
109 people

50 posts


Te acuerdas de lo último que soñaste? Qué fue?

Annatar13’s Profile PhotoJoe Ytal
Fui a visitar a mi padre a Colombia, y el monte tenía unas vistas preciosas tipo desierto de Arizona, allí se me arrimaba un vecino, pero de aquí de Málaga, sólo para preguntar por el estado de mi padre y comunicárselo al barrio y a la familia. Pura sinceridad, le dije que mi padre estaba fatal, siempre borracho, liándola, haciendo todo mal y con la casa hecha un asco. Entonces precisamente llego a su casa, y allí tiene un american stanford con el cual por alguna razón hago migas enseguida, pero tiene algo extrañísimo, como botones desde el cuello hasta el pecho, sólo pequeñas cicatrices que dan acceso a chips que accionan sonidos al clicarlos, y el perro reaccionaba distinto a cada sonido, o directamente no lo hacía, así que me quedaba con los buenos. Para colmo, finalmente el perro se convertía, como por arte de magia, en una bella mujer que está en Ask, con sus ojos azules, sus pecas y pelo rubio. Pero tampoco era perfecta, y ella se acomplejaba un poco porque apareció desnuda ante mí, entonces le decía: a mí me gustas con todo, con todos tus defectos así como tus virtudes, igual que el perro.

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Jakie są twoje ulubione filmy oraz seriale ? Jaki jest Twój ulubiony gatunek filmowy ? Jeśli chodzi o seriale to kryminały, komediowe czy raczej sci-fi ?

kowal892’s Profile PhotoMichał Kowalski
Nie mam jednego ulubionego gatunku filmowego, ogladam prawie wszystko, wlaczajac horrory. Filmów lubię dużo, chociazby 'Tajemnice los angeles', 'Arizona dream', ' Pulp Fiction', 'Co gryzie Gilnerta Grape'a', ale pewnie więcej by się tego znalazło tylko musiałabym sobie przypomnieć. Natomiast co do seriali to lubię bardzo thrillery, ale nie ograniczam się tylko do nich.

❝It was against the rules for normal people-human people like me and Charlie- to know about the clandestine world full of myths and monsters that existed secretly around us.❞

TheTwilightB’s Profile PhotoBella Swan
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀✧・.☾ Isabella Marie Swan ☽︎ .・✧
Filha única do Policial Charlie Swan e sua esposa Renée, Bella nasceu na cidade Forks, Washington. Seus pais se divorciaram quando ela tinha apenas três meses de idade. Bella e sua mãe então se mudam para Downey, Califórnia, para viverem com a sua avó. Após Renée conseguir um diploma, as duas se mudam novamente para Riverside, onde sua mãe consegue um emprego como professora do jardim de infância em uma escola local. Quando Bella tinha seis anos, elas se mudam para Padise Vallery, em Phoenix, Arizona. Durante a maior parte da sua infância, ela visitava seu pai em Forks por um mês todos os verões.
Ela teve aulas de balé e piano por um breve período, mas as abandonou depois de um tempo, porque as achava muito difíceis. Bella nunca se encaixou com seus colegas da Califórnia e do Arizona. Ela sempre teve a sensação de estar fora de sincronia com todos - incluindo com sua mãe, que era sua melhor amiga. Enquanto sua mãe era intolerante, distraída e gostava de mudar de um hobby para outro, Bella cresceu como o indivíduo mais responsável e independente da casa. Em tenra idade, ela assumiu a maioria das responsabilidades domésticas de sua casa. Às vezes, ela se sentia como se fosse a adulta e Renée a criança. Durante seu tempo livre, ela preferia ficar em casa e ler, em parte porque ela era extraordinariamente desajeitada. Sua personalidade naturalmente responsável foi transferida para seus trabalhos escolares, onde Bella era geralmente uma estudante nota A.
Quando Bella notou que Renée se sentia solitária devido à falta de romance em sua vida, ela encorajou a mãe a ir em mais encontros. Eventualmente, Renée se apaixonou e se casou com um jogador de beisebol da liga menor chamado Phil Dwyer. Bella não gostou muito da ideia da mãe se casar novamente, mas mesmo assim deu sua bênção ao casal. Eles se casaram em setembro, no mesmo mês em que Bella completou 17 anos. Enquanto Phil viajava a trabalho, Renée ficava em casa com Bella, no entanto, Bella, percebeu a infelicidade de sua mãe com esta condição, então decidiu ir morar com seu pai em Forks para que Renée pudesse viajar com Phil durante a temporada de beisebol. Quando se muda para Forks, Bella se matricula na escola local a Forks High School, no meio do primeiro ano. Na nova escola, ela não percebe a atração física que ela causa nos estudantes do sexo masculino e faz alguns novos amigos, incluindo Jessica Stanley, Angela Weber e Mike Newton.

