@anonamouse89887#14 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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When people ask about your age, how does it make you feel in general?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
For the most part, I don’t feel any type of way about my age, or people asking about it honestly! Only thing I get a bit insecure about, regarding my age, is my job experience… Due to illness reasons, I don’t have nearly as much as I’d like. I know it’s not a bad thing necessarily, as I can’t exactly control that, but it still makes me uncomfortable. 😅
One thing I think is interesting though, is to see people’s reactions when I tell them how old I am. Which, the reaction is typically shocked. 😂
People always think I’m a few years older or younger than I am, and from my observation, it usually has to do with how I put myself together. Like, when I get dressed up and put on makeup, people think I’m older, and then when I just wear comfy clothes, no makeup, etc, people usually think I’m considerably younger. 🤔

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When people ask about your age how does it make you feel in general

+ 2 💬 messages

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Do you do anything to manage your inbox on here? Like, what do you usually do with the questions you choose to not answer? Does it depend on the kind of question? 📨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not too much, to be fair. My only “management” consists of deleting the majority of the shoutouts I receive, minus the odd one here and there that I think is interesting. 🤔
I don’t really delete personal questions all that often though, unless they are rude, inappropriate, s*xual, etc. and then those get blocked as well. But in general, the personal questions stack up. However, I actually like it that way. It’s fun to have a variety of questions I know I can answer when I do ultimately get the inspiration for them. ☺️
I only get rid of the typical personal questions I get if I know I don’t relate to them, or if I can’t come up with a fun answer. Usually, I’ll leave them in my inbox for a very long time though, before I ultimately make that decision… To give you an idea, I still have questions I received over a year ago. 😂

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Do you do anything to manage your inbox on here Like what do you usually do with

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Do you easily find yourself in a bad mood when people don’t treat you fairly and/or when they make up rumors about you and if not, how did you get to a point where the rumors about you didn’t get to you anymore?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Being treated unfairly always hurts, and can put you in a bad mood, regardless of who it’s by. Obviously, it’s gonna hurt way more if it’s someone you love treating you that way, but even from a stranger, that stuff can really stick with you. 🥺
I don’t really like the idea that you’re supposed to get to a point where it “doesn’t affect you.” It’s human to care, and to be affected by hurtful things. I don’t think the answer is to harden yourself. I know it affects me. If I’m treated unfairly, having rumors spread about me (even if they are untrue), etc, I’m gonna be hurt… And people can say “get over it” all they want, but it doesn’t change anything. If it hurts you, they don’t get to tell you it shouldn’t.
Now, with that said, I think what you can do is take people’s hurtful words with a grain of salt, especially if they don’t know you. That’s what I often do. Strangers and even acquaintances opinions of you aren’t facts… They aren’t based in any sort of truth. So I think that is an important thing to take into consideration. Prioritize the opinions of those who truly love you and know you, and beyond that, what YOU know to be true about yourself. And while that isn’t the cure for being hurt by things people say, it can at least take the edge off.
I hope that helps a little! If you’re going through something like this, I’m sorry. ☹️ You don’t deserve that.

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Do you easily find yourself in a bad mood when people dont treat you fairly

In what way are you a survivor? 💪 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I’m a survivor of a lot of medical issues/trauma. Much of it, I’m still either trying to heal from, or I’m actively dealing with. Medical trauma has truly been bizarre to work through as you have most random triggers.
For example, I’m instantly nauseated, scared, anxious, feeling extreme dread, etc by certain sounds, smells, and so on. Like, I despise the smell of rubbing alcohol, alcohol wipes, etc. It brings back way too many memories, and makes me feel sick. But, it’s not exactly a trigger to “heal” from cause one, I don’t really know how to, and two, it’s not like you can really avoid it either. 🥴
I also get very scared when I have flare ups, thinking I’ll never get past it (even though logically, I know it’s irrational because my flares never stay constant). Or, more often, I’m scared I’ll wind up in situations I was in as a young teen that truly scarred me.

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In what way are you a survivor

How are you doing? 😊

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m doing so, so good! My insurance/medication issue has been resolved and in the best way possible, aka I still can get my meds. 🥳😁
I also, recently got back to gaming as I haven’t played anything, Sims included, for 7 months. It’s felt SO good to get back to it! I’m very excited to keep playing. ☺️
How are you doing

How much do you use your pockets, if at all? 🤔 What do you usually have in them in your everyday life?

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I use my pockets daily. I pretty much exclusively use them for my phone/wallet. I just combine the two, since I have a wallet case. It’s honestly super handy if I don’t feel like bringing a purse with me to the grocery store or something, cause I just grab my phone, and I’m good to go.
The only other thing I use them for occasionally is putting my phone charger in there, if I need to charge it while out and about. But that’s about it! 😁
How much do you use your pockets if at all  What do you usually have in them in

How important is it to you to have friends? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Pretty important, honestly. I’ve unfortunately had moments in life where I’ve not had any, or I’ve had toxic friends… and it really just made me sad and very lonely. It also made me cling to people who didn’t actually want to be friends with me. 😅
I’d be a total wreck without my friends, especially the ones I have now. They make me feel so safe. And especially since, I’m not close with a lot of my family, it feels like I have people who genuinely support and care about me, and who I can talk freely to. ☺️🥰
How important is it to you to have friends

Is there anything that most people find cute that creeps you out?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Most pet names (when referring to me) creep me out. 😶 Even if it’s meant to be endearing, I hate being called “baby” or “sugar” or “dear” or anything like that. 🥴 And maybe that’s my asexuality talking, but… eh, I just do not find it cute.
I’d much rather a partner either call me by my name or a certain variation I use sometimes. And maybe there’s a small handful of pet names that wouldn’t be too bad… Or if they were to give me a unique name that came from being together.🤔 But yeah, I think I’m generally just not the person who is swooned by that, never have been.
Is there anything that most people find cute that creeps you out

