Baum (USA, 1856/1919)
Serie "Mago de Oz" de L.F.Baum:
"Mago de Oz" (1900)
"Tierra de Oz" (1904)
"Ozma de Oz" (1907)
"Dorothy de Oz" (1908)
"Camino a Oz" (1909)
"Ciudad Esmeralda de Oz" (1910)
"Chica de Oz" (1913)
"Tik-Tok de Oz" (1914)
"Espantapájaros de Oz" (1915)
"Rinkitink de Oz" (1916)
"Princesa de Oz" (1917)
"Hojalata de Oz" (1918)
"Magia de Oz" (1919)
"Glinda de Oz" (1920)
"Mago de Oz" (1939) Película. Judy Garland
"Journey Back to Oz" (1974) peli animación
"The Wizz" (1975) musical
"Mago de Oz" (1982) película anime
"Mago de Oz" (1986) anime
"Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! in The Oz-Wonderland War Trilogy" (1986) DC Comics
"Corazón Salvaje" (1990) película de David Lynch
"Maravillosa Galaxia de Oz" (1992) anime shonen
"Wicked: Memorias de una Bruja Mala" (1995) novela
"Futurama: episodio Mago de Oz" (2005?) serie animación
"Tin Man" (2007) serie 6 episodios
"La Maga y el Camino Dorado" (2008) serie Nickelodeon
"Dorothy y Las Brujas de Oz" (2011) película de Leigh Scott
"Oz: Un Mundo de Fantasía" (2013)
"The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road" (2009) Nintendo DS

Premios 2014:
22 nominaciones, 2 premios
Oscar Hollywood:
Nominaciones, Oscar = No
Nominaciones: 4 Saturn, 3 Satellite, 3 Teen Choice, 3 Golden Trailer
Premios: 1 Critics, 1 MTV
Taquilla Mundial: 495 millones de dólares

Ambientada primero en Kansas, USA, 1905
Después en Ciudad Esmeralda, País de Oz
Oscar Diggs (Oz), Glinda, Theodora, Evanora, Finley, May, Niña porcelana
Oscar Diggs es un "mago" en un circo ambulante.
Le suceden problemas, fracasa como mago, tiene que huir en globo, es capturado por un tornado y termina en el País de Oz.
En Ciudad Esmeralda, en medio de un mundo de fantasía y magia, tendrá que demostrar quién es, con las brujas Glinda, Theodora y Evanora.

https://youtu.be/5NdeuYgRoTIsalquial’s Video 139424810553 5NdeuYgRoTIsalquial’s Video 139424810553 5NdeuYgRoTI

https://youtu.be/BpSij47L-mEsalquial’s Video 139424810553 BpSij47L-mEsalquial’s Video 139424810553 BpSij47L-mE

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Día 1 El infierno me espera ansioso saben que no haré nada bueno con el poco

Have you seen the godfather trilogy? What are your views on it?

That movies legendary. I remember my dad telling me to watch it and I stayed up all night, watching all of them and I literally changed. It's the sickest movie and is and will always be fucking awesome. I mean Al Pacino is in the movie what more do you want.

describe sampe limit bisa keles hehe

Ghiffary azka
Sorry gip baru dijawab hehehe...
Ghiffary Azka Nur Aulia? Gippy? Dipsy? =)) Salah satu power ranger berkrudung dikelas yang super duper pinterrrrr! satu smp tapi kagak kenal dulu mah cuman tau doang, taunya juga gara gara kepintarannya yang sudah mendunia.... *lebay tapi aamiin ya gip =)) Sering dianggep laki laki karena namanya kayak cowo hahahaha sempet di babussalam namanya masuk daftar kamar cowo hahaha, gippy ibu sekertaris yang super rajin, perfeksionis nampaknya, rajin ngajarin orang lain, baik, dan yang pasti super pinter sampe ranking 1 dikelas 2x huhuhuhu maruk gip, anak kesayangan bu Diana karena dia ekskul "Trilogy" alias kumpulan anak2 olimpiade, gippy biasanya ikut olimpiade kimia nih soalnya kalo UAS UTS pasti nilainya diatas kkm padahal yang lain dibawah kkm wae -_- Dibalik gippy yang baik tersimpan gippy yang menyeramkan.... Gara gara masalah anu gippy marah banget sama dedon, maafin gip ga sengaja beneran :( parah gip marah marahnya serem banget ga lagi lagi gip ampun gip... dan masalah casan gip suer bukan dedon yang ngeganti kepala casannya jadi MADE IN CHINA :(( Gippy ini sangat sensitif kalo dedon minjem sesuatau mau pulpen kek gunting kek atau apapun pasti deh sebelum dipinjemin wanti wanti dulu blablablabla sampe pernah marahin gunting ilang padahal disebelahnya :((( Gippy ini seneng banget kayaknya ganggu dedon ya gip... gippy tuh "mengagumi" seseorang disana, waktu ulang tahun si doi riweuh pisan ..... Dan menurut pembacaan tanda tangan gippy ini kurang percaya diri... hmmm kayaknya gippy deketin si doinya kurang pede gip =))v Gippy ini nampaknya sudah terjamin masa depannya aamiin karena jalur undangan sangat terbuka lebar, mau FTI bukan gip? ya pokoknya apapun yang gippy mau dedon doakan semoga tercapai aamiin!!! tapi doain balik ya gip! kita sukses bareng bareng!
Nih tambah impersonatenya
"Eh don" <----- Gippy kalo manggil jaraknya deket
"Dedoooonnn" <------ Gippy kalo manggil jaraknya jauh * selalu kayak gini nih gip
"Jadi gini..." mulai menjelaskan
"TAU TATA KRAMA GA SIH DON?!" Ini bakal dedon inget selamanya gip....
"Kenapa sih don suaranya gitu banget..." komentar kalo dedon lagi nyanyi
Udah panjang nah gip, gamau sampe limit soalnya gippy juga ga sampe limit! hahahahaha sukses kelas 3 nya gip!

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