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It was against the rules for normal peoplehuman people like me and Charlie to

Los Dodgers le remontan un 1-5 a los Arizona Diamondbacks al lograr poner 6-5 en la octava entrada y los de Arizona no lograron ninguna carrera en la novena 🤣🤣🤣

jajaja ni en cuenta de ese equipo, siempre los conocí simplemente por Arizona y no le había prestado mucha atención jajaja
Liked by: Lo SCREAM YRFM

(wiem, że będzie tego wiele bo stanów jest aż 50, ale może odpowiesz). Jakie jest najbardziej znienawidzone jedzenie w każdym stanie? 😳

Dla mnie to nie jest problem, od tego tutaj jestem abyście się dowiedzieli! A więc proszę, tutaj lista czego każdy stan nie lubi jeść:
#1 Alabama — Buraki.
#2 Alaska — Bekon z Indyka.
#3 Arizona — Buraki.
#4 Arkansas — Sardele.
#5 Kalifornia — Oliwki.
#6 Kolorado — Bekon z Indyka.
#7 Connecticut — Wypieczony Stek.
#8 Delaware — Oliwki.
#9 Floryda — Buraki.
#10 Georgia — Oliwki.
#11 Hawaje — Ogórki konserwowe.
#12 Idaho — Sardele.
#13 Illinois — Oliwki.
#14 Indiana — Oliwki.
#15 Iowa — Sardele.
#16 Kansas — Sardele.
#17 Kentucky — Bakłażany.
#18 Luizjana — Buraki.
#19 Maine — Sushi.
#20 Maryland — Oliwki.
#21 Massachusetts — Wypieczony Stek.
#22 Michigan — Sardele.
#23 Minnesota — Bakłażany.
#24 Missisipi — Oliwki.
#25 Missouri — Sardele.
#26 Montana — Marchew.
#27 Nebraska — Sardele.
#28 Nevada — Bakłażany.
#29 New Hampshire — Bolonia.
#30 New Jersey — Oliwki.
#31 Nowy Meksyk — Oliwki.
#32 Nowy Jork — Oliwki.
#33 Karolina Północna — Sardele.
#34 Północna Dakota — Bakłażany.
#35 Ohio — Sardele.
#36 Oklahoma — Sardele.
#37 Oregon — Bolonia.
#38 Pensywalnia — Sushi.
#39 Rhode Island — Bekon z Indyka.
#40 Karolina Południowa — Oliwki.
#41 Południowa Dakota — Bakłażany.
#42 Tennessee — Oliwki.
#43 Teksas — Sardele.
#44 Utah — Bolonia.
#45 Vermont — Sushi.
#46 Wirgnia — Oliwki.
#47 Waszyngton — Bolonia.
#48 Wirginia Zachodnia — Sushi.
#49 Wisconsin — Sardele.
#50 Wyoming — Bekon z Indyka.

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If you have flown, what do you think of the general experience of flying? 🛩

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I have never flown but my sister in law in Arizona is planning all of us a huge family getaway to Hawaii (she just got back from there and wants us all to go this summer) so I have to get un afraid 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🤣

¿ En que punto de tu vida estás ?

valen15S10’s Profile PhotoValentyna
Después de una semana recorriendo algunas partes de Estados Unidos, subidas las pertinentes fotos y hecha la reflexión sobre lo vivido, esta es mi experiencia:
Mi viaje ha transcurrido en Arizona, Utah y Nevada y principalmente en Las Vegas. Y lo que he visto ha sido un país de profundos contrastes. Empezando por la gran diferencia entre la vida en la ciudad y la vida alejada de núcleos urbanos grandes. Totalmente diferente. De espacios donde la naturaleza brilla por su ausencia a grandes extensiones donde la naturaleza, sea verde o desértica, lo abarca todo. Ambos escenarios te hacen sentirte pequeño; uno por el contraste de tamaños entre hombres y edificios, otro por la vastedad que desprende.
Estos contrastes también se reflejan en las personas; las personalidades cambian por completo del campo a la ciudad. Como si los espacios urbanos masificados produjesen algún tipo de neurosis en la gente (y de hecho creo que así es). Las personas más agradables no eran de ciudad. Sin embargo, creo que es en la ciudad donde más contrastes se pueden presenciar. Una ciudad como Las Vegas, donde el lujo disparatado de los casinos se combina con enormes problemas sociales. Puedes encontrar a policías multando a deportivos McLaren al lado de personas sin techo. Puedes ver en una misma ruleta de casino a ricachones llenos de oro jugándose los dólares junto a una anciana pensionista o junto a un trabajador que a duras penas llega a fin de mes. Puedes ver el luminoso casino y junto a este las tiendas de campaña de la gente sin hogar.
Todo ello lleva a crear una falsa sensación de libertad e igualdad; de que todo es posible y que el "american dream" puede hacer que un pobre se haga rico de la noche a la mañana; que sólo tienes que intentarlo y esforzarte. Pero no es más que una ilusión, un engaño. Y esa ilusión se aplica a casi todo. ¿Se come mal en Estados Unidos? ¿Es tan mala la sanidad allí? La respuesta es la misma: si tienes dinero comerás bien, te irá bien, Dios te favorecerá, ese es el destino manifiesto calvinista. Si no lo tienes... a veces tendrás pollo frito.
Con este viaje he aprendido a alejarme aun más de las ciudades. Y a comprender ese núcleo espiritual americano al que cantaban figuras como Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, Thoreau y todas aquellas figuras modernas que se marcaron sus propios viajes iniciáticos por el país. De padres fundadores, constituciones, derechos políticos y libertades puestas por escrito no sé demasiado. Poco tenían que ver con el silencio absoluto del desierto y las grandes mesetas rojizas que me dejaron asombrado. Ni con los coyotes en medio de la fría noche.
Todo eso es un mundo alejado de otro, con una frontera tan delgada que con facilidad uno se superpone al otro. En ese límite entre realidades me he encontrado y con esa experiencia liminal es con la que deseo quedarme a futuro porque es lo auténtico. Todo lo demás es Maya.

