
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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What do you dream about?

I don't remember... probably being cuddled, that's probably what I dream of

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Did you get taken away in an ambulance at the post?

Yes. I don't care if I have a tarnished reputation as a result but let my experience be a lesson to responsibly consume alcohol and not go overboard quickly.

you looked absolutely beautiful yesterday! i didn't see you in person, but the photos i saw were perfection!

Thank you :)

Umm on a scale of 1 - 10 how much do you love me? Haha Jks. But you abandoned me today. I am scarred for sitting next to dj chills for that long.


do you ever walk around topless or naked at home?

pretty much whenever no-one else is home or awake... so a lot of the time

What does that mean, not part of it?

it means I don't feel the need to share my relationship, I've made that mistake before and involving the internet doesn't end well! I don't mean anything in a rude way, I just don't want to talk about my personal life online :)
Liked by: Liv

What was the best part of your day?

Phys ed was pretty fun and enthralling as usual, but I had some hilarious conversations with some mates and that was swell.
How about you anon?

What's been on your mind?

Life in general, my parents and their interesting decisions occasionally, school, relationships, friends, health, my piercings, work and Hawaii 50..q

Who is your favorite teacher?

Either Mr Luxton, Mrs Barry or Mrs Pennici would be my second favourite teacher... After Mr Dempster!

How often do you use your brain?

Clearly more often than you ask.fm judging by the lack of creativity prevalent throughout your questions...
Liked by: Reilly


Language: English