
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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post your favourite photo of you body? besides the ones that every ones have seen on insta!

I dont have a favourite photo of that I dont like my body haha

to be honest i d't remember the last time we met. and i sent the one saying that i would love to give you back tickles, and that it would be weird and the one where you answered with you don't think you could guess-fantasy anon

I have no idea who you are I will guess, burning got no idea! we've met a few times? are you mark? please give me clues?

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i am a mate of alex's that's why it would be weird and other reasons also-fantasy anon

oh haha! when was the last time we met? and which other questions did you send

Can u say your whole erotic. Dream

I posted it last night like the mini dream inbox me if you want the full one haha I'm not writing it all out

fantasy anon.. we met each other once or twice and only because of your ex. so it could be a little weird

umm not harry? or jack? you're mates with Alex? hmm I don't think I can guess this

if i told you who i am it would probably be really weird between us

no it wouldnt trust me I'm friendly

i would love to give you back tickles. and fulfill your dream hannah. and that is said in the most respectful way possible. you are simple gorgeous and amazing

thank you anon (: who are you?

How would someone make u moan in your sexual dream thing

back tickles and it's not a sexual dream haha

"i wanna be on you" how vulgar. Romance is dead - the 17 year old

thank you I agree! I don't appreciate that persons comment

i asked my ex gf if she wanted to be fuck buddies like we were going to in the first place and i new as soon as it came out of my mouth i had done the wrong thing. now she wont talk to me. what should i do i still want to be good friends?

I would talk to her. tell her you respect her and that the way you conveyed your intentions wasn't respectful and doesnt demonstrate how you feel and you want to prove that you're not like that maybe

U really don't wanna answer the moaning one aye

well how do I explain it? what like ahh ooh softly type thing? happy?


oh that's not bad then haha I was thinking like 25 or something... so I'm flattered not creeped out. who are you mate?

g-strings are hot. You're hot. I'm a year older than you but you're hot. TOO hot to be 16.

ok then? how old are you I'm not sure whether to be flattered or creeped out?

put a picture up of your butt? (not like nude. Just like a side on picture of yourself)

probably not :)


Language: English