
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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aw im glad i made your night :) but we hardly ever talk. Like sometimes we end up in the same conversation with other people but we never talk which sucks :( thats why i dont wanna tell you who i am, cause you might think im weird or something...

Aw :( Well you should change that then, I don't bite! And I'll never think you're weird trust me, I'm the epitome of weird as is

You dont get to know who it is. Just know that your gorgeous! :)

That's not fair! You've honestly made my night though <3

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Out of grade 9,10, 11 who would you date

I don't currently know anyone well enough to date I don't think and I don't want to screw up friednships but I'll say really tops guys in each grade
9 - Alex Russel
10 - Jhymon, Connor, Connor M, Jacob M
11 - Corey, Peter, Damon, Dane actually no probs not him

i have one thing to say :) greatest body ever, you sure work hard for it and it is well earnt

haha thanks lovely :) still working though

well then i won't tell you who so i don't mess that stuff up

I don't think there's anything between him and I so there's nothing you could mess up. and lovely telling me who you are wouldn't mess anything, it'd just change the dynamic between you and I

I don't know whether i truly like you, becuase of what could happen, but i would not play you or lead you on intentionally. But is there someone that you do like at the moment?

could happen? I don't know if I do like someone. because as wonderful as they are I don't want a repeat of being messed around or anything like that. but you sound like a really decent guy :)

ok maybe, who do you like though

I'm not entirely sure. I don't want to be played with or lead on so I don't know who yet.

umm i might inbox you, but i don't know whether i can truly trust you

talk to me at school tomorrow? or inbox me tomorrow night, (my Facebook isn't working). I'm not going to tell anyone.

I would go off anon but i'm afraid of rumours spreading

what rumours would spread lovely? tell me more about you haha

Oh my god it so hard to tell you cos you're younger and it would look weird but i really like you and don't want to go any further cos then people might think odd of it, but you'r so pretty, really nice, a great person in general

why would it be weird? if you're still at school there wouldn't be much age difference lovely. who are you? please come off anon I don't bite

too many guys these days go for the ones who they think are hot without thinking about personality

What's so good about my personality though?

Guys, shut up about her tits being 'exposed' cos they aren't and if you are legit sitting at home wanking over them, get a life you twisted child

^^^ Anon please read this. Thank you so much whoever you are lovely!


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