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En que punto de tu vida estás

Could you name all 50 States of America off the top of your head

🇺🇸 Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington and Wyoming ✌️
Not all of them, but I couldn't think of the rest 🥴
@kaedanwilkinson 😹
Could you name all 50 States  of America off the top of your head

How do you balance Christmas with your family and your SO's family?

My boyfriend and I have a really hard time balancing both my family and his family during Christmas. It is almost always guaranteed that we will have to choose one or the other for certain events (ex. his family like to go to church on Christmas Eve, whereas my family likes to get drunk and rowdy and open stockings Christmas eve). How do you find a fair balance?
We just alternate every year. Last year was our first Christmas as a family, and we went to Arizona with my family because my grandma wanted to meet our son (he was 8 months old at the time). We did a gift exchange a couple days later with my in laws. This year, we are doing a gift exchange a couple days before Xmas with my parents because they're leaving for Arizona before Christmas, and then we'll be going to my in laws on Christmas for presents and dinner. Probably church too.
My family are in a different country so it's pretty easy. Although my husband's kids split the holidays between us and their mom. This year we've got Christmas Eve and Christmas morning as my in-laws always take Christmas Eve. The Christmas morning is an addition from last year where we didn't get Christmas Day at all (but had the next few days)
We switch off holidays between the families. So we did Thanksgiving with my family this year and we're doing Christmas with his. Last year it was the other way around. Nobody feels cheated because they know they'll get their turn next year. If they lived near each other, we would probably spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with one family, then visit the other family for a few days after the holiday. And then, again, switch which was which the next year.
We've kind of accidentally fallen into a tradition: we spend time with his family on Christmas Eve (that's when all the tiny cousins and grandbabies open their gifts from his parents, so we watch the little ones play), do breakfast and gifts with my family in the morning, and then go hang out with his family in the evening. We're really fortunate, though, in how our families already had traditions at different times of the day. Our problem has always been Thanksgiving, really. I feel like I have to go visit my grandmother, because she cooks dinner and I'm worried that the rest of the family doesn't show enough appreciation, and his family does Thanksgiving not long after that. Neither one of us is willing to try to take the other's family from them, so we squeeze in two meals and we're kind of rushing out the door all the time. Ah, well.
Since the kids in my family are grown and 2 have kids of their own, Christmas isn't really big with my family. Plus school schedules always made it so we could only see my boyfriend's parents on breaks so we've spent most of the Christmases with his family. Thanksgiving is a big holiday for my family and we've spent all but one of those with my family.

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Have you ever met any wild dangerous animal in the nature?

I've been stared down by black bears a few times. I once almost stepped on a rattlesnake in Arizona. Yikes! I've come across bears a few times, mostly black, one grizzly, though it's never seemed all that frightening. We clearly wanted nothing to do with each other. The only time I was more than a little uneasy was seeing a young black bear cub wander into our campsite. Never saw mom, though. Fortunately. I don't know how "dangerous" it was, but a bighorn sheep did try to butt me off a trail once. Yes years ago on a secluded bike path a very big female deer with her young ones in tow was ready to charge me til I put my bike in front of me and it ran off. Was scary. I was eight years old and I was scared out of my wits. Scared the wits out of me. It scared the hell out of me. It scared the daylights out of me. I've come across black bear, but like most animals they want to be left alone and run off. I suppose it may be different if it was a den of cubs though. That I've not experienced personally. Almost bumped into a bear.
Saw it walking ahead of us on a trail.
He looked back at us then climbed up a hill.
I was so scared!

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Liked by: Smile

That tells you how messed up wisconsins court system is

No it tell you how messed the system is period and how a white person can have a gun and shoot people and murder them and get away with it. And all the white people that have gotten away with murdering unharmed people. Think about Treyvon Martin he was murdered for having an Arizona tea and skittles. Think of Breonna Taylor who was murdered for no knock order that had nothing to do with her.

Anybody else love rainy days?