What's one memorable thing that's happened to you recently? ⭐

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, it’s not the best thing, but I was recently diagnosed with severe tendonitis in my wrist. Sadly, it’s my left wrist, aka my dominant one. So I’ve been in a brace for a few days, and on meds. 🥴
It’s definitely memorable for a few reasons, the most notable one being the pain levels... It’s been far from fun. But another reason is just that it’s giving me déjà vu from 6 months ago when I was in a brace for a sprain of the same wrist. 😬
But, on a lighter note, I am getting some amusement from seeing just how bad I am at doing things with my right hand. 😆
Whats one memorable thing thats happened to you recently

+ 13 💬 messages

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Do you avoid crowds? Or are you okay with them? ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა

princessxbunnii1’s Profile PhotoBunni ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I don’t love them, to be honest. I’d prefer to avoid large crowds as much as possible. It makes me feel very anxious and claustrophobic having so many people around me. 🥴 Small crowds are okay though, I can usually deal with that, cause at least I feel I have space to breathe… 😮‍💨
Do you avoid crowds Or are you okay with them 

What was the most memorable April fools' joke / hoax you encountered today? 🥸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Hmm, I didn’t really encounter like a real life hoax or anything… But I was on Youtube earlier and the first one I saw was when I watched Good Mythical Morning.
Rhett and Link were “testing” what was the best container to eat Cheetos out of, and one of the more memorable ones was a Vaseline container. 😂 I watched it after I first woke up so it took me longer than it should’ve to remember it was a hoax. But they are way too convincing, and act like it’s a totally normal episode of GMM. 🤣
And the second one, while not as funny, was Jacksepticeye’s 22 hour “Happy Wheels Movie” which was actually just a compilation of every single video Happy Wheels video he’s ever done. It more so just caught me off guard cause… I was not expecting 22 hours worth of content. Guess if I ever want something to binge watch… 😳😂

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What was the most memorable April fools joke  hoax you encountered today

What makes you want and choose to take breaks from social media?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
When it begins to take a toll on my mental health is when I take a step back. I can easily get to the point of doom-scrolling on social media and it makes me anxious/start self deprecating… 🥴
So, as my own rule, I set time limits for all of my social media to regulate how much I use it. It’s honestly worked like a charm, and I feel I have a much more healthy relationship to social media than I used to, and doom-scrolling doesn’t happen nearly as much. ☺️
What makes you want and choose to take breaks from social media

How many private chats are you having ?

I don’t do private chats anymore, so none. At this point on ask, anyone I’m gonna talk to, I’d rather just have it on my page or theirs, and not worry about it. Also, the majority of people who use private chats tend to say weird/creepy stuff, so I just don’t trust it, nor am I interested. 🤷🏼‍♀️
How many private chats are you having

What makes you feel calm/at peace with oneself? 🧘‍♂️🌿🧘‍♀️#Namaste🙏😛

Nature. There’s something so therapeutic and calming about being in nature for me. Whether that’s going on a walk, or a hike, or just sitting and listening to the birds chirping, etc. I just love all of it. 😌
If I could spend every day of the year outside, I would, just for the super positive affect it has on my mental health. Sadly, the weather doesn’t exactly allow that where I live, so I just make sure to take advantage of the good weather days. ☀️🌳
What makes you feel calmat peace with oneself Namaste

If you celebrate Easter, how do you usually do so? 🐣🍫

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I haven’t really celebrated it in a few years actually, but I definitely did when I was younger. There’s no particular reason we stopped, we just kinda fell out of doing so. 🤔
As a kid, I used to celebrate by going on a egg scavenger hunt, also, I would dye eggs with my cousins, and then have a dinner with my family, either at a relatives house, or we’d go to a nice restaurant! Then afterwards, I almost always got a chocolate bunny for dessert, and that was my favorite part to be fair, next to the scavenger hunt. 😋😂
When I was a teenager, we just used to have a nice meal as a family and hang out! I used to alternate celebrating between my mom and dad since they’re divorced. So one year I’d be with my dad’s family for the day, and the next year, I’d be with my mom’s family. ☺️ And honestly, if we were to do something now, it’d likely be very similar to this, just having good food, and family time!

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If you celebrate Easter how do you usually do so

When do you usually get up in the morning? ☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It really depends on how I feel, and what needs to be done. I have a tendency to sleep very late in the day, especially when on meds as they leave me feeling sick and out of commission. So there are times where I don’t wake up until 1pm… And even then, I’m not fully awake. 🙈 I mean, I do have a valid reason, I know, but I always feel weird saying it. 😂
On a good day, I like to be up by 10 or 11am. And on a really good day, I’d ideally want to be awake no later than 9am. Though, those kind of days are few and far between sadly, given my health. 😩
When do you usually get up in the morning

How often (If ever) does it happen that you enter a "flow-state"? Like when you're so focused on a task you almost forget to eat etc. Do you remember what you were doing last time that happened? ✏️⌨️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Quite often, to be honest! I am someone who hyper-focuses on things I’m really excited about or into. Last time it happened to me was when I made a gift for a good friend and literally worked for 15 hours straight one day, I barely ate, or slept, or anything, I was so excited. The main issue I have though is eating, I’m TERRIBLE at remembering to eat when I’m super invested in something. 🙈😂
Other times it happens to me is when I’m playing video games, reading, focused on a specific task like cleaning, organizing, etc. And when I was in school, I used to forget to eat when I had lots of homework or a big project. I’d totally skip dinner. Or in college, I’d just skip my lunch break to keep working on clients. 😅
How often If ever does it happen that you enter a flowstate Like when youre so


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