
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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Who would be in the list of the twelve most attractive guys at mmc according to your friends.

according to me or my friends?

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What’s the first thing you did when you woke up today?

Checked my phone, rolled over and told myself to go back to sleep
Liked by: Samuel

Hi,you have a Kik ?

yeshhh I do indeed. however, I'm not 13 and therefore will only add you if I know you!

oh great, how are you this fine morning young miss hannah?

Tired! I do apologise, I fell asleep... how are you this a.m?

fuark your stomach is so muscley, sexy af.

um thank you? It's full in that picture because I took it right after dinner. it looks different usually haha

What kind of music calms you down?

Depends on the mood... either really upbeat, really loud and energetic (like rock, not screamo), or acoustic stuff.

Hahah I go to your school hannah.. So other anon keep guessing.

I have absolutely no idea. Girl or guy?

Just say so now you've sucked faces with Callum in front of the whole school for god knows how long is it official?

it's my lifeeeee (song lyric)

plans for the weekend?

looking after my puppy (she got desexed), study, run, work all Sunday, more study before exams... hopefully a few hours driving and enjoying myself here and there too!

so that she didnt get mad if it was sent to her. she knows whats going on and i cant say she isnt hurt but she knows whats best and if callum wants to be a slut then up to him but you deserve to know whats happening,


enough to think that they would get back together, i now her other friends found him "getting it on" with another girl whilst telling her these things. i know what hes doing and i cant stand to watch another of my friends be destroyed by him. also i told maddy i was sending you this. ..


to be completely honest with you im a friend of maddys and yours i know that shes acting like a bitch to him admittidely but in her defence she knows what shes doing. she knoes what hes doing. she knows that he told her what a month and a half ago that he had feelings for her and she was stupid eno

please continue....!


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