We have a great thunderstorm going on here, it's been rolling on for hours. Me and the wife are cooking, reading, and vibing out. It feels so great! Waiting on a little storm here myself. It's been a pretty boring day so I'm looking forward to it. Working from home has its perks, but slower days plus the wife being out of town makes for a very uneventful day! I was at the Lowe's garden center yesterday when a downpour struck all of a sudden. It was raining like crazy but it sounded so wonderful on the greenhouse roof. I just sat down on some of their comfy patio furniture and looked at plants and listened to the rain. It was just a beautiful little moment. I love rainy days better than sunny days and I work outside. Not too bad working in the rain, but working in the sun sucks. I also love sitting on my back porch during the rain and reading. I love rainy days! Unfortunately I live in Arizona, so I don't get to see them often. We're supposed to get some rain in the middle of next week, but I won't get my hopes up too high. I work outside and it's hot and humid most days sometimes around high 80s and muggy. Rain is a delightful experience on days like those. It honestly depends, living in a home and not having a super crazy storm for sure, but currently living in a single small room and the only storms that hit are typhoons, which in turn means we cannot leave our building, can make it miserable. Here in the desert, rainy days are an unusual escape from the norm. Usually it makes it more muggy, which feels a bit uncomfortable being acclimated to dry heat. But I do appreciate them.
Rainstorms are wonderful. Heavy sheets of rain hammering against the window and the roof fire up so many rewards in my brain. It's calm, soothing, a tiny bit exciting, and best of all, nobody has to be HAPPY all the sodding time when it's raining. For extra credit, sitting in a parked car and listening to the rain, or even better, lying in bed in a boat and hearing the rain, is amazing.
I like it and I think it's because I can stay inside without feeling bad for not going out. When it's nice and sunny I feel like garbage for not going out.
I can't wait until Fall. That's like my ultimate cozy kinda day. A steady downfall around mid-October when leaves have started collecting on the ground, cozying up with some tea or cider or going on a walk down a trail. Used to do it all the time to clear my mind. The smell of the leaves and the rain and just listening to the rain drown out the rest of the chaos in the world. The cool, brisk air coming as a welcome respite from the sweltering heat of Summer. Sometimes I'll throw on some headphones and some really chill music. Something about rain and dark gloomy clouds, it's been my favorite since I was really really young.

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Do you love your best friend ?

For sure. 💜💜She lives far away in Arizona & we've kinda been out of touch/busy lately. But we're catching up/talking on the phone tonight (which is true love on my part because I don't like talking on the phone 😅) we usually text but too much to catch up on for that so🤷‍♂️🥰
Liked by: 3ra2y Фостер

mach mal ne düstere legende XD

Die erste Sichtung erfolgte im Jahre 1966, als eine Familie, die Urlaub in Arizona machte, ein Bild in der Wüste aufnahm. Etwa dreißig Jahre später, wanderten Chad und seine Freunde in den Wäldern von Tanyard Creek, wo sie ihm angeblich begegneten. Laut Chad wurden seine Freunde von etwas Riesigem geschnappt, das durch die Bäume schritt und ihre Stimmen imitierte. Chad wurde mit ein paar Verletzungen lebend gefunden, während seine Freunde getötet wurden. Insgesamt gibt es neun Berichte über seine Sichtung. In Indiana wurde ein Foto vom ihm auf den Straßen aufgenommen. Tage danach verschwanden eine Reihe von Personen spurlos. Die Rede ist von einer paranormalen Kreatur, die vor allem für ihr merkwürdiges Aussehen bekannt ist, Siren Head. Er ist eine 12 Meter große, humanoide, dünne Kreatur mit zwei Sirenen als Kopf. Seine Arme sind so lang wie seine Beine und reichen bis zum Boden hinunter. Die Haut erscheint in einer braunen Farbe, die rostigem Metall gleicht. Tatsächlich handelt es sich aber um verweste, mumifizierte Haut. Seine Körperstruktur ähnelt einer verformten, menschlichen Knochenstruktur. Innerhalb der Lautsprecher befinden sich Münder mit langen Zähnen und Zungen. Siren Head ist sehr feindselig und gefährlich. Er befindet sich hauptsächlich in ländlichen Städten und Waldgebieten. Die Opfer von ihm sind verlorene Reisende, Wanderer und kleine Kinder. Die Lautsprecher von Siren Head spielen seltsame Musik, Gesprächsstücke undverschiedeneWörter und Zahlen. Er lockt seine Opfer hauptsächlich mit den Stimmen ihrer Lieben an, damit sie zu ihm in den Wald kommen. Da er sich sehr gut in Bäume einfügt, bemerken die Menschen ihn nicht einmal, sodass er jederzeit angreifen kann, während die Schreie der Opfer durch die Gedanken seiner nächsten Opfer hallen. Die Personen, die ihn hören, wissen, dass sie nicht mehr lange leben werden. Zudem schlägt das Herz seiner Opfer schneller, wenn sie sich in der Nähe von ihm befinden.

