
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Honestly though you are so perfect, your personality is amazing and you have a beautiful, hot body. No matter how hard you look you cannot find a flaw, although even if there was one, your perfections would hide it extremely well.

Wow... who is this?? xx

You are gorgeous you know that? Like seriously are you even human?

Thank you, I'm sure you can talk though x

I just re read that message about you being perfect and i am so sorry about all those spelling mistakes

Don't even worry, it was still sweet!

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I am glad that i was able to make your morning, you truly do deserve to feel good because i know that you always work to make other people feel better about themselves


How are you so perfect, like they say that nothing isnperfect but they abviously havent seen you

That was ridiculously lovely to wake up to :)

thoughts on the new kid at MMC?

As in Jack Davis? Is that who you mean? He's really lovely, seems incredibly down to earth and he's easy to talk to :)

You are actually so beautiful and perfect. Your every feature is designed perfectly and, put together, creates a masterpiece and makes you the pinnacle of beauty. And to top it off you are one of the few genuinely kind hearted and caring people in the world

thank you (: that's really sweet of you, you've made my morning
Liked by: Manny

Could you please post a picture of yourself in a bikini or bra if that is alright and you aren't uncomfortable doing so

there's enough photos of me in a bikini on my Instagram (: sorry haha

Top 5 guy best friends inside and outside of school in order -same for girl best friends too.

I won't do in order, I don't really have an order, I appreciate and value each person differently.
Boys: Dean, Jacob, Andrew, Nathanial, my little brother Zak
Girlies: Lauren, Teresa, Amy, Maddy, Elly, probably Sam too. Yes, I know that's more than five

What dies acquiesce even mean?

it means to accept reluctantly, or agree to something. If I was to acquiesce to your request I would be doing as you ask, if that makes sense :)

Omg how do u deal with so many asks about your relationships it's cray! Leave poor Hannah alone! She's a delicate powerful flower who must be protected at all costs!!

I love you so much, you have no idea xx
Liked by: Liv


Language: English