
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Wow your lame, you said honesty hour. your 0% fun..

I don't feel comfortable telling 'sexual attractions' because I have none! I'd say attractive but I don't feel that way inclined towards other men (:

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Why did you guys drift? You always seemed so close

We sort of stopped hanging out together for a variety of reasons and yeah, I'm not entirely sure why. Probably the same reason Skye and I or Maddy and I all drifted - we all change over the course of a year and that's not necessarily a bad thing (:

Top 5 blokes you have sexual attractions to in grade 10. Please dont be lame and be all like, "i have a boyfriends blah blah blah"

Marcellin is pretty hot tbh...

Since when did you and Connor become such good friends? I thought you and Sam were best friends?

Connor and I have been really close for most of the year, Sam and I drifted but I love her to bits

3 people you miss and wish you spoke to more?

Alex was a cool guy.
Girlies from cheer
Past best friends
and I'm adding a 4th... probably Dad

what would you prefer? blonde or brown tall or short skinny or curvy slut or frigid tan or white smart or average geeky or party-life nice and quite or loud and rude outgoing or shy

doesn't phase me as long as they're not ignorant, pig headed and hurtful

How did you: meet the group hang with now. meet your boyfriend. meet your best friend. Meet your friends from other grades. become the amazing person you are now?

- met my group in year 8 we were in similar classes and maintained a friendship
- Met Cam in maths and started talking and that led to dating
- Met Connor in year 8
- Met friends in other grades from cheer, athletics and netball (so basically sport)
-wishing I was someone worthy of that adjective describing me

You have the hottest bod girl and you have worked so hard for it so you deserve to show it off, so don't listen to any jealous anon bitch. You're perf girl!

thank you so much (: x

You would put the skank photo back up. Lol

you're a skank. Lol!
Why do you care about me and my choices? I have autonomy over myself, my body and my life - that does not require your opinion, input or criticism in any way, shape or form.

What scares you more than anything else?

As in suicidal people, that fact that they feel that way about life and themselves. It scares me more than anything.

how many people have seen you fully topless?

my doctor, a whole lot of people after jumping into a wave and losing it, my 2 year old cousin crawled into my changeroom, i don't know hoping no one else

What are the best holidays you have ever had in your life?

Vanuatu.. Hands down the most amazing ever! xx
I want to be 12 again


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