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mach mal ne düstere legende XD

What's the most unusual / coolest animal you've seen in the wild? When and where did you see it? 🐾🌲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Was on a school camping trip, we went on a hike at this little mountain trail in Arizona and I got to see a coyote in the wild it was awkward he was not too far from me and the rest of my class left me to keep hiking up the mountain ⛰ so I had no one to see what I saw 👀 I said hello to it and it looked at me then ran away 😅

⠀ᝰ‧ ⠀❝Nach Japan sollten wir schonmal den nächsten Urlaub zusammen planen. Wie wäre es mit Peru oder Italien? Oder Arizona! Wobei mir beinahe jeder Ort recht ist, solange du mich begleitest. Ich habe dich gern um mich, Yoo-Hwan, aber das ist schon längst kein Geheimnis mehr.❞

1 0 /0 9/2021 ⠀⍈⠀ 0 7 :5 5
Ich hätte dir jetzt einen wirklich hübschen Urlaubsort vorgeschlagen...dort bist du schon ziemlich lange nicht mehr gewesen. Es nennt sich dein eigenes Zimmer, aber ich bezweifle, dass du davon begeistert wärst. Willst ja nicht ohne mich. Jeno, du bist wie ein Kaugummi. Klebst an mir und das hartnäckig, nichtsdestotrotz bist du wirklich sehr süß. Vielleicht will ich dich auch gar nicht loswerden, weil ich dich ebenfalls gern um mich habe. Ist jedoch auch schon kein Geheimnis mehr. Aber plan jetzt bitte nicht bereits einen zweiten Urlaub, ich muss erst diesen auf mich wirken lassen.
ᝰ Nach Japan sollten wir schonmal den nächsten Urlaub zusammen planen Wie wäre

Qual seu estilo de música preferido?

Lariigoulart_’s Profile PhotoLarissa
gosto de todo tipo de musica que a voz combinando com o ritmo que de pra dança 🕺✌ eletrônica, pop, dubstep, freestyle e vc que estilo gosta? 😁
My Favorite Music playlist 😁✌️
1: Imagine dragons - beliver
2: ED Sheeran - shap of you
3: The chainsmokers - closer
4: Michael Jackson - Beat It
5: post Malone - batter now
6: The chainsmokers - This Feeling
7: Arizona Zervas - Roxanne
8: Dimitre Vegas - complicated
9: Lil Nas x Panini
10: Simon curts - superhero

Congrats on your new pups!!! Backstory, please

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
We've almost always had multiple dogs. We were down to one, and though we originally decided to not have more for a while since it makes last minute planning more difficult, we wanted a companion for our current dog. This guy is only about five or six, so he'll be around a while.
We looked at shelters, but either the dogs weren't friendly with other/small dogs, or they were afraid of my bro and Thor.
We weren't looking for a specific breed or anything, but my bro loves shepherds. A friend of his from Arizona called him up saying a neighbor was getting divorced and could no longer afford the keep his dogs and if we would be interested in taking them off his hands.
We asked like a hundred questions and when it was done we wanted to meet with them. The best part though, is nearly all of the pets we've had were named after characters in Greek mythology. So when he told us their names, we were like 😳
So we drove over with our dog, spent some time introducing them, and everything turned out great, and they rode home with us.
It is an adjustment having big dogs, though. Here's an action shot of Achilles just as he was knocking me over while trying to take pictures. He wanted cuddles lol!

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Congrats on your new pups Backstory please

Vous avez un objectif dans la vie ? Si oui lequel ?

tom_Pce’s Profile PhotoTom
Find a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself. I'm not exaggerating. Even something I can somewhat neutrally tolerate for the majority of the day but not necessarily "like". I have been out of school working for 4 years now. I am literally so physically and mentally exhausted on a daily basis I lost my will to do anything with my free time apart from sleep and relax as much as humanly possible. I lost my will to date, I lost my will to travel, I lost my will to enjoy life outside of work because as it stands I am obsessed with saving money just so I can retire as early as humanly possible. Meanwhile I spend the majority of my week hoping for a fatal car accident.
Upper middle class, good sized house, vacations with family in fun places, the ability to play whatever sport I want, and afford the university of my choice. I still had to work for things that I had though. The majority of my possessions I bought myself, my college applications were largely on me, i strives to make good impressions on adults, and have good manners. I’m not perfect, but my parents did a good job raising me and I want to give them grandchildren they can be proud of.
I just want a house. I want a two story house in the woods, overlooking forest. I want a balcony on the second floor where I'll drink tea really early in the morning. I want the neighbors to be far enough away that I barely ever notice signs of life besides my own, my boyfriend and my pets. I don't want a ton of people knowing where I live. Just very close friends. I'd like it to be in another state... Maybe Arizona, Texas or Colorado. I don't ever want to see my family again. I want them to wonder every once in a while whether I'm dead. They have ruined my life. I want some kind of passive income so I can work from home most of the time and almost never have to leave. I don't like to nor do I want to deal with people on a regular basis. I honestly just want to be left alone. Immortality and great power. I am not joking. Immortality depends a lot on the scientific progress over the span of my natural life, worst case I will have to settle with the metaphorical version. As for power...I plan to rule this world one day and change it for the better. There is a part of me thinking this is pretty unlikely to happen but then again I am convinced that I am able to accomplish whatever I truly want.

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Chance es capaz no sólo de sobrevivir, si no de llegar a las más altas esferas hablando de lo que conoce, su jardín, un discurso metafórico dotado de gran sapiencia interpretado por empresarios, políticos, medios de comunicación... Lo mejor de todo es que no media maldad ¿CONOCES A ALGUIEN ASÍ?

