
Hannah Bethany™

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ummmmm well you have a great body, so you know, if you ever want to do 'it' there's options for you

define great haha? and thank you I think :) I'd rather cuddle though

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well it starts with a d, p, or c usually

I am unfamiliar with a device of such names. please tell me more!

its sorta like a treadmill, but instead you go up and down on it hehehe

oh like a seesaw?! fun! what do you call this magical device?!

Thoughts on callum ryan

funny, encouraging and supportive, really easy to get along with, really attractive, always gets amongst it!

It's what you'd do as soon as you get in bed and as it esculates it goes up the bases

Like this? Did I cover all the bases?
As i slowly tiptoe through the doorway, I pause. My hand hovers over the light switch as I turn my head, inspecting the house one last time before i turn out the light. My finger flicks the switch, the subtle noise startles me as the entire house is quiet. I proceed through, into my room. With each step I anticipate bed. Its warm, comforting, inviting feel drawing me closer. My slippers first; slowly and delicately I remove my feet from their wooly interior, the carpet now soft underfoot. Next step: My jumper gone. Lifted over my head and thrown onto the floor. Only mere advances from my bed side I stop still. My shorts, one leg at a time removed from my body and tossed in a head atop of my jumper, their shape now formless and obsolete. I lean towards the bedside lamp, tapping in once until it illuminates. the soft glow gives the room a calming sensation.
I continue. My hands read to the hem of my shirt and i pull it up, over my head, removing it from my body aswell before it becomes discarded amoung my other clothing. I stand there momentarily, the cool evening breeze from the open window blowing over my body as I reach under my pillow grabbing my nightdress. I slip it over my head and crawl into bed, relishing the quiet serenity encompassing the house. My hands find the lightbulb and it flick the switch again; descending the room into darkness.
My mind starts so wonder... all those thoughts that only come out when you're alone. I imagine them, big and round, everywhere. Their smooth exterior so inviting that I pick it up, not caring who's it is. I cup it in each had, my fingers running over the smooth texture. My breathing get's heavy in anticipation. I'm ready.
I take one mighty heave and pelt it, head on the the batsman who swings and connects his 12 inch bat woth the ball. He drops his bad, sprinting on light feet to the first base of the diamond. The fielding team struggle to pursue the ball, each man missing in as it flies past them. The batsman keeps running: he's passed second base now! (farthermost he's ever been before ;). He clears third base, his pursuers still in a mad dash for the ball.
As I watch on, he's done it! a home run! The crowd goals wild! My eyes flutter as my fantasy draws to a close. I fall asleep.

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Liked by: Samuel Sam Vivanti

Thoughts on finn whyte?

Nice guy! Reasonably quiet, funny, heaps of character, pulls the bitches like there's no tomorrow ;) but genuinely a great guy!

What would you say if i told you i had a crush on you but am worried you've friend-zoned me?

Well, I would suggest you inbox me :) I don't recall friendzoning anyone haha? Who are you lovely?


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