
Hannah Bethany™

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hey gorgeous girl, hope you are having an amazing day

I am not really actually, but I hope you are beautiful!

and are you waiting for a specific time to actually get serious with a relationship as well, e.g. 17-18-19-20<

noppee. I dont think what you do should be based around age. if you love someone and you feel you're ready, go for it!

So how far exactly would you go with the 'friend'? Should the time come.

scroll down! I said it depends haha depends who depends on lots of things! I know I'm boring.

So that means youd go all the way with 'Jack Castles' cause you guys are so close a friends? ooooooohhhhhhhhhh you go girlfriend!!!!!!!!!

No haha those mates are JUST mates haha nothing more aha. Nah like hot mates is a maybe haha x but not all the way

what base would you go to with just a mate

depends on the mate, depends on the relationship, depends on the mutual feelings. if there was respect, genuine care and no alcohol involved the idk inbox me and I'll tell you. I'm not a slut :)

information on where you plan to go in your life? Career? University?

somewhere far away. I want to be a doctor but if I dont get a high enough op to do medicine I'm going to become a paramedic and then a doctor hopefully... and maybe specialise in obstetrics, cardio or orthopedics... not sure yet :/ but it'd be cool to go overseas and work with kids and mothers in developing countries or work with girls with eating disorders

whats your favorite activity to do in your spare time?

sleep, run, do yoga, shop, netball or tumblr! or cook I like cooking for other people

who are the guys then and how close are you to them, if you have a crush on one just leave out the name and describe the situation as to why you dont ask them out?

I dont have a crush, I'm close to Connor, Anthony, jack, not so much Sheldon anymore. idk guys are just easier to talk to! girls are scary

Whos your fav, female friend to hang with at school?

Usually Sam, but also Teresa, Liv Caity, Lauren but I'm closer with some guys haha

well i reckon you should enter another comp just for fun and if when you win you will believe us and hopefully consider entering more

Nah I couldnt model haha my legs aren't long enough and my nose is thw wrong shape and I am so unphotogenic. But thank you beautiful, that means alot<3

What would your dream guy look like?

It shouldnt be all about looks, you have to be physically attracted to them and love the person they are at the same time. Thats what makes people compatible
but when I was in year 5 I wrote out what he would look likeand it hasn't changed haha: brown hair, tall, confident, funny, cuddly, fit, dedicated, happy, silly... And eyes you can get lost in, sitting there and feeling completely content not needing to say a word between you. And arms that dont let go.

have you ever thought of getting into modelling?

No haha I dont have a model look or body or anything haha when I was 10 or something I won a competition for modelling tho haha they were blind I reckon

what are your turn ons and off

turn ons: brown hair, nice eyes, big smiles, cheeky guys, fit, confident, silly, cuddles, neck kissing, tickling my back, surprise kisses mid sentence, cuddles when I'm angry
turn offs: guys with more male anatomg on their foreheads than at there genitals (dick heads), cocky assholes, pressures, being ignored, liars, if you touch my thighs

i doubt that you werent good enough, what did he say the reason was or did you break up with him?

His reasons


Language: English