PinoRe’s Profile PhotoPINO RECALDE
Si mi Tio politico Bill Orman que es Medico y embajador de la ONU ha realizado operaciones en Arizona Segun creo lo puedo garantizar que si

Portes-tu des sandales en été ? Si oui à quoi elles ressemblent ? 😃

Salt Water Sandals! They look really cute with everything, and are super comfy. They're mostly worn by little kids but they have an adult woman following as well. They're pretty darn cheap, too, for how sturdy they've been for me, and they are much higher quality than similar sandals at the same price point. They are very flat though and that may not be great for some people, although I only have problems with my heels hurting if I'm standing up for much longer than usual.
For a more dressed up look, I have a pair similar to these from American Rag. They're pretty neutral, so they go with pretty much anything. I wore my pair to a summer wedding and a backyard BBQ last year. I got simple black Frye sandals two summers ago. At the time, they were a splurge, but I wear them almost every day when it's warm out, and they magically still look fairly new(ish - they could use a new heel sometime soon).
Last summer, I learned the value of sneakers. My feet get sweaty and the weather here peaks at 110 fahrenheit but sneakers are somehow the best match for my needs! I have a few pairs of sandals at the same price/quality point but nothing compared to the comfort of my sneakers. I'm not too big a fan of sandals and open-toed shoes either (and especially birks; they don't match my clothes). I finally bit the bullet and bought some Toms last year. I got the black "crochet" style because I have issues finding shoes that let my feet breathe because they get super sweaty. I wasn't super keen on them at first but now I can't live without them. They are excellent in the summer and for travelling. I wore them for 20 days straight while travelling in warm, humid Japan and walking 10-14 hours a day.
I'm marinating on these Steve Madden mules. Although I wish they weren't suede, I like how the upper comes back all the way to the heel, rather than straight across like a Birk Arizona strap or something; it looks really visually interesting to me. I'm hoping to use them (or something similar) for elevating casual looks or dressing down formal looks, similar to a pair of heeled booties that I wore all throughout F/W. Definitely simple flats. My favorite so-far (it's spring where I am) has been the Lucky Brand Emmie flats. I can't wear open-toed shoes at work for safety reasons so I am also looking for a fair of summer-esque loafers! :) These are the only pair of sandals I have and I've found they go with mostly everything in my closet. I've had them since last summer and they have held up well.
This will be my third or fourth summer of pretty much only wearing crocs huaraches. I don't wear crocs otherwise, but they are the perfect summer shoe. They go with everything, they're comfortable, they're easy to clean, they're adorable, I get tons of compliments on them, they're inexpensive, and they last for years.

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Why did you end your friendship with your bestie that moved to Arizona?

He was being disrespectful asf, and started getting rude and his ego got in the way of true friendships. He burned a lot of bridges with people. Even with the friends he lived with, he burned those bridges, and hit their puppy multiple times on camera. So, he is dead too me

Masz w znajomych znane osoby?

Kilka mam. Jedne z nich to choćby baseballista z Mizzou Tigers cała jego rodzinka, z którą mam świetny kontakt, znajoma z Arizona Red Wolves, czy futboliści Oklahomy Sooners i Incarnate Word Cardinals. Z dwójką ostatnich miałem przyjemność chodzić do szkoły i na jedne lekcje. Tak poza, to pewnie bym jeszcze sobie przypomniał kto, ale to były pierwsze osoby, które wpadły mi do głowy 😅

🎤 Share a song here if you would like. A YouTube link or just some lyrics. Have you had 🎵 a song stuck in your head lately? 🎧 Or nah? 🎶

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
"Big Iron"
To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
It was early in the morning when he rode into the town
He came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around
He's an outlaw loose and running came the whisper from each lip
And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
He was vicious and a killer though a youth of twenty four
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and nineteen more
One and nineteen more
Now the stranger started talking made it plain to folks around
Was an Arizona ranger wouldn't be too long in town
He came here to take an outlaw back alive or maybe dead
And he said it didn't matter he was after Texas Red
After Texas Red
Wasn't long before the story was relayed to Texas Red
But the outlaw didn't worry men that tried before were dead
Twenty men had tried to take him twenty men had made a slip
Twenty one would be the ranger with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
The morning passed so quickly it was time for them to meet
It was twenty past eleven when they walked out in the street
Folks were watching from the windows every-body held their breath
They knew this handsome ranger was about to meet his death
About to meet his death
There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today
Texas Red had not cleared leather fore a bullet fairly ripped
And the ranger's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered round
There before them lay the body of the outlaw on the ground
Oh he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
Big iron Big iron
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

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Buongiorno e buona domenica! La data di oggi è: 7 dicembre 1941 attacco Pearl Harbor Nel mentre ti consiglio anche il film Pearl Harbor

