
Hannah Bethany™

Ask @hannahbethany97

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What would happen if I was a 5-inch tall boy made of chocolate and you found me walking on a table?

I would probably wrap you up and regift you to someone who enjoys cacoa confectionary

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Rate your dancing skills from 1 (worst) to 10 (best)

My dancing skills range from white dad at a barbeque to stripper who's rent is due the next day

Where is the scarcest place you have ever traveled to?

Tbh I don't think that word is recognized in the English language....

How come you were cuffed?

Just at a party a few times, I'm an easy target so I get handcuffed to numerous objects and furniture haha. No sexual connotations if that's what you're inferring

Okay !! Well I'm getting A's now and I'm in grade 10! I'm kinda scared for next year ! What topics do you cover in Chem?

First term was all about the chemistry of water, which was interesting and relatively easy! But Stoichiochemistry, is difficult. Once you understand it, it's simple. But to conceptually grasp it, you need to work hard :)
Now we're doing chemistry of gases... And that's interesting and basic maths pretty much

Did you do the intro subject to chem last year ?? In grade 10?

I did. I went from straight As in that without working for it and so I slacked off this year in Chem, which I shouldn't of done.
Senior subjects you need to actually try and apply yourself for the results you want

what are your plans for freedom?

oh holidays? Lots of drugs, maybe move to Switzerland and start a drug cartel.
Nah, work, beach, chills, coast getaways and spending minimal time being bored! You?

So I should be scared doing chemistry next year :(

Nope, as long as you study, ask questions and don't leave everything last minute, you'll do great!

Is chemistry hard in grade 11

Last semester's topic made me feel compelled to play darts with a unicorn and crawl under a rock to never return... It sucked.
This semester is ok. I like it, plus it's a pre-rec for the uni courses I want


Oh, you have no idea. Sometimes I go on Disney.com without permission too. Or turn the volume on my phone above 'recommended listening level'

who's your biggest influence in life?

Mum. I am proud of her, from a daughterly perspective, but at the same time a disagree with majority of her decisions and that drives me to achieve different accomplishments than she did/ does.
Also, it's motivating been told no.... I like to prove her wrong....


Language: English