Ila_cre’s Profile PhotoIla♥️
Ciao bella😘😘😘buon pomeriggio e buona domenica anche a te,l’avevo visto il film anni fa,comunque fu uno dei momenti decisivi della seconda guerra mondiale,fu un vero e proprio attacco frontale,a sorpresa e senza preavviso alla principale base militare della Marina statunitense,come dicevo ieri è qui che divenne famosa la figura del kamikaze,anche alcune tecnologie erano particolarmente insolite (il sottomarino tascabile,uno di questi fu abbattuto da una nave americana)ed era frutto di una politica espansionistica molto aggressiva da parte dei nipponici a partire da ben prima della guerra (dal 1931,poi il Giappone entrò in collisione e rischiò lo scontro diplomatico con gli USA e il durissimo attacco del presidente Roosevelt dopo che venne a sapere della conquista dei nipponici della Cina) che culminò con questo attacco anche piuttosto insolito perché non erano presenti tutte le portaerei,comunque i giapponesi ottennero un trionfo distruggendo le più importanti navi da guerra americane come la Arizona (il cui scafo fu poi recuperato e utilizzato come cimelio della memoria di quel “giorno dell’infamia” come fu definito all’epoca),California,Nevada e Pennsylvania. Fu un’umiliazione per gli Stati Uniti che in primis decisero di entrare in guerra,ma fu ancora più lapidario l’ammiraglio statunitense Halsey che in un discorso annunciò le intenzioni chiarissime degli Stati Uniti in particolare della Marina militare americana : “Non la faremo finita con loro,finché il giapponese non sarà parlato solo all’inferno” e sappiamo tutti come è andata a finire soprattutto dopo la morte di Roosevelt e la salita alla casa bianca del presidente Truman

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Jakie stany chcesz zwiedzić w usa?

Z takich, gdzie mnie nie było, to Kansas i Florydę, a także do Louisiany, Vermont i Karoliny Północnej, do rodziny :)
A wrócić chciałbym do każdego, w jakim byłem - Texas, mój drugi dom, Nowy Jork, Minnesota, Utah, California, Nevada, Arizona, Nowy Meksyk
A tak poza USA to do Kanady do kuzynostwa też by się przydało się wybrać. I w końcu odwiedzić dawno niewidzianą ekipę 😁

Und was passiert, wenn ich es leugne? Wartest du dann irgendwann vor meiner Haustür und attackierst mich? :D Oh, das klingt auch spannend, aber nachher wohnen wir 400 km voneinander entfernt. Das wäre ja auch doof für dich, oder?

Domeking97’s Profile PhotoCaptain Corsa
Ach, für eine angebrochene Flasche Arizona mache ich alles. ;D
Und wer weiss, du weisst immernoch nicht, ob ich nicht vielleicht doch ein alter Mann bin, vielleicht bin ich aber auch Bodybuilder.
Schön Sonnengebrannt und ein echter Mädchenschwarm.
Vielleicht bin ich aber auch der Prinz aus der Nachbarschaft, ein wahrer Gentlemen.
+5 answers in: “Was trinkst du eigentlich am liebsten/meisten? In meinem Haushalt existieren nur Sprudelwasser, Kakao und am Wochenende Zuckerzeug. Wie ist das bei dir?”

Introduce yourself with some simple answers to your followers/viewers that are new to your page. (Don't have to answer.) 1. Name & nickname. 2. Age(If you want) 3. A hobby of yours. 4. Fav. animal. 5. 2 fav foods. 6. Hot or cold? 7. 2 Fav conversation subjects 8. Element 9. Horoscope 10. Fav. Drink

1. Lily
2. Turning 26 next month!
3. Tarot reading
4. Panda 🐼
5. Sushi is my top favorite. I also love Korean food.
6. Hot. Fuck the cold lol
7. Astrology and music
8. Air
9. Aquarius
10. Arizona green tea

What did you want to be when you grew up.. when you were younger??

When I was younger, I wanted to be a weather woman....
I remember when my grandparents had the news on and I would stand right next to the tv and mimic the weather person on screen, lol. Reeeeallly would overexaggerate the weather we would be having..... especially considering, it's Arizona... and we don't get much of anything exciting, as is. xD lol. Just sun, sun... and more SUN! :P
Liked by: Tobbe nurulhuda Jigsaw

Hast du einen Minikühlschrank in deinem Schlafzimmer, damit du nachts nicht in die Küche laufen musst? Was ist drin bzw was sollte drin sein, wenn du einen hättest?

irgendjemand29’s Profile PhotoDragon Warrior
ne, lol. ich lebe nicht im hotel. einzig eine wasserflasche steht auf dem nachttisch, damit alte leute ihre tabletten nehmen können.
ich hätte in meinem nicht vorhandenen kühlschrank gerne ein egg and cress sandwich und ne flasche arizona eistee.

[C] Buenos días, ¿Qué tenéis pensado hacer hoy? Te invito a leer mi Ask 🔥 Att:

eliohernandez7’s Profile PhotoLα тємρєяαтυяα✔
@RemyCeron @PMM83 @AGUILAFAN_MX @DaajjaaniiRuizAlcala @User29034 @ANTIPERVERSION @EduardoVR @StalkerAnonimoa @Amorcupi @josekamarillo @JonathanOmarCarvajal @luifebet @serarolsfacundomatias0738 @jakesanchez6 @PinoRe @Dayazulcielo @DuenoDelCortijo
Exquicitas French fries!!.. una Jr. Jumbo Jack Cheeseburguer!!.. y un Arizona sabor a Mango!!💕💕💕.. les convidó a deleitar.. Gustan??
C Buenos días Qué tenéis pensado hacer hoy Te invito a leer mi Ask  Att

🤞Y de repente sabes que es hora de EMPEZAR algo extraordinario🌠 y confiar en la magia NUEVOS comienzos...💕🥀🌟 🌈Bendiciones para ti, ten un maravilloso inicio de semana 🌚 ¡Cuídate mucho, te mando un abrazo enorme!🙊😚 Te quiero, Dani🎀

Y de repente llega esa persona que te ayudó, que estuvo y se quedó
Te das cuenta que te enamoraste de el, que tus días son más felices a su lado ❤️
Que es mutuo y eso no se encuentra tan fácil🥺
Alguien que te escucha y escucha tus canciones, sabe tus flores favoritas, el sabor de Arizona que más te gusta, tu botana preferida y tus dulces favoritos ❤️🥰
Llega y decides darle una oportunidad, darte una oportunidad
Darse una oportunidad ❤️🥰
+2 answers Read more

How are you doing today....My name Peter Lopez I am 50 years of age, I'm from Phoenix Arizona i am widowed and i have one son. that e was only 13 years old, but now I'm in Syria for peace servicing....This is my email address(generallopez440@gmail.com)..And my WhatsApp number...(+15733755051)

Not today, Scammer, not today. 😑

Buon Pomeriggio 💐 L'altro ieri mio fratellino mi ha fatto uno scherzo, mi ha fatta avvicinare a lui mente aveva una bottiglia d'acqua aperta in mano, io senza pensarci mi sono avvicinata e me l'ha buttata tutta addosso, lo stavo per uccidere ahaha. Vi hanno mai fatto scherzi simili? 😝

sweerbaby01__’s Profile Photo_InMyHead_
Un mese fa mia sorella sostituì il tè Arizona al mango con il tè alla pesca del Lidl e appena l'ho bevuta si è messa a ridere e io in quel momento non capivo, poi mi ha detto quello che aveva fatto e le ho messo il broncio per tutta la giornata

why are u still traveling??? isn’t cali on lockdown still? that’s stupid of you to ignore it and leave

my job allows for me to travel, california is starting to open up and arizona is open, except for a few things that they won’t be opening up for awhile under guidelines. however, arizona is open for travel and i’m able to because of my job. if i felt it wasn’t safe i wouldn’t travel but i do believe that it is ok for me to travel for my job and wouldn’t do so if i didn’t see it necessary.

tagesfrage: wenn dich jemand nach deiner aktuellen »quarantine playlist« fragen würde, welche lieder wären dort auf jeden fall zu finden? und welche songs erhellen immer wieder deinen bad mood? 🔊

Royals_Tagesfragen_xoxo’s Profile Photoroyal ✿
Ufff.. also eine Playlist hab ich nicht. Dafür höre ich zu viele verschiedene Genres und Interpreten. Es reicht von Mero, KC Rebell über Twenty One Pilots, Linkin Park, Lil Peep, Post Malone zu Sub Urban, Avicii, The Chainsmokers usw. Also ganz viel und durcheinander. Das hier sind jetzt bloß ein paar der Lieder, die ich sonst so höre, aber die Liste ist wirklich sehr lang. Die Lieder, die meinen "Bad Mood" erhellen (xD), hab ich mit nem Herzchen markiert c:
✧ IC3PEAK - Смерти Больше Нет
✧ Zheani - Fear Is The Mind Killer
✧ Night Lovell - Still Cold / Pathway Private
✧ KILLY - No Sad No Bad
✧ Twenty One Pilots - Chlorine
♥✧ Sunrise Avenue - Hollywood Hills
✧ Jay Sean / Lil Wayne - Down
✧ Aries - SAYONARA
✧ Aries - RACECAR
✧ convolk - i f#cked up
♥✧ ONE OK ROCK - I Was King
♥✧ MGMT - Kids / Radio Mix
✧ Kurdo - Wellou
♥✧ blackbear - hot girl bummer
♥✧ Scissor Sisters - I Can´t Decide
✧ Sub Urban - KMS
✧ Sub Urban - Cradles
♥✧ Arizona Zervas - FML
✧ Trevor Daniel - Falling
♥✧ Waterparks - I Miss Having S3x But At Least I Don´t Wanna Die
♥✧ The Chainsmokers - Don´t Let Me Down (feat. Daya)
♥✧ metr, Jacob Tillberg - Rhythm Of The Night
✧ Jackie Chan MANDY Remix
♥✧ RetroVision, Dirty Palm - Switch That
✧ ...
Bei Fragen noch gern Fragen!~ ;D
Und wer bis hier unten gelesen hat und sich wirklich jedes Lied angehört hat schreibt #IchBinCoolWeilIchAllesAngehörtHabUndDeinMusikgeschmackIstSympathischManKannSichUnterhalten

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Liked by: royal ✿

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